From Prisoner to Si Chen

Chapter 82 Support

"Let's go and don't have any contact with anyone here."

Mr. Stork wore a mask and spoke in a low voice.

"Yeah." Jilan nodded.

The two of them continued forward and came to the unfinished building area at the end of the gravel path.

Mr. Stork was looking around, searching for the whereabouts of Ms. Wood Pigeon according to the general direction indicated in the request for help.

But at this moment.

Bang bang gunshots came from the penultimate unfinished building.

Mr. Stork was looking intently a hundred meters away.

With Gillan's eyesight, he could clearly see the figure of a woman holding a bolt-action rifle, squatting on the edge of the third floor, and shooting into the open space below.

"Let's go over and have a look."

Mr. Stork held up his cane and made a gesture.

The two of them moved forward quickly and soon arrived at the unfinished building.

Mr. Stork looked up and saw the woman's figure, and said:

"It's Ms. Wood Pigeon, let's go help her!"

It was at this time that the two of them noticed a dozen men swarming out of the open space in front of the unfinished building, armed with machetes or Borchardt pistols, intending to rush into the unfinished building.

Gillan's sharp eyes recognized most of them as Oak Gang members.

He opened his mouth to remind. Mr. Stork nodded and said:

"Leighton Lewis must be behind these people."

After that, he took out the Luger pistol from his waist and shot at the gang members.

Several gunshots rang out, and several men who were charging fell down.

Gillan also took out the short-barreled revolver and shot with Mr. Stork.

Both of them had good marksmanship, and they killed most of them in one shot.

The group of gangsters who were lucky enough to survive the sneak attack were so frightened that they quickly stopped charging and hid behind the surrounding cement stone piers or slate building materials.

"That woman has foreign aid! Be careful!!" someone shouted.


Gunshots were heard from the third floor.

After a scream broke through the air, the man who shouted was shot in the head by a bullet on the spot.

The body lay crooked on the ground, blood staining the sand on the ground red.

Mr. Stork raised his head and saw the woman nodding towards him.

The handsome old man wearing a red-billed stork mask couldn't help but chuckle.

Jilan loaded the bullet at this time, raised his hand and fired again, killing several guys who were hiding behind the bunker and looking around.

After he reached the hiding place of the last man, the man had a look of horror on his face, squatting on the ground with a machete in his hand, sweating profusely.

When he found Jilan approaching, his expression suddenly changed, and he was about to beg for mercy.


The revolver was fired at close range and the bullet passed through the skull.

The man's body fell with it.


Jilan expressionlessly flicked the bullet casing, and the yellow bullet casings fell.

As he reloaded, he turned and walked back.

Mr. Stork gave him a thumbs up and then gestured to enter the unfinished building.

The two immediately climbed the stairs to the third floor.

As soon as I came up, I saw a mature-looking woman sitting on the edge of a concrete pillar, breathing heavily.

She looked to be in her thirties, with a high nose and bright eyes. Her long light brown hair is tied into a simple ponytail, which makes her look very capable. A few strands of curly hair fall on both sides of her forehead, adding a touch of femininity to her regular facial features.

The woman had the wooden bolt-action rifle in her hand, with a bayonet stuck under the barrel. There were also several five-round magazines next to it, and some bullet casings were scattered around.

She bent her legs in long black bell-bottom pants and was holding one side of her waist, showing pain on her face.

Clearly injured.

"Stork, you are finally here."

Ms. Lin Ge forced a smile and said.

Her voice is neutral, lacking softness, but has a convincing calmness.

"Any later, I'm afraid you will have to collect the body for me."

"You are still so good at talking, Wood Pigeon." Mr. Stork shook his head.

"I can't stay here any longer. I didn't expect Leighton Lewis's spy to find me so quickly... Those fools who didn't care about their lives just came here just to test me. Soon, those tough dead men will come after me again. .”

Ms. Lin Ge struggled to stand up, bent down to hold on to the cement pillar, gritted her teeth and frowned.

"Let me check the wound for you. You can't walk like this."

Mr. Stork stepped forward and said in a deep voice.

Unexpectedly, Ms. Lin Ge raised her hand to refuse. She picked up the rifle, carried it behind her back, picked up the magazine on the ground, and put it into a handbag.

"It's okay, it's just a trauma. The bullet bit a piece of flesh. I bandaged it urgently."

