From Prisoner to Si Chen

Chapter 70 Nursing

In the afternoon.

Everyone in the recording meeting entered the utility room and prepared to watch the movie.

The storks, sparrows, seagulls and oystercatchers checked their belongings and sat on the sofa. Gillan walked to the projector and placed the real film of "Yuezhuo Village # 1" on it.

After plugging in a brand new mercury battery that Mr. Stork had prepared in advance, he raised his hand and flipped the switch.


The shuttle rotates, and the light box emits light and casts it on the curtain.

Gillan turned off the light in the utility room, walked to the corner of the room, and sat on the chair belonging to Old Jerry.

He did not participate in the viewing this time, but served as an on-site caregiver.

First of all, Gillan is already quite familiar with the film and doesn't want to waste time exploring it again. He only planned to watch it by himself, which would make it easier to hunt monsters and collect mysterious points.

Secondly, he wanted to give it a try.

This attempt stemmed from a rule for watching movies that Mr. Stork told him:

"After the movie is officially played, except for the first viewers, no other viewers can join in the middle."

Gillan had suspicions at that time.

Since "Bai Mei" can leave him at any time, does it also allow him to enter the movie at any time?

For this reason, he made an excuse and did not attend the movie together. Instead, he temporarily took over Old Jerry's job and was responsible for guarding the scene.

Old Jerry is just an ordinary person, and his gnosis is not enough to see the movie screen. He can only judge the timing of awakening by observing the reactions of everyone in the community.

But Gillan is better qualified for the job.

Mr. Stork and others are also very happy with this.


In the quiet utility room, the projector made a slight noise.

The four people in the group sat in the darkness, and the bright light from the movie covered their faces like a veil, illuminating their lost expressions. The image reflected in the eyes of four people is an old-fashioned train driving into the forest.

Gillan remained silent.

After waiting for a moment, he turned to look at the curtain.

This time he saw it clearly. In the VIP carriage of the train, the four figures of Mr. Stork suddenly appeared.

Correspondingly, the old man in black suit, the fat man in red suit and the gothic girl were missing from the other passengers.

And Gillan has not entered the world of movies.

‘It’s exactly what Mr. Stork said. ’

He looked at it for a while and called out "Beautiful" in his heart.

A distorted colored light suddenly appeared in his sight. This light covered the movie screen, forming a filter-like effect, which seemed to respond.

Jilan's eyes lit up.

His guess was right!

"Banlan" can indeed let him enter it at any time!

‘Well, another trump card. ’ Jilan secretly thought.

Next, he simply watched the movie quietly as a bystander.

According to their pre-planned plan, Mr. Stork and others deliberately made friends with three other passengers after the train stopped mysteriously.

The film has sound, and Gillan heard their dialogue clearly.

These three people are two men and one woman.

They are the strong man in the green jacket, Junior Casso, a professional boxer; the young man in the beret, Cullin Pike, a veteran; and the lady in the gray skirt, Olin Bonnet, a foreign reporter.

The seven of them formed a temporary team and discussed taking action together.

The previous plot was similar to what Gilan experienced. Most people chose to stay in the open space next to the train and wait for rescue, while a small number of people chose to explore a way out.

However, Jilan always took the initiative to go deep into the forest, so he had no idea what happened to the others.

This time, he saw it.

The people waiting for rescue were soon attacked by a pack of tribute wolves!

But these people were not simple, and they each used their own methods to escape for their lives.

The three train passengers who teamed up with the four members of the group were even more remarkable.

The boxer Junior defeated two tribute wolves with his own strength. His physique and strength were strong, and his fighting skills were superb. He was definitely at the level of a heraldry-level fighter.

Kulin, a veteran, has excellent marksmanship. He took out a modified Ruger and hit the target perfectly. He was at least an instructor-level gunman.

As for the female reporter Ou Lin, it seemed that she did not take action, but she calculated the best escape route in just a few seconds, calmly proposed an evacuation plan, and allocated manpower reasonably.

Coupled with the considerable combat power of Mr. Stork and his party, they easily killed the six attacking tribute wolves and fled along the train track in a direction that Gilan had never gone before.

