From Prisoner to Si Chen

Chapter 67 Possession

The night breeze was slightly cold, sneaking into the collar and cuffs of his clothes.

Jilan, whose shirt was already soaked with sweat, felt even colder.

Under the moonlight, the street lights on both sides of the street were dim, and the Davidia dove trees used for landscaping were whistling. A group of two night patrolmen chatted and strolled along the street with their flashlights on.

Click, click, click...

Ji Lan walked through the alley with the hat on her head, and her leather shoes made a crisp sound when stepping on the stagnant water.

'The mysterious connection has not disappeared, it is even getting stronger. ’

He didn't look back, he knew the answer just by relying on his gnosis:

'The guy was following me closely and getting closer. ’

Ji Lan secretly thought, walking faster.


At the end of the dead end, a three-meter-high red brick wall blocked the way. He jumped up, like a cat, kicked on the wall, quickly climbed over, and landed on an empty and deserted lawn.

He didn't run anymore, but took a few steps forward and stood on the lawn waiting quietly.

Looking around, this is already the northeast corner of Haust's second block. On the other side of the lawn is the fourth block. A ten-meter-wide cement road crosses the middle, leading to other blocks from both sides.

Right now, there is no one everywhere, only the moonlight and the chirping of cicadas.

While observing, Gilan took off the blue tie at the stand-up collar and wrapped it tightly around his right hand to form a simple hand tie.

Not long after.

On another red brick wall dozens of meters away from him, a figure suddenly jumped up. After the other person easily climbed over, he walked straight towards him.

Finally, it stopped seven or eight meters away from him.

"Found it..." The young man wearing a beret grinned, but he made an old hoarse voice, which looked extremely strange.

Jilan's eyes narrowed.

He noticed that the strange man who was following him had no pupils, and his pale eyes stared straight at him, revealing undisguised malice.

Ji Lan frowned and was about to ask, but the other party had already moved.

The speed is quite fast!

With a whoosh, the young man leaned over and rushed over.

The beret on his head fell behind him. Before it fell to the ground, his right arm was suddenly thrown in front of Gilan.


The palm of his hand cut across the surface, but Jilan had already taken a step back, narrowly avoiding the attack.

His face was expressionless, and he threw out a blue fist with his backhand.

Bang! !

The opponent reacted very quickly and put his elbows together to block. The strong impact made him stagger and he was about to fall down.

But Jilan saw that this man stopped in mid-air at a 45-degree angle as if he was defying gravity, and then stood up straight again.

At the same time, the young man's expression became distorted, and his white eyes became even more malicious.

He chuckled hoarsely, twisted his arms as if they were boneless, and whipped towards Gilan!

‘You can’t use a gun as it will alert the patrol officers. ’

Ji Lan's thoughts flashed across his mind, and his eyes became fierce.


The opponent's two arms took turns, and Gillan twisted to dodge and took two steps back again.


As soon as he stepped on the third step, he didn't hide anymore, but charged forward.

His body was dexterous and flexible, and he penetrated through the gap between the opponent's arms and advanced within one meter. He raised his left hand slightly and swung his right fist sideways, hitting the pale face like a hammer.

Bang! !

The young man tilted his head, and blood and broken teeth spurted out.

With a cold face, Jilan raised his left hand slightly in advance and pushed the opponent's head back down. He suddenly raised his right leg and hit his face again with a knee.

Bang! !

With the sound of bones breaking, the man's head fell back.

A pair of white eyes widened on his face, with a trace of doubt flashing across his face.

The next second, Gillan took action again.

He opened his bow left and right, and hit his head and throat with heavy fists continuously, making a bang-bang sound.

Two breaths, seven punches total.

With blood dripping, the young man fell heavily on the lawn.


Gillan loosened the blue tie on his right hand and shook it hard, causing blood to splash out.

"Whoever wants to harm me will die."

He looked down at the corpse on the ground indifferently and said.

It's obvious that this young man is a little weird, but judging from the way the other party started to act when they met, I'm afraid they can't ask anything, so it's better to solve it neatly.

Gilan wrung out the blood stains on his tie and was about to turn around and leave.

But at this moment, the young man's body stood up straight against gravity again, with its twisted and deformed head raised, and a hoarse and strange voice with different pitches came from its mouth:

"Human, you are good. Are you interested in signing a contract with me? I can give you stronger power."

Gillan glanced at the other party.

If an ordinary person suffered such injuries, he would probably be dead long ago, but this person could still stand up and talk as if nothing had happened, which was obviously very human.

But this was not the first time he had been exposed to such supernatural events. He had encountered unkillable monsters many times in the movie world, so he was not surprised.

Instead, Guillen took a slight interest in the man.

"Oh? So, you are not a human being." He said calmly. "What is that?"

"It's not important..." The man shrugged his head and heard a hoarse voice. "The important thing is that I can make you stronger, and you only need to pay a small price."

Ji Lan raised his eyebrows.

"Get stronger?" he said coldly. "You can't even defeat me, yet you dare to say give me strength."

"Ho ho ho ho..."

The young man made a scary laugh, seeming to be amused by Gilan's words.

"Arrogant, ignorant and arrogant human beings, this is just a body that I temporarily reside in. It is extremely weak and cannot exert my power at all."

"If I take action myself, squeezing you to death would be like squeezing an ant to death."

Hearing this, some conjectures flashed through Jilan's mind:

‘Is this guy an evil spirit? demon? Or something else...'

He deliberately moved and asked again:

"Okay, then what's the price you mentioned?"

"Sign a contract and offer your soul. I can guarantee that your strength will be qualitatively improved... Even the so-called 'master' among humans can't do anything to you."

"Even..." The young man took the twisted head with both hands and raised it suddenly, making a clicking sound. On his tattered face, a pair of white eyes oozing blood stared at him. "With my power, you can easily kill those 'masters'!"

Ji Lan looked startled.

Then he sighed in disappointment:

"That's it?"

He has now obtained the "Secret Record of the Branding Iron". As long as he practices the meditation method step by step, sooner or later he will be able to embark on the "Road of the Fire Sword" and master the mysterious power.

Not to mention, he also has the "White Cross Body Training Technique", which is only in its second stage and is comparable to a heraldry-level fighter. "Master" is not far away for him.

"Human, what else are you dissatisfied with?"

When the young man heard Gilan's sigh, he seemed to be humiliated, opened his torn mouth, and said coldly.

"My servant Leighton Lewis paid a lot of money to be qualified to sign the contract. I have relaxed the conditions for you."

‘It turned out to be the Lewis family. ’ Jilan sneered secretly.

He looked at the other person.

"With this little bargaining chip, you just want to trick me into selling my soul."

Ji Lan suddenly took a step forward, with a ferocious expression on his face, and shouted:

"I hate it the most when people lie to me. No matter if you are a human or a ghost, just die!"

Immediately, he raised his leg and kicked the young man in the chest.

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