From Prisoner to Si Chen

Chapter 68 Demon Hunting

Bang! !

Gas explosions and loud noises go together.

The young man's body flew backwards, his chest shattered and exploded, and he fell heavily onto the lawn a few meters away.

Blood, bones, and viscera fragments were scattered all over the floor.

This man seemed vulnerable, but Jilan knew in his heart that the opponent was actually not weak, and he could fight even against a heraldry-level fighter.

Except for being slightly weaker, he is simply a replica of "Axe Man".

But facing Gillan, it was still not enough.

'Since it transcends the human category, "beautiful" must also be able to corrupt it...' Gilan thought to himself, and walked forward expressionlessly.

But the broken corpse on the lawn actually bounced upright again!

The pieces of meat scattered around squirmed on their own, and then gathered back into the body consciously!

His immortality is even better than that of Ax Man!

The young man's smashed head was also restored, but it looked like an abstract painting, with eyes, nose, and mouth pieced together, not in their original positions at all.

"Human... you gave up a rare opportunity."

On that twisted and horrifying face, the crooked and cracked mouth opened and closed, making inhuman sounds.

"And you will also be punished by me."

Woo! !

After that, the man kicked his legs, twisted and spun twice in mid-air, and kicked in a posture that violated the human body structure.

A sharp sound broke through the air, and Gilan finally showed a solemn expression.

This blow has exceeded the damage caused by the prison uniform monster or the ax man.

Jilan raised his left hand, the colorful light twisted, and the triangular shield was blocked in front of him.

Boom! !

The strong and thick iron shield blocked the kick. At the same time, the young man's entire right leg was broken in reverse and the bones were exposed.

It was obvious that his weak body could not bear such a high-intensity battle.


But Jilan still took a few steps back, his arm holding the shield went numb, and his mouth hurt.

He raised his eyes and saw the young man with a broken leg hunched over, with both hands and one foot on the ground, crawling towards him like a deformed spider.

A creepy smile appeared on the twisted face of the head hanging upside down.


This person jumped towards Gilan in a weird posture.

Jilan's eyes were fierce, and an ax suddenly appeared in his right hand, and he struck out suddenly.

A second before the opponent's hands touched his, the blade of the demon hunting ax chopped off the opponent's head unexpectedly!

Click! !

The headless body fell down according to the inertia, and the pieced-together head rolled down. The distorted face showed pain, and the torn mouth screamed hysterically:

"Ahhh! Ahhhhhh!!"

Jilan knew in his heart that the demon-hunting ax had played a role in restraining the evil being. The unidentified monster in front of him had been severely injured by him.

"Damn 'Consecration'! Damn 'Dawn'!!"

The head roars.

Bang! !

The pieced-together head suddenly exploded and turned into a handful of blood mist.

The screams stopped abruptly.

"Human, I remember you."

A message was delivered to Ji Lan's mind so suddenly.

There was silence all around.

Ji Lan frowned and stood there.

In front of him was the headless body of the young man. As for the unknown existence, he had disappeared.

'What on earth is that guy...'

He had doubts in his mind.

After thinking for a moment, Gillan was sure that the Lewis family must have a mysterious power, and the person in charge, Leighton Lewis, was the servant of that unknown existence.

The Lewis family still did not give up searching for his whereabouts. Fortunately, he sensed it in advance and took the initiative to leave the Jishe Apartment, without exposing his hiding place for the time being.

‘But hiding like this is not an option. ’

Gillan took a deep breath.

Tonight's events once again reminded him that this strange world is full of mysteries and full of dangers. Only if you are strong enough can you live well.

In this way, he would have the opportunity to enjoy this wonderful new life.

‘I need mystery points, and I also need to read “Secret Book of the Iron” as soon as possible! ’

Ji Lan secretly thought.

He put away the demon-hunting ax, stepped forward, bent down and tried to touch the young man's headless corpse, but the colored light did not appear.

When Jilan saw this, he felt a little regretful, but he didn't stop, turned around and left quickly.




In the second block of Haust, in a rental apartment.

In the living room, the white-haired old man Leighton was sitting on the sofa waiting, with the eight men standing behind him.

"Mr. Layton, Giancarlo has been gone for half an hour..."

One of the strong men looked at the clock on the wall and said hesitantly.

The old nobleman didn't even raise his eyelids, he just said calmly:

"There's no rush. Lord Iris is possessed. It's only a matter of time before we find that boy. Wait patiently. We'll need to force you to find out the whereabouts of the film in his hand later."

"Don't worry, Mr. Layton." Another tall and thin man smiled. "This is what we're good at."

Several people looked at each other, eager to try.

But at this moment, Layton, who was sitting on the sofa, suddenly changed his expression.

He tilted his head as if listening to something.

Immediately, he suddenly showed a frightened expression.

"Master! I didn't frame you! Please don't-ah!!"

Layton screamed.

Everyone behind him was shocked.

They saw Mr. Leighton rolling to the ground, clutching his right eye and blood flowing from his fingers.

The brand on the back of his right hand also oozed blood.

Astonishingly, he was punished by Lord Elis!

After the initial shock, everyone quickly came to their senses and hurriedly rushed forward, helping Mr. Layton to sit back on the sofa.

"Quick! Go find a doctor!" someone shouted.

So, the tall and thin man rushed out of the apartment without stopping and went straight to a nearby clinic.

The others found the medicine box and took out gauze to stop the old man's bleeding.

After the chaos subsides.

Layton regained his breath and leaned on the sofa in silence.

No one dared to ask questions for fear of arousing the old man's anger.

In the dead silence, Layton thought of what his master had just said to him, and felt unbelievable... That boy actually defeated the possessed body of his master head-on, and judging from his furious attitude, it seemed that he was even injured!

The mysterious and powerful Lord Elis is actually injured!

Layton was shocked and angry.

He gave up two months of his life and got nothing in return... all he got was punishment from his master, for which he also lost an eye.

"Damn it!" the old man cursed angrily, his face ashen.

He stood up suddenly and left the apartment without looking back.

Back home again.

When the old housekeeper saw his miserable appearance, he couldn't help but exclaimed in surprise and ran over with a changed expression. Several maids immediately started to scramble.

The three children, Beatty, Kane and Cecil, were panicked.

Leiton pushed a few people away arrogantly and was about to go upstairs to his room to think about countermeasures.

Pa, the eldest son of the Lewis family, hurried into the apartment at this moment. He seemed not to notice his father's strange behavior and said anxiously:

"Father, there is bad news... the new boss Kaba who was just promoted by the Oak Gang is dead, and many people have died! The entire Oak Gang is basically paralyzed!"

"What's going on?!" Layton turned around and shouted angrily.

His already bad mood became even worse after hearing the bad news.

It's terrible!

The wound on the eye began to bleed crazily, and the severe pain made Layton's brain almost explode.

The eldest son Pa was frightened for a moment when he saw his father's face after he turned around.

"What's going on! Tell me!" Layton didn't care about the blood on his face and was furious.

The eldest son Pa was agitated and said tremblingly:

"I heard that a deformed monster crawled out of the 'wealth well' inside the gang station. It seemed to be the transformation of a missing gang member. It killed many people... and a plague began to spread in the poor areas! Now there is chaos !”

Upon hearing the news, Layton couldn't breathe.

His vision went dark, and he fell straight down amidst everyone's screams.

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