From Prisoner to Si Chen

Chapter 80 Action

Early in the morning, before eight o'clock.

Seven or eight plates of hot food were already placed on the table, including pickled oysters, fried shrimps in butter, stewed radishes, white bread with jam, hare pudding, oatmeal and mashed potato scones.

The aluminum metal round lid flips upside down on the dinner plate to keep it warm.

From the placement of the plates to the smoothness of the tablecloths and the tight alignment of the tables and chairs, everything exudes a pleasing and elegant atmosphere.

Old Jerry was sitting on the sofa with his legs crossed, leisurely reading the morning paper.

He goes to bed at 7:30 in the evening and gets up on time at 5:30 in the morning. After cleaning the first floor, he goes out to do shopping, and then comes back to make breakfast in advance.

He does this almost every day, making him a conscientious and conscientious steward.

Mr. Stork went up to the third floor and knocked on Gillan's door himself.

Tuk Tuk.

However, before he could speak, the next second, the door of room "301" opened from the inside.

Seeing the blond young man standing upright behind the door, fully dressed and full of energy, Mr. Stork couldn't help but be startled, and then smiled and said:

"Good morning, Mr. Snow Owl, it seems you have been up early."

"Yeah." Gillan responded with a polite smile. "For this morning's action."

Mr. Stork heard his answer and nodded with satisfaction.

It was obviously Gilan's serious attitude towards things that made him admire him.

"Let's go downstairs to eat first. I will explain the details of the action to you later."

Mr. Stork hammered his cane and leaned sideways.

Ji Lan nodded, took his felt hat, and took steps.

The two went downstairs, briefly made breakfast, and then left the apartment before other members of the community got up.

Old Jerry drove the carriage himself and drove the two of them away from Horst Third Street towards Lake Fengden.

In the back seat of the smooth carriage, Mr. Stork and Gillan sat opposite each other.

"The side of Daffodil Square is the main road leading to the slum area, but it has been blocked by the police station. People here can't get through, and people on that side can't get out either."

Mr. Stork said, taking out the cigarette case from his coat pocket and handing one over.

Gillan took it easily, then took out Detective Glennie's brass engraved lighter, flipped the lid, lit the cigarette, and took a deep breath.

"We took a detour along the embankment of the Fondeng River and entered the slum area from the back alley of the sewage discharge area. There was only a wall separating us from Graystone Street."

Mr. Stork exhaled smoke and said calmly.

Gilan nodded, indicating that he understood.

The two men just smoked and chatted, and soon they talked about the initiator of this operation, the woman codenamed "Ling Ge".

"Ms. Lin Ge is a heraldry-level fighter like me, but I am better at cane skills, while she specializes in grappling and boxing techniques."

Mr. Stork said.

"To be able to force her into asking me for help, the strength of the Lewis family cannot be underestimated, even if there are factors related to the plague and the police station."

As he spoke, Mr. Stork raised the brim of his hat.

Smoke swayed across his face, revealing the sharp eyes underneath.

"Ms. Lin Ge said in her secret letter asking for help that Leighton Lewis sent a total of eight dead men to chase her, all of whom were senior apprentice-level fighters. But the strange thing is that the strength of these eight men suddenly increased halfway through, reaching The faculty level caught her off guard.”

"In addition, these people were armed with firearms and fearless of death. Ms. Linge was also injured after killing three of them. She is currently hiding in an unfinished building on Graystone Street, waiting for our rescue."

Hearing this, a thought suddenly flashed through Jilan's mind.

The strength of the eight dead soldiers suddenly increased...

‘Is it a “bloodthirsty curse”? ’

Considering Layton's identity as a "magician", this is not surprising.

After all, there is a devil beside the old man.

In addition, Ms. Lin Ge killed three people and then fled for cover, and the pursuers inexplicably died down. It is likely that the sequelae of the "bloodthirsty curse" occurred.

The remaining five people fell into weakness and naturally stopped chasing.

But once it recovers, it will probably continue.

"Mr. Snow Owl, we need to be cautious in our actions for a while. In addition to paying attention to the dead members of the Lewis family, we must also be careful of police patrols and plagues."

Mr. Stork reminded him, taking out a green iron box and two full-coverage masks from the small wooden box at his feet.

He handed over the iron box and one of the masks.

"This is the ammunition box for 9mm bullets, and the gas mask I asked someone to customize. Special anti-miasma aromatherapy is added to the filter element, which can effectively block miasma and plague, and also provide you with cover."

"Thank you." Jilan took the two things and thanked them.

Looking down, he found that the mask in his hand actually looked like a snowy owl, with white feathers, black beak, and yellow spots. The bird's eye is a closed round glass that reflects blue light, and its beak is convex and hooked downward.

