From Prisoner to Si Chen

Chapter 62 Moon Burning 4

The remaining two people had arrived in front of Ji Lan and dropped their swords.

The blood and stench emanating from their bodies assaulted their nostrils, and the rusty knives in their hands were stained with blood, reflecting the light of the torches, which was horrifying.

Gillan was fearless.

He took a step forward, held his right hand empty, and waved it towards the guy on the left.

During this process, Caiguang twisted, and an ax suddenly appeared in his hand. The sharp ax blade cut off the opponent's forearm with a click!

The man's severed hand holding the saw fell to the ground. Jilan turned sideways to avoid the other man's attack. Holding the ax in both hands, he slashed horizontally with a ferocious face, and immediately chopped off the head of the person in front of him!

Poof! !

Thin lines of blood spurted out from its broken neck, and the huge wolf head rolled to the ground. The head of a short-haired man slipped out of his hood, his eyes wide open and his expression distorted.

"Haha!" Jilan opened her mouth, showing her white teeth.

The strong muscles on his arms tensed up, and he swung the demon-hunting ax vertically across a semicircle, landing straight on the collarbone of another enemy.

Crack! !

With Jilan's brute force, this ax penetrated deeply into the opponent's chest!

The cult member screamed and was forced to his knees.

Jilan grabbed the handle of the ax with one hand, raised his right leg, and immediately kicked it out like a cannonball.

Hearing a scream that broke through the air, this "Bone Crushing Kick" smashed the opponent's head to pieces on the spot, and the cervical vertebrae were torn off. The broken head was hanging down, and the body fell down weakly.

"They're all damn guys..."

The ax in Gilan's hand was wrapped in colored light and disappeared without a trace. He took out a handkerchief he had prepared in advance from his windbreaker pocket, wiped the blood on his cheeks, and murmured.

Looking at the broken limbs and broken arms piled up near the stone sculptures in front of him, he knew that the tragic victims were all local villagers, and he couldn't help but shake his head.

Immediately, Gilan corrupted the dead members of the cult one by one. Some of the members who were not dead would be kicked to pieces in the neck to complete the last hit, and then corrupt them again.

After doing this, the color number in the corner of his sight changed from "15" to "23".

‘Okay, all the guys blocking the road are dead, you can continue walking in. ’

He thought to himself and turned back.

Not long after, Gillan returned to the Stone and Wood Bungalow and informed Dr. Brennan and Miss Marvel of the situation.

When the two of them followed Jilan back to the Stone Sculpture Square, they were quite surprised to find that the previous members of the "Heavenly Evil Cult" were gone.

"I was observing in secret just now. In the middle of the ceremony, those guys were suddenly attracted by some movement, and then they left together."

Gillan explained calmly.

Maiev glanced at the stone carvings that were stained dark red with blood, but she secretly thought that it was a lie.

As her family is a member of the "Heavenly Evil Cult", Maiev is naturally familiar with part of the process of the living sacrifice ceremony. No matter how big something happens, it's impossible to interrupt the ceremony... unless someone kills them all.

Maiev quietly glanced at the blond young man, but did not expose the other person's lie. She only felt extremely comforted and a strong sense of security in her heart.

"Then let's move on." Dr. Brennan pointed directly ahead and said. "According to the map, further inside is the village chief's residence, not far from the exit."

Immediately afterwards, the three of them continued walking.

After passing through the bloody stone square and walking forward for about five minutes, they suddenly found a single and conspicuous two-story wooden house on the roadside.

The house has a triangular pitched roof structure, and several windows on the second floor are closed, making it dark inside when viewed from the outside.

There is also a simple rain shelter at the entrance of the gate, but there is a black goat tied to the wooden pillar of the rain shelter.

The black goat lowered its head and chewed grass, paying no attention to them at all.

"This should be the village chief's home in the village of Oldrav." Doctor Brennan compared the map. After several confirmations, he turned to Maiev and Gillan. "Would you like to go in and take a look?"

"Well, let's do a little exploration. Maybe we can find something." Gillan suggested. "Doctor Brennan, please help guard the door. Miss Marvel and I will go in and take a look."

"Okay." The doctor nodded in agreement.

Gilan pushed open the door with the girl in white dress and walked into the dim wooden house.

There was nothing unusual about the living room on the first floor. They were all normal wooden furniture and furnishings. However, Gillan soon discovered dense writings in blood on the wall of the passage leading to the bedroom.

Those crooked bloody words have long since dried up and turned black, as if they were temporarily written by someone with their fingers dipped in blood:

"John, as the village chief, the villagers respect and love you, but none of them know that you are actually a coward, a waste, and a useless weakling."

"I have fallen in love with Mr. Mick. I prefer to spend all night with him. Oh, he is very strong, much stronger than you. He can make me feel the ultimate happiness."

"I will give birth to a child for him, a holy child, but it will not be your child, hahahaha! Hahahahahaha!!"

Ji Lan frowned and looked at the bloody words on the wooden partition wall, and roughly judged that the person who wrote these words was probably the village chief's wife. She seemed to have an affair with another man.

At the same time, there may be serious problems with her mental state.

