over the next few days.

Gillan stayed at home, practicing meditation in her room during the day, and quietly went to the utility room late at night to watch movies alone.

To do this, he consumed an entire mercury battery.

There was only one other piece left on hand.

The 100 gold Caesar was gone like this, and he still felt a little sad.

But relatively speaking, the harvest is not small.

Ji Lan obtained a total of almost 50 points of mysterious energy by constantly hunting down crazy villagers, tribute wolves, and cult members of the Cult of Heavenly Evil, and eliminating some enemies that had been corrupted and could no longer gain points.

In the past few days, the members of the society also participated in the "Moonlight Village" movie again under the organization of Mr. Stork. Gillan still did not participate and was only on-site supervision.

Every time, he picked the right time to arrive in the middle and get the available mysterious points.

It wasn't much, but it satisfied him.

At this point, the lottery number in Jilan's eyes has reached "65".

The members of the recording committee learned the lessons from the last time during their second viewing of "Moonlight Village". After they met the cultists on the seaside track, they still chose to get into the dense forest on the left, but this time Mr. Stork took action and stopped the veteran Kulin from shooting.

Everyone just relied on cold weapons and close combat to repel the tribute wolves.

Therefore, it did not attract the attention of the large force of the Heavenly Evil Cult. After avoiding it, they successfully went around.

Although they encountered several more waves of attacks from cultists, each time there were only a few enemies and they were easily killed by them.

Mr. Stork personally beheaded the heads of these cultists, and under the horrified gazes of others, he put them in sacks and carried them in his hands.

Finally, the group of people followed the train track and successfully entered the old city called "Old Peel". After taking a detour from the abandoned train station, I happened to see a shabby tent camped in the middle of the road, and also met the mysterious old beggar.

Based on the information provided by Gillan, Mr. Stork reached a deal with him and successfully exchanged the human head in the sack for a roll of parchment.

On it, there is actually a piece of mysterious knowledge called "Wooden Shackle Meditation Method" recorded!

Mr. Stork was very excited about this, and other club members were also very surprised.

At that time, Ji Lan, who was monitoring the movie screen in the utility room, stood up and his eyes widened.

The deal the old beggar said turned out to be true!

Miss Seagull had pen and paper in her bag, and Mr. Stork hastily copied the meditation on the parchment before the movie ended.

After watching the movie, he was not stingy and generously shared this meditation method with Gillan, who was responsible for taking care of the scene.

After that, everyone held a temporary seminar specifically on the meditation method, everyone expressed their opinions, and then they started to try it.

That night, Gillan compared the "Wooden Shackle Meditation Method" with his own "Iron Thorn Meditation Method".

But this meditation method is not as good as what I have, and it is not suitable for him.

Because he found that this meditation method takes longer to get started, taking three months to half a year, and the efficiency of tempering gnosis is far less than the latter... Its only advantage is that it does not feel any pain, but it tests patience and endurance.

Generally speaking, it pays more attention to gradual, slow and peaceful.

To practice the "Wood Candle Meditation Method", you need to visualize a mysterious hand-drawn drawing of a cangue with extremely "suppressed" emotions.

At the same time, the body must remain motionless in a specific torture position, and the entire process lasts for at least six hours.

The longer the time, the better the effect.

As for the visualization, it is said that it is a pair of shackles made of two wooden boards. It was common in the Middle Ages and was used to imprison the head and hands of prisoners.

However, this accompanying visualization picture cannot be used as a movie. Mr. Stork and others plan to bring a portable camera to take pictures next time.

Jilan has no intention of participating in these.

But he still contributed 20 Caesars as the team's expenses for the mercury battery.

Mr. Stork and others were a little surprised, and Miss Sparrow even praised Mr. Snow Owl's "team spirit".

Gillan was noncommittal.

Only he knew in his heart that although he seemed to be just taking care of the scene in the utility room, he actually got a lot of bargains... Even the "Wooden Shackle Meditation Method" was obtained for nothing.

Pay 20 caesar, gain face, and win lizi.

Why not.




Dawn 1926, July 9.

It started to rain early this morning.

It was pattering outside the apartment, and the mist from the rain obscured the view.

Gilan got up early to wash up, went downstairs to eat the breakfast prepared by Old Jerry, and then went upstairs to his room.

Except for Miss Sparrow who went home, the other members of the recording group stayed in their rooms and practiced meditation happily.