Mr. Stork's mask is in the shape of a red-billed stork.

If the two of them put on these masks, they might be able to participate in the masquerade directly.

However, what Mr. Stork doesn't know is that Gilan no longer needs to cover up her appearance and can move around freely.

Because Mo Weiwei was able to attach the "Confusion Spell" to Gilan, anyone who took a serious look at his face would only think that he was an ordinary young man, not even remotely similar to the wanted criminal Gilan Ilos. place.

But Guillen would not say this and accepted the mask calmly.




The carriage traveled southeast along the embankment.

After about twenty minutes, the carriage entered a sparsely populated and dirty place.

Under the embankment on the left, a circular outlet with a height of one person appeared, from which the turbid black-yellow fecal water was discharged and flowed into the lower reaches of the Fengdeng River.

Some rotten and moldy fruit peels, rotten leather shoes, bags and rags and other garbage are stuck on the rusty iron railings of the drainage outlet, swaying with the flow of sewage, emitting an unpleasant smell.

Old Jerry stopped the carriage on the side of the road.

The two got off the carriage. After Mr. Stork said a few words to Old Jerry, Old Jerry nodded, took off his hat and saluted Gillan, and then drove the carriage away.

"Let's go, Mr. Snowy Owl."

Mr. Stork took a step forward with his steel-core walking stick.

"The lockdown here is much smaller and it's easy for us to sneak in."

"Yeah." Jilan nodded and followed closely.

The two continued walking along the embankment, and soon they entered a residential area.

Although it is said to be a residence, it is actually not as good as Gillan's former home.

These are "boxes" randomly built with bricks and iron sheets. They are not even as big as an apartment's bathroom, and only one person can sleep in them at most.

The people who live here are no different from beggars. They mainly make a living by picking up garbage in the sewage area.

But at least they have a place to stay and don't have to worry about the miasma.

The two walked back and forth, but were soon stopped.

"Hey! You two!" Several men wearing blouses and ripped soft hats stood in front of Mr. Stork and Gillan.

They were unshaven, carrying steel pipes and knives in their hands, and looked grim.

"This is now the territory of the Kuka Gang."

One of the men, who had a fleshy face and was blind in one eye, said.

He grinned, showing off his missing teeth.

"You want to go to the poor area, right? Aha, those damn Bobbys blocked the main road and several side roads, but we opened a special shortcut gate here!"

As he spoke, the man pointed to the high wall behind him.

I saw a hole more than one meter high had been cut in the wall, revealing the red bricks and cement residue in the wall, and there were seven or eight men guarding it.

Of course, Mr. Stork and Gillan have good eyesight. They have long noticed that there are actually many members of the Kuka Gang hidden behind the surrounding tin bungalows, and some of them even grabbed a Borchard pistol in their hands.

"Two silver Fennies are alone. After paying the money, I will let you pass."

The blind man stretched out his hand and said unscrupulously.

Ji Lan's heart was about to move.

Mr. Stork glanced at Gilan, shook his head without trace, indicating not to act rashly, and immediately took out four silver coins from his trench coat pocket and handed them to the other person's hand.

Seeing Mr. Stork paying so happily, the blind man and his companions looked at each other and couldn't help but confirm that these were two rich men who were easy to bully.

So instead of getting out of the way, they laughed.

"As expected of a rich man from a wealthy area!"

The blind man clicked his tongue, his intact one eye showing greed as he looked up and down at Mr. Stork and Gilan.

Seeing that they were well dressed, the lion opened his mouth and said:

"I'm sorry, I forgot just now. The boss said last night that the price would be increased, and it was 2 Caesar alone. You should make up the difference quickly!"

Thanks to "Ye Mu, Mo Yu" and "I hope I can sleep for a long time without waking up" for the 10,000 point reward!

Thanks to the "Snowy Night Knife Man" for the 5,000 point reward!

Thanks to "Xie Shuiyu", "Ai Xi_Feiguang Fengjiu", "Happy Puff", "If there are flowers and branches, it must be broken", "Book Friends 20210126170013279", and "Goust" for the 1500 point reward!

Thanks to "Dream of the Different Dragon" and "Book Friends 20231227214837713" for the 1,000-point reward!




Thank you for your love. I am really flattered!

But there are so many friends who have tipped me, so I can only select some of them to thank. Sorry, very sorry! !

In addition, after seeing everyone’s comments, votes, and rewards, it would be false to say that I’m not touched, and I feel relieved;

Regardless of the final outcome, this book will definitely be written;

Some unreasonable and protagonist character issues will be updated and solved in the following stories. They are all necessary foreshadowing. I hope you understand!

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