She turned to look at the two men.

"Before the pursuers arrive, come with me quickly. Get the mysterious inheritance of the ancestor of the Lewis family first. That is the most important thing."

"Okay." Mr. Stork didn't force it and nodded in agreement.

The three of them simply tidied up and quickly went downstairs to leave.

On the way, Ms. Lin Ge had already put on a standard gas mask. She turned to glance at the young man beside her old friend and asked curiously:

"Who is this?"

"Oh, I haven't had time to introduce you yet. This is Mr. Snow Owl from our 'recording meeting'. He is very skilled. To be on the safe side, I asked him to join us."

Mr. Stork said.

Ms. Lin Ge nodded towards Jilan and said:

"Hello, Mr. Snow Owl, thank you for your willingness to help."

"You're welcome." Gillan responded politely.

As the three of them were on their way, Ms. Lin Ge told them about the clues she had obtained:

"Last month, I was in Longken City, Alxa District. Members of the community there collected a real film called "The Hammer of Justice," which tells the story of a parade merchant at the end of the 18th century who embarked on a mysterious journey. The story of the road.”

Alxa District is located in the west of the Great Forest Area and belongs to Kawo Prefecture.

If you take the train, it takes two or three days to go from Lonken to Brak.

"The businessman's name was 'Sabotey Louis'. He lived for more than a hundred years and did not die until 1912... In his later years, he had been living in seclusion in an apartment, studying alchemy knowledge without sleep or food."

Ms. Lin Ge continued speaking, then took out a stack of typewritten documents from her satchel and handed them to Mr. Stork.

The latter took it for a closer look and saw several photos pinned to the corner of the paper with paper clips. He noticed some familiar buildings among them and couldn't help but raise his eyebrows.

"That tall building on the mountainside in the distance is Fontenburg?" he asked, pointing to the photo.

Ms. Lin Ge nodded and said solemnly:

"Well, I have investigated and confirmed that the 'black town' where Shabotai lived in seclusion in his later years in the movie is actually the current Brak City!"

“Also, I was able to roughly pinpoint a location through the features around that apartment.”

"Where?" Mr. Stork became interested and asked.

“Haddonfield Street, Skid Row, Bracker Bros. Junkyard.”

Ms. Lin Ge said calmly.

Hearing this, Jilan's expression under the mask was surprised.

Isn't that where the Oak Gang is based? !

That's where I escaped from...

But if there really is a so-called inheritance, it should have been found by the gang boss Lucas long ago.

"Before I came to Brak City, I conducted many investigations. Shabotai's single-family apartment was destroyed by a fire ten years ago. After that, a new office building and warehouse area were demolished and rebuilt. Slowly, It was also expanded into a waste recycling station..."

While talking, the three of them had arrived near Haddonfield Street.

Teams of armed police officers wearing gas masks patrolled the area. Many anti-epidemic personnel wearing bulky protective suits broke into houses and shops along the street and forcibly dragged the residents out and took them away.

Screams and cries could be heard from time to time.

The three of them ducked and hid at the corner of the street.

Ms. Lin Ge turned to the two men and said:

"But what no one knows is that in the movie, Shabotai dug deep into the basement of the apartment again and secretly dug out a more hidden private laboratory!"

"If nothing else, no one has found the legacy he left there yet!"

Thanks to "I wish I could sleep for a long time without waking up" for the 5,000 point reward!

Thanks to "Hu Ermu" for the 1500 point reward!

Thanks to "Book Friends 20220310084135662", "丨DE丨", "Book Friends 20201031171150640", "Don't show off, don't show off", "Feather Punishment", "n3pa212685" for the 500 point reward!

Thanks to book friend 20240125164123651, Ruo Qiu Zhishui, King of Greed Beria, Nangong Yiyang, lying under the bed and sleeping, Kong Qixing, New Moon Language, book friend 120504120949152, cliff o, book friend 20211226203145669, book friend 20240108182633360, book Friends 20220815201104473, Book Friends 20220901225541508, Book Friends 20210126170013279, Triple Twilight, Book Friends 20170402032204004, I just fell like that, Book Friends 20200121113405909, Book Friends 120504120949 152. Book Friends 20200816123723466, LUO2371, Book Friends 20230611125658285, Book Friends 20201031045149926, Book Friends 20180611032941623, Books Reward from friend 20230305222122759!

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