From Prisoner to Si Chen

Chapter 75 The Secret

After seeing this, Gillan understood what the words written by the hermit Rembrandt in his diary in the movie "Black Lake" really meant.


He turned to the next page.

"Here, I will borrow my own words from another work "Tiangong Documents" to explain to you the secrets of entering the first-level 'Kingdom'——"

"Lucid dreams are soul profiles, dyed spirituality is the iron of enlightenment. Only by lowering the flag with the brand can we break free from the cage and declare the name of the kingdom of the soul."

Ji Lan couldn't understand this profound sentence, but fortunately the author Sade thoughtfully left detailed notes.

She pointed out that only when gnosis reaches a certain level can one be aware of one's own spiritual world and appear in the form of lucid dreams.

Lucid dreaming, also known as lucid dreaming.

It means that the dreamer is consciously aware that he is in a dream and can also control his own behavior and even the changes in his dream.

Dreams are reflections of reality and profiles of the soul.

This is why some people occasionally have lucid dreams, because they are born with high gnosis, but they do not know it and do not know how to use this talent.

With Ji Lan's current gnosis, with a little training, he can freely control lucid dreams.

And this is just the premise.

"I believe that when you, the reader, can understand my handwriting, you can also sense the cosmic elements floating in the air... Yes, those four particles emitting different colors."

"Now, you need to accept them with your heart, and they will selectively integrate into it according to your spirituality."

The "spirituality" here is explained as "the breath in the gap between the soul and the body."

It is like a special glue, just like there are no identical leaves in the world, everyone's spirituality is different.

"When your spirituality is dyed by elements, you can emerge as a 'dream island' in your lucid dream. By leaving your mark on the island, you can build your own 'kingdom'."

"At this point, you will officially enter the 'Road of the Fire Sword'."

Gillan read these words several times and memorized them in his mind.

Among them, the author Sade also has some reminders.

She said that the mysterious creations and rituals of the three major schools can only be used by spiritual mystics who have established a "spiritual kingdom". If a mortal comes into contact rashly, it is likely to cause a fragile spiritual collapse or even death.

The external manifestations are vegetative state, dementia or madness.

These are all caused by spiritual damage and the lack of this unique "glue", which makes the soul and body no longer fit together.


Gilan closed the red leather handkerchief and couldn't wait to start trying.

He closed his eyes and simply used his gnosis to sense the floating particles around him.

Just like meditating, let your mind go and try to accept it.

Not long after.

Ji Lan then "saw" the scarlet light spots floating toward him one by one as if he smelled something among the particles that shone with four colors of light.

After first touching his skin like a "test", they fell like rain one by one, penetrated into his body and disappeared.

Gillan understood.

'It is the fire element that represents "spring" and "sword". My spiritual color should be red. ’

The process of accepting the fire element lasted for nearly an hour.

It was raining heavily outside, accompanied by bursts of thunder.

Finally, Gilan felt an inexplicable sense of satisfaction from the bottom of his heart. He knew that his spiritual dyeing process had been initially completed.

‘The next step is to uproot the island in the dream, then put down the brand, and establish the kingdom. ’

Ji Lan took a deep breath and slowly lay on the bed.

I don't know whether it was because he was tired or because his gnosis was high enough, but Jilan easily controlled his body to fall asleep.

In a daze, he found himself over the ocean at night.

The ocean was deep black and calm.

The surroundings were endless, nothing, dead silence and emptiness.

According to Sade Balbina, here is the "ocean of dreams", which can also be called the "ocean of consciousness."

All humans have, deep within their souls, an imperceptible common consciousness that transcends individuality. This is their collective consciousness as a species.

This dark side of consciousness, the "emotional water", merges into this ocean of dreams.

Only by building your own island here can you establish an independent mind that will not be easily disturbed by mysterious and unknown forces.

Only by leaving a mark on the island and establishing a kingdom can the spirituality be stable and not shaken by external factors.

Gilan looked down at the sea, raised his hand, and found that his palms and arms were glowing with scarlet light, like the only source of light in the darkness.

"Get up!" He spread his fingers and pointed at the sea below.


The dead sea surface suddenly surged.

The black sea water splashed, and a small island of less than a hundred square meters slowly emerged and emerged above the sea.

Jilan then felt a strong sense of confidence from the bottom of his heart.

This confidence came inexplicably and appeared along with the island.

He was refreshed, leaned down, and immediately landed lightly on the island.

"Brand." Jilan followed the method recorded in the secret record, walked to the center of the island, squatted down, and put his palms on the ground.


Suddenly, a wisp of fire ignited in his palm and touched the ground.

A fire burned on the ground.

The fire grew stronger and turned into a bonfire.

Perhaps this was Gillan's lucid dream. In order to comply with his understanding, twelve firewood appeared out of thin air under the bonfire, arranged in a circle like the hands of a clock dial.

“From now on, this will be my ‘spiritual kingdom’, Gilan Iros.”

He took a deep breath and raised his right hand.

At the same time, fantasy arises instinctively in my heart, and the object of fantasy is the cross sword hand-painted by the author of the secret book, Sade Balbina!

The next moment, a simple cross sword appeared in his hand!

"I declare that in the name of the kingdom—"

"Lordran Dolangureg Lothric!"

Clang! !

Jilan thrust the cross sword straight into the bonfire, and there was a "snap" sound, and the brand fire burned along the sword's body.

The fire suddenly became so powerful that it illuminated the entire island.

Ji Lan felt a sense of stability, comfort and security in her heart.

He looked around the "spiritual kingdom" he had just built. Although there was only a bonfire at the moment, he believed that as he climbed up the original steps on the "Fire Sword Road", this place would gradually grow until it became a majestic royal city.

As for the name of the kingdom, he blurted it out.

Because when he was a game anchor in his previous life, one of the series of games that impressed him most deeply was the name of the three royal cities in its trilogy.

Lordland, the place where the First Fire started its pilgrimage.

Dolanguleg, the place of endless reincarnation where original sin sighs.

Lothric, the final place of Ashes inheritance mission.

This is consistent with a certain belief in Gillan's heart.

‘Now I have officially ascended the original level of the first-level “Kingdom” and become a “Spirit Mystic”. ’

Gillan smiled.

He closed his eyes, controlling the end of this lucid dream.

When he opened his eyes again, he was already lying on the bed.

It was still raining heavily outside, but he quietly transformed.

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