From Prisoner to Si Chen

Chapter 84 Legacy 2

Ji Lan followed Weiwei's instructions and walked to the open space at the foot of the north wall.

The cement floor here is integrated with the surroundings, and there is no trace of the basement entrance at all. Even if you stamp your feet hard and step on it, you can't hear any muffled echo.

"No wonder I can't find it." He sighed.

Without Weiwei's help, who could have found such a hidden entrance.

It is estimated that the engineering team that built the warehouse and office building did not think of using this basement, so they simply blocked it in this way.

Or maybe this group of people had a perfunctory attitude and didn't even pay attention to the basement entrance.

In short, fortunately, it was not sealed with cement, but a layer of cement was laid on the basis of the wooden boards, otherwise it would be really difficult to handle.

Jilan raised his hand, twisting with the colorful light, and the strong and thick triangular iron shield appeared in his hand.

He held a 32-pound shield, pointed the sharp corner downward, and smashed it hard!

Boom! !

With a muffled sound, Jilan forcibly cut a hole in the cement that was only two fingers wide. Cement slag and sawdust flew everywhere, revealing the pitch black underneath.

He then smashed it again.

Boom! Boom! !

With his current physique and strength, he could smash open all the wooden boards and cement covering the entrance in a few simple strokes.

Glancing outside the warehouse, there was no movement for the time being.

Ji Lan thought for a while and decided to go down and take a look first.

He called to his familiar and asked him to explore the way ahead while he followed behind.

The wooden steps were old, decayed and loose, and they creaked when you stepped on them.

Gillan took out a kerosene lighter, flipped the lid and lit it, using a weak flame to illuminate.

Going down to the basement, I found that it was quite old, with cobwebs and dust everywhere. Apart from some rotten and useless wooden mops, brooms, buckets and sundries, there was only a broken wooden bed, casually placed in a corner.

He heard from Weiwei that there was a secret door under the wooden bed.

So he strode over, pulled the wooden bed away with one hand, held a lighter and looked forward. The firelight immediately illuminated a dirty carpet.

He turned over the carpet again, and then he saw a wooden secret door underneath.

Gilan grabbed the rusty ring and pulled hard.

With a creak, the secret door opened.

There is another staircase at the bottom.

But this time, they were replaced by steps made of red bricks mixed with mud. Time has passed, but they are still strong. But there was moisture on the steps, and the mud in the gaps showed signs of softening.

Gillan continued walking down.

After arriving at the second-floor basement, the environment here changed quietly.

It looks extremely retro and has an indescribable mysterious atmosphere.

This is like a bedroom less than thirty square meters. There is a square column one meter long, three meters high in the middle, which divides the secret room into four areas: northwest, southwest, northeast and southeast.

Hanging on the pillars are several hand-drawn diagrams of the human body structure, as well as some model diagrams of engineering equipment, which look quite complex and difficult to understand.

To the northwest is an experimental workbench, with many glassware and various complex brass shelves placed on it. Knives, matches, and test tubes containing unknown liquids and dust are arranged neatly.

To the southwest are two bookshelves arranged side by side, filled with tomes, as well as some scrolls and manuscripts.

In the northeast is a bed with neatly stacked pillows and quilts.

To the southeast is a large wooden box with a curved top covered with rivets.

Jilan looked happy when he saw this.

‘This is the underground secret room where Shabotai once lived in seclusion! Maybe there really is a mysterious legacy he left behind! ’

The carved brass lighter in his hand was a little hot, so he took a few steps forward and lit a few candles on the experimental workbench.

With a clang, the lighter was closed.

Put it back in your pocket.

Gillan began to search the secret room, looking for all valuable mysterious items. Not only that, he also asked Weiwei to help him find it.

"Yes, Master!" Weiwei responded sweetly, and immediately checked around every corner.

After a while, Gillan found an exquisite wooden box on the bookshelf. After opening it, he found two pieces of parchment stored in it.

When he picked it up, "Banlan" actually reacted!

