From Prisoner to Si Chen

Chapter 81 Blocking the Road

Mr. Stork originally planned to pay the money and settle the matter. After all, they had a mission and there was no need to create complications for such a small amount of money.

But now these gang members seem to regard his low-key behavior as weakness and bullying.

Mr. Stork is also a middle-aged man who has experienced hardships. How could he not know that even if he makes up the so-called price difference, he will not be able to leave easily.

The other party will definitely keep asking for it until all valuable things are squeezed out of both of them.

Mr. Stork's face darkened.

"I know Milu Dagan from your Kuka Gang. You can ask someone to inform him now and just say he is an 'old friend from Third Street.'" He said solemnly.

This Milu is a high-level backbone of the Kuka Gang. Mr. Stork has cooperated with him in the past. He must have reported his name to avoid this trouble.

Unexpectedly, the blind man was startled for a moment, then grinned.

"Milu, when we were occupying the Oak Gang's territory a few days ago, we died of the plague."

As he spoke, he shook the steel pipe in his hand, tapped his palm lightly, tilted his head and threatened:

"Don't talk about the dead, give the money quickly...or we can personally take off your clothes and find the money."

Mr. Stork tightened his leather-gloved fingers on the steel-core cane in his hand.

He was about to take action.

At this moment, Gilan put his right hand behind his back, touched the sapphire ring on his middle finger with his thumb, and then made a subtle gesture.

boom! !

There was a sudden gunshot.

The blind man in front of Mr. Stork fell to the side in response, with blood spurting from his head.

Everyone was shocked.

They all turned to look in the direction where the gunfire came from, and saw a member of the Kuka Gang hiding behind the iron bungalow, leaning out and pointing a gun in this direction.

He looked ferocious and yelled:

"Damn it Amaz, I've been putting up with this for a long time! This is what will happen if you don't pay back the money you owe!"

As he spoke, he pointed the gun at another companion.

"And you! Mr. Gao! You blamed me for playing cards the day before yesterday. I'll kill you!"

boom! !

Another shot was fired, and a tall, thin man looked in disbelief and fell down, clutching his chest.

At this time, the entire Kuka Gang members were stunned.

Just because of this, you actually killed gang brothers? !

However, soon, several men on the other side of the hole in the wall suddenly picked up steel pipes and knives and started fighting with each other. They looked hateful, as if the other person was the enemy who killed his father.

"Bastard! Are you seducing my wife?!"

"Fuck you! I'll kill you!"

"Little Darren, help me!"

"I remember! I always remember! When we were having sex together, you even laughed at me for being shorter than you!"

For a time, the members of the Kuka Gang were in chaos.

The steel pipe shattered the bones and the knife entered the body.

Swearing, screaming, and banging gunshots continued one after another.

The scene was bloody and chaotic.

Seeing this, Mr. Stork quickly whispered: "Let's go!"

After that, he took the lead in passing several corpses with his walking stick, and ducked in through the hole in the wall.

Gillan followed.

What only he could see, a slender little person as big as a palm flew to his shoulder, hovering next to his ear, and a charming voice came:

"Master, how is Weiwei doing?"

"Great job," Gillan whispered.

Then he raised his hand and pretended to hold his hat, but actually stretched out an index finger and gently touched the head of Demon Weiwei.

He knew that simply torturing and oppressing the familiar would not be beneficial in the long run.

Occasionally giving some recognition and comfort can make it more obedient.

As expected, Weiwei seemed very surprised when she finally heard Jilan's compliment, and immediately flew around his head, giggling.

"Master, Weiwei will work hard to become better! Make Master happy!"

Seeing Ji Lan gently raising her hand, Weiwei quickly flapped the small bat wings behind her and took the initiative to get into the sapphire ring.




After Mr. Stork and Gillan entered the hole in the wall, they saw a deserted open space in front of them.

The ground is overgrown with weeds, and some vegetation survives tenaciously, but it is also languid, waxy-yellow, and swaying in the wind.

Bricks, gravel and some construction debris were randomly discarded around.

Further away, there is a gravel path. Gray-black rough cement buildings stand on both sides of the path. Most of them are unfinished, with exposed steel bars, and they look dilapidated and lonely.