'Um? ’ Gillan was surprised.

Perhaps the guidance from the apocalyptic dream that night at the beginning of the journey impressed him so much that he always thought that the only way to go was to go deep into the forest and go to Oldrav Village.

I didn’t expect there was another way along the train tracks.

‘It’s my thinking that has become rigid. ’ He shook his head. ‘It’s Mr. Stork’s proposal and plan that opened up a new strategy direction. ’

The flow of time in the movie is obviously different from reality. Gillan has only watched seven or eight minutes. In the actual movie world, nearly half an hour has passed.

Although the scene had cut to Mr. Stork and his group trudging on the track, Gilan still remembered the scene just now. The corpses of eight or nine tribute wolves were left in the open space next to the train.

Gilan smiled, something he wouldn't let go.

There were ready-made mysterious points, so he had no reason not to take them.

‘Beautiful, involved. ’

He called out in his heart and looked at the curtain intently.


The cool breeze in the forest blew the tips of Jilan's hair, and in just a blink of an eye, he found himself standing next to the train.

The smell of blood was all around, and there was no one around.

All that was left were the corpses of tribute wolves scattered around.

Ji Lan was overjoyed and stepped forward quickly, reaching out to touch the corpses of the gray-haired monsters one by one. Under the colorful light, the corpses quickly decayed and drifted away.

The number in the corner of his eye jumped, and when all the corpses were decomposed, it turned into "21".

‘Banlan, quit. ’

Ji Lan secretly thought again.

Soon, in another blink of an eye, he found himself sitting back on the chair in the utility room, and everything was as usual.

The only change was that his head was a little dizzy and his spirit was a little tired.

Gillan speculates that this may be a price to pay for using "Beautiful" to enter and exit the movie world, which prevents him from using this ability too often.

After a break, he looked up at the curtain again.

In the movie, Mr. Stork and others have reached a seaside, and the outline of the wooden pile wall can be vaguely seen on the left, which seems to be not far from Oldrav Village.

On the beach along the coast, there were a large number of human corpses lying on the ground.

At first glance, there are more than a hundred objects!

Flocks of seagulls flapped their wings and pecked at the rotting and stinking corpses. The scene was quite horrifying.

Not only the two ladies, Sparrow and Seagull, turned pale, but also the other men were shocked by this scene. Mr. Oystercatcher wasn't even in the mood to make fun of Miss Seagull about those "seagulls."

"Look at the clothes of those corpses, do they look like nearby townspeople?"

In the movie, Mr. Stork spoke in a deep voice.

But the female reporter Ou Lin took out a monocular telescope and looked towards the shore. After a while, her face changed and she shouted softly:

"Let's go! A large group of unidentified thugs are coming towards us!"

The group of people looked at the shore from a distance, and sure enough they saw a dense crowd of figures appearing from nowhere and moving towards this side.

Gillan stood up and moved closer to the curtain.

He took a closer look and recognized the identities of the thugs.

The dead wolf hood, dirty linen robes, saw blades and bone-chopping knives and other hideous weapons are the same cultists of the "Heavenly Evil Cult" that Jilan has encountered before!

Mr. Stork and others made a quick decision and hid in the forest on the left, then walked around the train track, trying to avoid the route of the thugs.

However, according to the movie routine, accidents always come suddenly.

At this moment, the shouts of "Hello" and "Is there anyone there" rang out in the forest again, and everyone's expressions changed as they were once again surrounded by a pack of tribute wolves.

With a bang, veteran Kulin was forced to fire back.

The sound of gunshots attracted the attention of the cultists. Soon, Mr. Stork and others were faced with great pressure, and there were many crises for a while.

The seven people first tried their best to survive the attack by the tribute wolves, and then were besieged by dozens of cultists. Almost everyone was injured.

Seeing this, Ji Lan estimated that he was about to wake up the members of the community from watching the movie.

But before that, he planned to go in again and putrefy those corpses.

Thanks for the 500-point reward from "If there are flowers and branches, they must be broken off"!

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