I saw twisted and uncertain colors emerging on the parchment, forming slanted writing:

"The formula of 'green gunpowder'. An alchemical product accidentally invented by the alchemist Chabotai Louis during his research experiments. The gunpowder will produce a green flame after burning, which is extremely hot and is lethal to spiritual bodies."

"The 'Wick Potion' formula. The alchemist Chabotai Louis used his lifelong knowledge of alchemy to improve a new potion based on a certain auxiliary potion. After taking it, it can effectively improve the efficiency of spiritual absorption of cosmic elements. .”

Jilan looked at the colored text and couldn't help but said: "Okay!"

These two formulas must be extremely precious mysterious knowledge.

One part can create green fire that harms the spirit body, and the other part can improve the efficiency of practice.

They are all precious things.

Gillan put the two pieces of parchment directly into the dimensional space.

At this time, good news came from the familiar:

"Master, look, Weiwei found something good!"

Ji Lan raised his eyebrows and quickly turned around and walked over.

I saw the charming villain flying over with a "wallet" in both hands.

Ji Lan's eyes just flashed with disappointment, thinking that Weiwei had just found some belongings, but when he took the "wallet", he found that he had thought too simply.

"Alchemy pocket. A pocket made of the skin of a mysterious creature. Three alchemy arrays are carved on the inside. It can effectively store sundries. The actual internal space is twenty times the original capacity of the pocket (20 Hull)."

The colorful text flickered above the leather pocket, and Gillan was startled.

‘Mysterious item for storage? ! ’

He touched the leather pocket, and his fingertips felt the smooth and delicate texture, which was warm and comfortable.

Jilan thought for a while, although he had a dimensional space, it could only store items with the word "beautiful". But this "alchemy pocket" has wider applicability and will make it more convenient for him in reality in the future.

"Good stuff!" Gillan said firmly.

He walked quickly to the experimental workbench and put down his pocket.

Immediately, he moved his fingers to the two magnetic balls on the top of the leather pocket. Just as he was about to open them, he felt a tingling sensation running down his fingers.

He felt that his gnosis was touched, and his inner realm was blown by an invisible wind.

Fortunately, the cross sword bonfire remained standing.

‘It is a kind of “magnetic field” or “influence” that comes with mysterious items. ’

Gillan suddenly understood.

Regardless of the invisible fluctuation just now, it had no effect on him.

If any ordinary person were to open this leather bag, I am afraid that he would be stunned on the spot, and maybe his spirituality would be damaged and he would become dementia.

'No wonder Sade noted in "Secret Records of the Iron" that only mystics can come into contact with mysterious rituals or objects, because this mysterious magnetic field is quite dangerous for ordinary people! ’

Gilan thought to himself and opened the leather bag with a click.

This pocket is obviously only as big as a palm, but the actual space inside is about the same as a large handbag.

He guessed that the so-called "Hull" unit was specially used to divide this kind of mysterious storage items... Based on the original size as the standard, 1 Hull is the original unit volume.

In layman's terms.

If it is a 10 Hull handbag, then the handbag can actually hold the contents of 10 handbags.


Gillan poured the contents of his alchemy pocket onto the table.

Three finger-thick pieces of light yellow medicine, five rolls of gauze, and a black microphone with a broken cord.

Nothing else.

Thanks to "Book Friends 20180527190635711" and "Five Vietnams in the Same Boat" for the 1,500 point reward!

Thanks to "378754175", "Drowning", "Pillow", "Book Friends 20180708125110825", "Tu Dog Machete", "Tiandao Reincarnation No. 3434", "The Lawyer", "Please call me Meow King" for 500 points Reward!

Thanks to "Kopcn" for the 200 points reward!

Thanks to Qiankun Taichung for the rewards from Immortal Dao, Cold K, Xiao Tian, ​​Mo Nao, Alien No. 1, Turn around, Glazed Color, Gentle Sunset, Mercury Traveler, Cancer of the Universe, Ten Miles Apart, Mo Lian, and Kong Qixing!

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