From Prisoner to Si Chen

Chapter 76 Psychic

Gilan sat up and looked at the wall on the left.

Originally, he could not clearly see the dim area with the weak light from the bedside lamp, but now, he could clearly see the time on the wall clock.

Tick ​​tock, tick tock...

"Two: twenty in the morning." Gillan read out the time.

He knew that because he became a spiritual mystic, his body had undergone transformation...not only his eyesight had become stronger, but his thinking had also become sharper.

‘My mind has become more stable, and my control over my body has become more detailed. ’

Gilan raised his hand and tried to fiddle with his fingers.

The five fingers seemed to have their own thoughts, bending and straightening at different speeds and movements, like five swaying seaweeds.

This is not a random movement, but the entire process is carefully controlled by himself.

‘Of course, the biggest change is the increase in “secret skills”. ’

Ji Lan clearly felt that if he used the "Bone Crushing Kick" now, it would be several times more powerful than before.

According to "Branding Iron Secrets", the spiritual mystics of the first-level "Kingdom" will not obtain any magical means or power, but will gain a certain increase based on themselves.

Or physical strength, or thinking and senses, or something else.

The stability of the soul is the greatest gain.

Because this is a necessary condition for knowing, understanding and mastering mystery in the future.

"In the hand-drawn drawing in "Secret Records of the Branding Iron", the first-level 'Kingdom' of the 'Road of Fire Sword' is located at the tip of the sword at the bottom. It is the first original level and has no original essence... Only the second-level 'Basic Plank' can There will be branches of the original substance, and twelve roads will be divided according to the rules of the triple spiral and the four major paths."

Gillan murmured.

His memory was very clear, and the picture immediately appeared in his mind.

The gods I have seen and heard during this period, such as "Director", "Snow Lady", "Twin Kite", "Noonday Dawn" and "Mourning Virgin" are all located at the top of the "Road of the Fire Sword". .

February is the "Director", the path is "The Sword of the Forge", and the second-level quality is the "Actor".

In September, "Snow White Lady", the path is "The Furnace Scepter", and the 2nd level essence "Merchant".

May is "Twin Kite", the path is "Theosophical Pentacle", and the second-level essence is "Reporter".

In the "noonday dawn" of July, the road is "to the Holy Grail" and the second-level essence "priest".

In August, "Mourning Virgin", the path is "The Scepter", and the second-level essence is "Prisoner".

‘Climbing from level 1 to level 2 requires a process of accumulation. ’

Gillan thought.

‘The gnosis must be higher, in order to increase the upper limit of the spiritual ability to accommodate the elements of the universe, until it reaches a certain critical point, the foundation can be formed in the “spiritual kingdom”, and then only the ground can be advanced. ’

"Take your time. With the "Iron Thorn Meditation Method" here, the efficiency of tempering your gnosis will only become higher and higher."

Gillan is looking forward to it.

As for the choice of future path, he has not thought about it yet, and he also lacks the corresponding knowledge, making it difficult to climb.

Twelve roads, twelve seconds.

This will be a path gradually closer to God.

Now, Guillen has taken the first step.




Perhaps because he had just stepped into the mysterious realm, Gilan was in high spirits and no longer sleepy.

He simply sat on the bedside and read the rest of "Secret Records of the Branding Iron".

This is also the core content written by the author Sade Balbina in the handwritten note, which completely records a psychic ritual that has been studied for four years.

Through reading, Gillan learned the full name of this ceremony——

"The Temptation of Limbo"

This ceremony consists of two parts, one is "On the Miracles of the Devil".

It records the author Sade's information description of the "devil", as well as the specific spells and medium-making methods of "magic summoning".

And, of course, there are the steps for drawing the ritual magic circle.

The second is "Record of the Devil's Summoning".

This part records in detail the author Sade's process of summoning and enslaving the devil in four years.

Call out, threaten, oppress, restrain, enslave, torture, entertain, exploit...

Finally let him go.

Sade did everything possible, recording a total of 162 times, and every word seemed to be stained with the tears and blood of the devil. Except for a few devils who were released and recaptured, this part records the real names, abilities and personalities of 155 different devils.

"This is truly a powerful female magician!"

Ji Lan looked at the content on the note and was surprised.


He turned to the next page.

"Devils are evil creatures with spiritual intelligence. They have appeared since the birth of Omer in July... Countless mortals have been tempted, played with and even killed by devils."

"And the devil is extremely cunning, and is born with the ability of low spiritual intelligence and uncanny ability. It once became a disaster for thousands of years."

"They have been called various names in the history of human civilization, such as 'demon', 'evil spirit', 'dream man', 'nightmare' and 'elves', etc. However, they are spiritual bodies in nature and are difficult to use with physical means. Hurt them."

"If humans and devils have a close relationship, there will only be two identities: victim and abuser, and there will be no relationship of equality and cooperation."

"I will borrow the content from the book "Secrets of the World" by my old friend Paracelsus to tell you about the two identities——"

“Those who give up their souls and sign a contract with the devil are called ‘magicians’.”

“The devil feeds on souls to strengthen himself.”

"'Magicians' are all servants of the devil. Because the contract was witnessed by the May Sichen 'Twin Kite's, it has supreme validity. Those who sign the contract will lose their freedom and soul forever, but it is not a crime to borrow it from the devil." The mysterious power of man.”

"Those who sign a contract with the devil through coercion and inducement are called 'wizards'."

“The devil trades freedom for the chance to live.”

"'Wizards' are the collective name for ancient magicians. They use devils as servants to provide themselves with convenience and help. In the eyes of wizards, devils are regarded as pets, tools, consumables and even playthings. Of course, some wizards will treat devils well and treat them affectionately. Call them 'familiars'."




It's half past three in the morning.

Gillan closed the red leather handkerchief.

In the room, his eyes reflected the warm light of the bedside lamp, like two stars.

He finally knew what the mysterious power held by Leighton Lewis was.

"It turns out to be the 'Magician'." Ji Lan chuckled.

The leader of the Louis family sold his soul in exchange for mysterious power.

Facing ordinary mortals, Layton can use various methods to deal with them, but the opponent has no countermeasures at all.

Gillan could imagine that Layton had used his identity as a "magician" to achieve success in business over the years.

But now, Layton will run into a wall of steel.

Because Gillan plans to arrange a psychic ritual immediately.

He only needs to follow the steps recorded in the secret book to transform into an ancient magician and enslave a devil on the spot to help him.

With the guidance of the secret book, it was as if the author Sade Balbina was by his side, teaching him step by step how to PUA the devil and sign a contract in reverse.

Gillan stood up and walked straight to the door.

"The devil will like me." He grinned, his teeth white.

Thanks to "Hu Ermu" for the 500 point reward!

Thanks to "Shiliyifang" for the 200-point reward!

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