Didn't even come out to eat breakfast.

Especially Mr. Stork, he didn't participate in last night's dinner, which shows how enthusiastic he is about meditation.

Gilan just smiled at this and immediately started doing his own thing.

'Regarding the "Iron Thorn Meditation Method", the "six thorns" are already the limit that I can bear. If I increase it any further, I'm afraid I will faint from the pain on the spot, and the gain outweighs the loss. ’

He sat on the chair by the window, holding his chin in one hand, and stared at the rain outside the window.

'And its current efficiency in tempering gnosis is six times that of the original. Even people who have practiced it for more than ten years may not be as skilled as me. ’

‘What I have to do now is to meditate step by step every day until my gnosis reaches the standard...Then the mysterious points accumulated during this period can be used to improve the physical training technique. ’

Jilan made up his mind and began to recall the contents of the physical training technique in his mind.

His eyes sparkled with color as he responded.

"Very good." After he got a positive sign, he took out Espy's secret notes in the dimensional space, sat at the table, and started reading quietly.

Not long after, Gillan carefully and carefully read the contents of the third stage of "blood", then took off his shirt and tie, stood shirtless in the middle of the room, and made some strange postures.

At the same time, it controls the breathing rate, sometimes fast and sometimes slow, sometimes long and sometimes short.

Time passed quietly.

The morning passed quickly like this.

Near noon, Gilan lay on the ground tiredly again, sweating profusely.

Even with his current physique, it is difficult for him to withstand the intensity of the third stage of the body-building technique. Without the help of the secret medicine, the severe pain all over the body appeared again.

Only this time, it's different.

Ji Lan's skin began to turn red, and his whole body looked like a cooked shrimp.

His face was even deep red and purple, with veins exposed and his eyes red.

'gorgeous! ’

Gillan knew that mysterious changes were taking place in his body, so he decisively used his points.

The eyeball number "65" suddenly plummeted to "15".

This time it took a full 50 points of mysterious power to push him to the next stage.


Gillan, who was lying on the ground, heard the sound of liquid flowing.

He knew that it was the blood in his body, just like a raging river.


Boom! !

The heart beats powerfully like a drum.

Jilan felt that her pulse was trembling violently, the temples on both sides of her forehead were beating like bellows, and her vision was also trembling rhythmically.

Soon, the body no longer sweated, but began to bleed!

Small red spots first appeared on the skin, and then became larger and spread.

In the end, the whole person seemed to be soaked in blood.

Scarlet, scary.

He suppressed his nervousness and uneasiness and quietly waited for the changes in his body.

It wasn't until ten minutes later that the strong heartbeat gradually subsided.

Gilan has a feeling of being reborn and completely new.

Benedict! !

The shoulder blades of his back were touching the floor, and his eight bulging abdominal muscles were tense. He could stand upright easily with only the strength of his waist.

Ji Lan ignored the blood all over her body and walked to the full-length mirror.

He saw himself in the mirror, with his soaked blond hair messy and scattered, and his muscles were extremely eye-catching. They were not as explosive and exaggerated as a bodybuilder, but rather like the muscles of Bruce Lee in his previous life.

Strong and restrained.

The body shape is in the shape of a slender inverted triangle, with graceful lines and distinct outlines.

The hidden explosive power is quite amazing and deadly.

The whole person looks like a standing humanoid puma.

"We have entered the third stage of the "White Cross Body Training" - blood. The body's recovery and healing power have undergone qualitative changes..."

Gillan stood in front of the mirror and murmured.

He lowered his head, clamped his left arm with his right hand, and scratched the inside of his left arm with his thumb - suddenly, the nails cut through the skin, leaving a bloody mark like a razor blade.

But just after the blood flowed out for more than ten seconds, the wound formed a scab.

"The self-healing ability is really amazing..." Jilan was surprised and delighted. "Such a small wound may be healed the next day!"

"And after the third enhancement of my physique, my punching power is estimated to have reached the average level of the original members of the 'Healing Knights', which is 2,000 pounds!"

Ji Lan raised his hand and threw out a cold punch.

An afterimage flashed out of his arm.

call! !

The powerful fist wind screamed and the momentum was astonishing.

"Compared to the 'masters' in the empire, how do I compare to myself at this stage?"

Gilan's eyes are bright, and his restrained brilliance is like a devouring beast.

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