From Prisoner to Si Chen

Chapter 63 Moon Burning Five

‘Secrets of the Branding Iron? ! ’

Gillan's eyes widened.

‘It comes from the ancient and mysterious “Spiritual Society” that Maiev said! ’

Although he had never heard of the name "Sade Balbina", the long list of names given in the colorful text undoubtedly told him that the author was an incredible and powerful character.

The works written by her are certainly not simple!

His heart suddenly burst out with intense joy.

Isn't this exactly what he wants from his heart, the mysterious knowledge!

His fingers slid over the red book cover, as if touching his lover's skin. The unique leather texture made Gillan's heart beat uncontrollably faster.

He couldn't wait to open the red leather note.

What catches the eye is a gorgeous and elegant handwritten cursive script on the title page. The black ink seems to have gone through a long time, and has a dark ancient luster that has not faded to this day:

"To readers, this is a channeling ritual I wrote on a whim. It can also be regarded as a summary and record of four years of research on 'real dreams'. In addition, I also annotated some mistakes I made when I was young. Be sure to Don’t offend during the ceremony..."

"The 'Kingdom' exists outside the wall of dreams, and every scholar who studies mystical arts should know one truth, that is, dreams have no walls."

"Anyone can gain enlightenment from dreams, thereby completing their own purification, climbing upward, and getting closer to God."

"And dreams are also the door to the 'Road of the Fire Sword'."

"Only those who embark on the 'Path of Fire Sword' can make the ritual effective. Otherwise, the taboo will be violated and the ritual will be 'countercurrent'. By then it will be too late to regret."

"So before that, you need to make sure that your gnosis is high enough, otherwise you will not be able to take the first step of the 'Path of the Fire Sword', nor will you be able to see the full picture of the ceremony."

"To this end, I have specially appended a secret method for tempering gnosis. It comes from another friend of mine in the 'Psychic Society', Mr. Aldine Higgins. He is a 'Theosophical Scepter' path The 'long time' person, knowledgeable and friendly, I would like to express my gratitude to him."


Jilan's eyes flashed with a desire for discovery, and her fingers continued to turn the pages of the handbook.

But he soon frowned.

Because most of the content in the first half of the note was written in dense handwriting on the paper, but what I saw was blurry, as if there was an invisible layer of mist blocking it, making the handwriting distorted and uncertain.

‘The author said in the message on the title page that I cannot see these contents because my gnosis is not high enough? ’

Gilan thought to himself, feeling disappointed.

'However, she said that she appended a secret method to the handwritten note, which can refine the gnosis. This is good news! ’

Jilan quickly turned the handbook to the end, where he found a secret method called "Iron Thorn Meditation Method" recorded there, and the handwriting was clearly visible.

Its content is as follows:

"What is 'gnosis'? It is the perception of the soul."

"Another friend of mine, Mr. Pala Celsus, once discussed this topic with me humorously. He said that human imagination is the vision of the soul. What is invisible to the naked eye, imagination Being able to get a glimpse of it...I think that might be another interpretation as well.”

"Speaking of 'Gnosis', it is an indispensable qualification and talent for every scholar who studies mystical arts. Only with enough Gnosis can one peep into more mysteries, and thus be able to explore the 'Road of the Fire Sword' Go further.”

This meditation method also mentions that intense pain will occur during the practice. If you don’t have tenacious perseverance, I advise you not to try it.

And even if beginners strictly follow the requirements, it will take at least half a month to a month to achieve certain results.

The tempering of gnosis pays attention to step by step and is a process of slow improvement.

The "Iron Thorn Meditation Method" is relatively quick. If it is a meditation method from other schools, it may take even longer... months or even years are not uncommon.

'This is completely different from what Mr. Stork said. He said that gnosis is innate and cannot be developed...'

Gillan thought.

'It seems that Mr. Stork is limited by his knowledge. After all, the water in "Black Lake" has the effect of improving gnosis. Even he was surprised by this. ’

Jilan did not rush to start practicing meditation. Instead, he closed the red leather handkerchief, wrapped it directly in colored light, and stored it in the dimensional space.

"Did you find anything, Mr. Gillan?"

The girl Maiev on the side asked curiously.

She could not see the "dazzling" colored light, and had no reaction to the red book that suddenly disappeared from Gilan's hand.

"No." Gilan shook his head, turned and left. "Let's get out of here without wasting any more time."

Maiev agreed and followed him obediently.

But when the two of them just returned to the first floor, they suddenly heard a scream coming from outside the house, and Maiev's expression changed slightly.

Because the scream sounded like Dr. Brennan's voice.

"Let's go!" Jilan shouted.

They rushed out of the door quickly, and were stunned at the door again.

Dr. Brennan fell to the ground with his head missing.

Blood was spread all over the floor.

The black goat broke free of the rope at some point and turned into a two-meter-tall goat-headed monster. It was riding on the doctor's headless body, holding its legs with one hand and pressing the body with the other.

It was also chewing the doctor's head in its mouth.

There was a nameplate hanging under his neck. I hadn't noticed it before, but there was a name written on it, "Mick."

"Ah!!" Maiev screamed in horror.

Gillan's pupils shrank sharply. He did not expect that the black goat would be a monster. After killing Dr. Brennan, he would actually eat and play with his body.

This scene was so eerie that it made Gillan feel creepy.

'Mick...yes, it is the object of the village chief's wife's affair, the host of the "Witch Club", Mr. Mick! ’

Thoughts flashed through Gillan's mind.

At the same time, I felt a strong sense of oppression from the black goat.

The degree of oppression is far greater than that of the tainted Exorcist Orlando.


Gilan grabbed Maiev's wrist, pulled her with weak legs, and ran towards the village exit in front of the wooden house.

However, the two of them were already being stared at by the Black Goat.

Its pair of dark yellow horizontal pupils stared coldly and ruthlessly at the two fleeing people.

Suddenly, the black goat threw away the doctor's body and stood up.

He stood in a weird posture, his legs were bent, and his disgusting and hideous work was exposed, and he rushed towards the two of Gilan at a terrifying speed.

‘Are you quitting the movie? ’

Jilan turned around sharply, looked at the black goat that was chasing after him, and asked himself.

‘You will encounter this guy again next time. You can’t avoid it. Let’s test its strength first. ’

Thoughts flashed through.

"Run first, don't look back."

Jilan gave a brief instruction to Maiev, then let go of her hand, then turned around and ran towards the black goat.

"Mr. Gillan?!" Maiev stumbled forward due to inertia. Her face turned pale and she couldn't help but exclaimed.

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