"This village chief's wife is probably a believer of 'Fan Mu', and may have been contaminated by mysterious power and miasma..."

At this time, Miss Maiwei on the side whispered to Gillan.

"Yeah." Jilan nodded and walked upstairs. "Let's go up and have a look."

Maiev followed him, and the two climbed up the wooden steps to the second floor.

Above is the village chief's study and the couple's shared master bedroom.

The two entered the master bedroom first, which was full of dust. The bookcase and bed were covered with thick dust, and they could leave clear footprints when they stepped on the floor.

The two explored for a while, and Gillan found a diary in the bedside table drawer.

It seemed to be written by the village chief's wife.

The content inside was normal at first, recording trivial things in daily life, but later on it changed:

"...Late night is the happiest time, I can't wait!"

"After John fell asleep, I secretly applied the ointment given to me by Mr. Mick. I felt like my soul was floating out of my body. I didn't want to wear unnecessary and obstructive clothes anymore, so I was naked, wandering, and dancing. , running towards the dense forest outside the village."

"In the darkness, there is a warm bonfire, a group of honest girls waiting for me, and my favorite Mr. Mick. He is sitting among the girls. He is majestic, strong and irresistible. I love him so much. Hopeless."

"We caroused there all night, drinking, eating meat, dancing, singing, trampling on the cross together, peeing and spitting on the cross, and lingering with Mr. Mick together."

"I'm going crazy, but this is the life I want!"


Gilan closed the diary, because the following contents were very different from these. They were all records of the village chief's wife applying ointment in the middle of the night and going to the dense forest to participate in the so-called "carnival meeting."

But in his opinion, it is full of absurdity, chaos and obscenity.

"This is the 'Witch Club'."

At this time, Maiev, who had been standing next to Gilan for a long time, blushed and said.

Gilan glanced at her, who explained hesitantly:

"Similar to the 'Heavenly Evil Cult', believers who believe in the 'Fan Mother' have secretly established a sect called the 'Golden Bough of Dawn'. They often use the power of the devil to bewitch mortals, and then let a high-status male The congregants act as hosts and get together late at night to have fun in order to please 'Fan Mu'."

Maiev seemed to know a lot and said:

"The 'ointment' in the diary should have anesthetic and hallucinogenic effects, and may even contain strong mysterious power and miasma. After being applied, the human body will be invaded and destroyed in a very short period of time."

"They are all cults that believe in the old gods." Jilan nodded thoughtfully.

At this time, Maiev handed over another book and said that she found it on the bookcase.

Gillan took it and found that the cover of the book read "A Guide to Medieval Court Dishes."

He looked confused, but Maiev just motioned for him to read it.

Gillan was silent and opened the book.

Soon, he raised his eyebrows.

The content of this book has nothing to do with so-called cooking. It actually tells the story of an affair between a palace chef and a maid. It is even described in an extremely detailed and explicit manner. No, explicit is not an adequate description.

At least, Gillan had never seen such a vulgar book in his previous life.

It opened his eyes.

"The books above are all like this."

Maiev pointed to the small bookcase on the side of the master bedroom.

Gillan glanced at the bookcase. The spines of the books were labeled "Gardening Manual," "Cabbage Fertilizing Tips," "Guide to Care of Long-Handed Farm Tools," and "Travel Notes of Mr. Knight A."

Since Maiev said so, then these books probably have nothing to do with their titles.

"Let's go, there's nothing to see here."

Jilan threw the diary and cooking book on the bed, turned around and left the master bedroom.

Maiev lowered her head and followed behind, and together they entered the study again.

As soon as Gilan entered, he found a document on the village chief's desk. He picked it up and saw that it was actually a file of personal information... There was also a black and white photo in the upper right corner of a bearded man.

"The hired man, the exorcist 'Orlando Pitt', will arrive in two days."

Ji Lan looked at the handwriting on the document and his eyes narrowed.

Because the man in the photo was the ax man who was kicked to death by him!

‘Sure enough, it’s him...even the exorcist is trapped in this village. Is he affected by the mysterious power and miasma and turned into a monster? ’

Jilan secretly thought.

Putting down the document, he began to rummage on the desk and bookcase again.

Gillan never forgot his purpose in entering the film "Moonlight Village", which was to find everything to arm himself.

Only by being strong enough can you live well in reality.


At this time, he had just tiptoed over a dictionary tome in the top corner of the bookcase when a palm-sized red hard-cover handbook fell down and fell to his feet.

Ji Lan bent down to pick it up, and instantly froze.

In his sight, colorful and slanted writing appeared above the red book:

""Secret Book of the Branding Iron". An esoteric book handed down from the ancient organization 'The Spiritual Society'. It records the secret method of tempering gnosis, an ancient psychic ritual and how to embark on the 'Path of the Fire Sword' 'Secret Notes."

"According to legend, this book was written by 'Sade Balbina', a member of the 'Spiritual Society', a great scholar, a spiritualist, and a great magician."

Thanks to "Hu Ermu" for the 500 point reward!

Thanks to "Fantasy Epic" for the 100-point reward!

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