From Prisoner to Si Chen

Chapter 71 Six Thorns

'gorgeous! ’

Gilan sat on the chair and thought to himself.



His vision was distorted. In the originally dark utility room, shadows of tall trees appeared. They swayed in the wind and gradually replaced the walls and cabinets.

Gillan suddenly appeared in the movie again.

There are figures moving in the forest in the distance. It is Mr. Stork and others who are fighting with the Tian Ni cultivators.

He withdrew his gaze and focused on his surroundings.

In his eyes, the scattered corpses of tribute wolves were glowing mysterious points.

Without wasting any time, Jilan moved quickly and picked out the headless wolf corpses on the rotting ground one by one. There were seven of them in total, which made the lottery number in his eyes reach "35".

He raised his eyes and glanced in the direction where Mr. Stork and others were, and there was a faint sound of gunfire. He knew that there must be many corpses of murdered cultists there, but it was not convenient for him to show up, so he decisively left the movie.

When he returned to the utility room again, he felt even more dizzy. The intense mental fatigue almost made him fall to the ground and fall asleep.

Thumb thump!

After Ji Lan stood up, he staggered two steps and managed to maintain his balance.

He shook his head a few times and patted his face to refresh himself.

Immediately, he looked at the curtain again.

I saw that the situation in the movie took a turn for the worse. Most of the Tian Ni cultists who originally surrounded Mr. Stork and others were killed, but from behind the crowd, a strange and tall figure arrogantly squeezed out.

The man was about two meters tall, wearing a gray cloak. The hood covered most of his face, revealing only a mouth with the lips cut off, and his gums and teeth were exposed, making him extremely ferocious.

The muscles of the limbs and torso exposed outside the cloak are tangled and strong, and the skin is covered with scarlet marks.

He held a leather whip tied with iron nails and swung it violently, blowing off the head of the veteran Kulin with one blow!

Mr. Stork and the others were already injured. Faced with the interception of the Heavenly Evil cultists, they were unable to escape. They could only stare in fear at the tall cultist approaching on foot. The situation was precarious.

Seeing this, Ji Lan quickly walked to the sofa, shook the shoulders of the recording meeting members one by one, and shouted:

"Wake up!"

Mr. Stork and Mr. Oystercatcher were the first to wake up from their viewing mode.

They looked around and breathed a sigh of relief when they found themselves in the utility room.

Miss Seagull woke up for the third time. When she saw the blond young man in front of her, she was slightly startled, and then said: "Thank you."

Gilan just nodded to her and hurried to wake up Miss Sparrow.

Miss Sparrow's pretty face was tense and she was biting her lower lip, her face turned pale.

Ji Lan shook her shoulders and said in a deep voice:

"Wake up! Miss Sparrow!"

"Ah!" Miss Sparrow exclaimed.

Only then did she realize that the terrifying man who was so close, holding an iron spike and a whip, had transformed into a blond young man. The bloody and terrifying face also turned into a handsome face.

Miss Sparrow jumped instinctively and hugged Gillan tightly.

"Mr. Snow Owl!"

She leaned her head on the young man's shoulder and clasped her hands on his back.

Ji Lan smelled the fresh floral fragrance on the girl's blond hair, and her body stiffened unconsciously. After a brief trance, he carefully pushed it away and comforted:

"It's okay, you are out of the movie."

"Yes." Miss Sparrow realized that she had just lost her composure, her cheeks were a little red, she held her hair with her fingers and nodded her little head. "Thank you, Mr. Snowy Owl."

Miss Seagull on the side glanced at the two of them, curled her lips, turned her head and muttered something unknown.




Everyone went back to their rooms to rest and recover from the mental depression caused by the trauma in the movie.

Miss Sparrow lives in room "206" next to Miss Seagull. Since she never stays overnight in the apartment, she occasionally lives in "204".

Mr. Stork didn't mind this, since there were plenty of empty rooms anyway.

In room "301".

Jilan began to use the mysterious points gained today to improve the meditation method.

He has already figured out the rules. Every "10" points can add "one stab" of proficiency to the meditation method, greatly increasing the efficiency of meditation.

In order to get a glimpse of the "Secret Book of Iron" as soon as possible, Gillan planned to spend all these points on meditation, so he could only put aside the improvement of body training for the time being.

'gorgeous. ’

He muttered silently.

The eye number "35" fell three times and finally became "5".

And the meditation method can also visualize the "six thorns"!

Gillan took off his shoes, socks and clothes, wearing only a pair of underwear, and sat cross-legged on the wooden floor. He placed his hands gently on his knees and then slowly closed his eyes.

He let go of himself, immersed in the emotion of "compassion", and at the same time visualized the mysterious pattern of the big black iron ball.

The room was quiet, and the evening sun shone through the window, illuminating the room dimly.

Gilan's body began to sweat, shining brightly in the setting sun.

In the darkness, he saw it again...

I saw the black iron ball that was originally stationary begin to rotate.

It turned slowly at first, and then started to squirm.

Small bumps bulged one after another on the surface of the sphere, and immediately, six iron thorns protruded and pierced into his consciousness.

Jilan's eyes widened!

His mouth opened wide and he raised his head, feeling unparalleled mental pain.

The pain cannot be described in words.

Compared with the first meditation, the phantom pain in the soul this time was six times greater!

Ji Lan arched his body backwards and trembled violently. His expression was distorted by pain, but it was difficult for him to scream even a little bit... because even the strength to scream was lost.

He raised his head and stared at the white ceiling. The surface of the disc-shaped chandelier had patterns of lilies, hyacinths and purple daisies, reflected in his bloodshot eyes.

His vision began to blur, but Gillan knew he couldn't pass out.

Once unconscious, the effect of meditation will be greatly reduced.

This was something he couldn't tolerate.

‘If you want to live well, you should pay the price! ’

Thoughts flashed through Gillan's mind.


Gillan leaned back and fell heavily to the ground.

His body was limp and tears flowed uncontrollably from the corners of his eyes. This was a physiological reaction caused by phantom pain and the product of the illusion received by the brain.

"Huchi, wheeze..."

Gilan gasped for breath, the phantom mental pain finally beginning to subside.

An unspeakable joy surged into my heart.

He felt that this was another victory for him.

Although it was not a big achievement, he gained an improvement in his gnosis.

Gillan rolled his eyes and glanced around.

It was obviously an ordinary room, but he could vaguely sense something floating in the air. There were many of them, invisible and intangible.

This feeling is clearer than the first time.

His eyes reflected the light of the setting sun, bright and penetrating.

'Soon! With the tempering efficiency of the "Six Thorns", Gnosis will soon reach the standard, and I will soon be able to see the true content of "Secret Records of the Branding Iron"! ’

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