Mr. Stork put on the red-billed stork mask. Without saying anything, he just waved and motioned for Gillan to put it on too.

Jilan nodded, put the snow owl mask on his face, and then followed Mr. Stork forward.

The two walked one behind the other through the open space, onto the gravel path, and then headed east.

Soon, they heard bursts of coughing coming from the unfinished buildings on both sides.

Turning around, I could vaguely see some thin figures moving around.

Some of them were huddled in the corner, some were holding on to the wall and vomiting and diarrhea, and some were lying on the ground like corpses, wailing from their mouths.


"Oh my god! What did I do wrong?!"

"Damn the police department! Damn the parliament! Damn the rich people!!"

Several shouts came from the unfinished building, implying deep resentment.

"Is the plague so serious?"

Mr. Stork shook his head, and a sigh came from under the mask.

The two of them continued to walk forward, and unexpectedly found someone lying on the roadside, face down, his body was thin and blue, and he had been dead for a long time.

There are many such corpses, and you can see them every time you walk a certain distance.

Mr. Stork's steps seemed heavier.

Gillan's expression under the mask was also quite solemn.

This is no ordinary plague...

Even the officials are not willing to come here to collect the corpses, and they are letting things go, which is evident.

"Kind sir!"

At this time, in front of the gravel path, a surprising but hoarse voice sounded.

The two of them stopped and looked up.

I saw an old man in ragged clothes, staggering towards this side with a young girl in his arms.

"Please save my granddaughter! She is still so young, but she is infected with the damn plague. Oh my god, what should I do?!"

the old man cried.

But the two of them saw clearly that the girl was as skinny as firewood, her eyes were tightly closed, and she seemed to have lost her breath.

Even the old man was about the same. He was as thin as a straw due to severe dehydration and looked like he would fall over when the wind blew. Under the sunken eye sockets was a pair of desperate eyes.

Mr. Stork saw the old man running, but he immediately drew his gun.

He held Luger in his hand and pointed forward.

"Don't come any closer!" he said solemnly.

The old man kept walking, still holding his granddaughter in his arms, as if the two of them were his life-saving straw.


Mr. Stork fired.

The bullet hit the ground in front of the old man as a warning.

At this time, the old man finally stopped and realized that the gentleman in front of him was not joking.

His cloudy eyes were filled with despair and his expression was painful.

Immediately his face changed and he looked furious.

"It's not fair! It's not fair!!" The old man shouted at the top of his lungs.

"Why are you not infected with the epidemic! Why do you live in a spacious and clean neighborhood, have food and drink, and live a decent life! Why do you let us suffer and let my granddaughter suffer like this!"

"God! This is not fair!!"

The old man roared his last loud voice, then he fell straight down holding the girl's body and died.

Mr. Stork's body froze in place.

The sight seemed to shake him.

It wasn't until a long while that Gilan heard an inaudible sigh coming from under Mr. Stork's red-mouthed mask.

He knew that Mr. Stork was not cold-blooded, but rather powerless.

Thanks to EvfolUtopia, book friend 20201031171150640, book friend 20230623165340954, Yuluo Yangzhi, Alien No. 1, Xingying, Qiankun Taizhong to get the immortal way, escape from the mortal world, Zisang Lingfeng_, Black Emperor lvt, floating world, book friend 20220823020158813 , book friend 20220703211126167, ghost of fantasy, Chen Sir book friend, Jiong Yan, Yuan Shijie, lalala333, book friend 20180808152050534, book friend 20230424230315139, book friend 20200817193011308, elaboration, Lucifer Satan, I want you songs heard , Cold Nightmare, Lighthouse in the Sunset, Chris_XL, Smog Over the Meter, Nanyang Jun Wang, Xia zooz Ze, Liu Cun Seng, Read the whole sea, Yi Moli, Stars in the sky, Little Bird 2019, Xiangqiu Cairang, Book Friends 20170531123540129, castyouout, Book Friends 20220225184646265, Book Friends 20180609082432071, Book Friends 20180204160552507, Tibetan Scripture Patriarch, Xie Crazy, Book Friends 20201016000225300, Blue Moon Sleeve Flowers, Galaxy Out of Reach i. Morning hearing of Taoism and evening birth, virtualyi, green grassland Rewards from Lazy King, Cang Xing!

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