From Prisoner to Si Chen

Chapter 85 Legacy 3

"Bitter Throat Potion. A small-dose potion (1 ounce) prepared through alchemy techniques. It can effectively cure internal and external injuries, burns, poisoning, epidemics, and even miasma pollution. It has a strong analgesic effect and is a commonly used medicine among alchemists."

"Magic gauze. Gauze coated with a secret ointment, which can effectively heal trauma and has a certain analgesic effect. It is a commonly used medicine by alchemists."

"Alchemy hotline. An encrypted phone engraved with a complex alchemical formation, dedicated line communication. This is an exclusive item for long-distance communication among alchemists, and it is relatively precious."

Looking at the description of the colorful entry, Ji Lan's face became clear.

He fiddled with the objects on the workbench, two medicines, and an occult communication device.

Medicine is quite easy to understand, and he has also used gauze.

‘It’s just this…alchemy hotline? ’

He picked up the microphone. Its appearance was quite close to the landline microphone of the previous life, but it was made of gray-black metal texture, with two protrusions at the top and bottom, which were the earpiece and the microphone.

This is not the same as the separate dial telephones that are more popular today.

Jilan couldn't figure out how to use it for the time being, and didn't plan to study it here. He simply put it and the medicine back into the alchemy pocket, and then stuffed the palm-sized leather bag into his trouser pocket.

The alchemy pocket has entries, so it can naturally be stored in the dimensional space. But if items are already stored in it, "matryoshka dolls" cannot be realized.

One person turned on the demon and rummaged in the secret room for a while, but found nothing more.

Finally, Gillan set his sights on the wooden box in the southeast corner.

He first asked Weiwei to get in and take a look to make sure there were no hidden traps. Then he summoned the demon-hunting ax and split the lock on the box with the axe.


The lock bolt is broken and the cross section is smooth.

Ji Lan reached out and opened the arc cover of the wooden box with a bang.

There was nothing else inside, just two metal canes, side by side.

A bronze-colored thread with relief-like threads all over its body. If you look closely, you will see that they are small figures sitting upright on chairs, like indifferent spectators.

The bottom is a round copper ball the size of an egg, and the top handle is a very common "T" shaped handle, but one end is square and flat, and the other is flat like a pickaxe.

Overall, it looks more like a hammer.

"The Cane of Justice. An exclusive weapon that Sabotea Louis asked his friends to build for him. It is a masterpiece forged with great effort by a level 4 'Clay Sculpture' alchemist in the 'Holy Grail of the Furnace' path."

"Using 'green mercury copper' as the main material, a large number of mysterious materials such as 'tin sulfur', 'salt crystals' and even 'mysterious wedge stones' are added. It is extremely tough, can kill evil creatures or spirits, and has deformation capabilities. "

"After deformation, gunpowder can be added to trigger an explosion with the collision of the hammer head, or the hammer head can continue to burn."

Ji Lan was holding the bronze cane with a happy face.

It is about one meter long and weighs about 30 pounds. It is heavy, cool and textured.

An average person might not be able to carry it, but it was just right for him.

‘Sabotai’s cane! ’

Gilan stroked the embossed whorls on it, feeling excited.

I felt for a bump under the handle, pressed it, and heard a crisp click.

There were a few more clicks.

The handle of the bronze cane quickly deformed. First it flicked upward, and the gears below twisted. The precise parts assembled and spliced ​​themselves, and in the blink of an eye it turned into a hammer head as big as a fist, with a flat bottom and a pointed tail!

The surface of the hammer is covered with densely packed tiny triangular edges, like sharp teeth, much like a meat mallet used in the kitchen to crack meatloaf.

On both sides of the middle of the hammer head, there is an air outlet valve with a hole, and there is a groove at the end, which should be a silo for loading gunpowder or ammunition.

Ji Lan grasped the staff and tried to swing it twice, and a dull whining sound came from the wind.

The momentum is raging and the hammering wind is terrifying.

‘Okay, okay! ’ Jilan was secretly happy.

This weapon is indeed very suitable for him.

He could imagine that with his physical strength, he would be able to easily smash the enemy's head with one blow.

If it is loaded with gunpowder, the power will definitely increase to another level.

Not to mention, there is also the "green gunpowder" developed by Shabotai!

‘This cane must be an excellent weapon to match with that “green gunpowder”. ’

Gillan thought.

‘It’s no wonder that the movie Ms. Linge watched was called “Hammer of Justice.” ’

If there is any injustice done to him, this hammer should be brought down.

Very reasonable.

Jilan pressed the deformation switch again, and with a clicking sound, the hammer head deconstructed itself within a second and quickly changed back to its original shape.

Immediately, it was collected into the dimensional space.

As for the other silver cane, it's obviously not as good as this one.

There is not even an entry for "Beautiful".

Jilan picked it up and looked at it, and found that it had no deformation function.

The length is almost 1 meter, and the weight is a little lighter, only about 10 pounds, but the whole thing is still very strong and hard, with fine diamond patterns on the surface, and the handle is in the shape of an inverted "L".

‘It must be a weapon with a trace amount of mysterious material added, but it’s a little worse than a demon-hunting axe. Maybe it’s the cane that Shabotai was equipped with when he was young? ’

Gillan thought.

He picked up the silver cane and was about to turn around and go upstairs.

The demon Weiwei flew to his ear and whispered something.

Jilan narrowed his eyes.

Not long after.

Two figures came down from upstairs, and in the dimness, a cold female voice came:

"Mr. Snow Owl, do you want to monopolize Shabotai's inheritance?"

By the light of candles.

Ms. Wood Pigeon walked over expressionlessly. She held Mr. Stork's neck with one hand and a Ruger pistol in the other as she patrolled the secret room.

The kidnapped Mr. Stork was not in good condition. He had lost his hat and mask. His face was in pain, his whole body was limp, one leg was drooping, and blood was seeping from under his trouser leg. He seemed to have suffered a serious injury.

On the other hand, Ms. Lin Ge was unscathed, and it was obvious that the previous injuries were all disguised.

She must have planned to betray her and backstab the two people who came to support her. Mr. Stork was unprepared and naturally suffered a heavy blow.

"Huh?" Ms. Lin Ge stopped.

She took a closer look and found that in the dark secret room, Mr. Snow Owl, whom she had never met before, was sitting on the edge of the bed with a straight face, unable to see his face clearly.

"Oh, thanks to you for helping me find the entrance to the secret room, which saved me a lot of trouble. But you are all going to die here today, what a pity."

Ms. Lin Ge pointed her pistol at the man at the edge of the bed, lowered her head and said affectionately:

"Stork, tell me the hiding place of the film in your hand, and I can give you a pleasure."

Mr. Stork gasped and ignored her.

Instead, he said in a deep voice to Jilan in the darkness:

"Sorry Snowy Owl, I shouldn't have asked you to come with me."

Mr. Stork's heart was full of grief, anger and unwillingness.

He really didn't expect that his friend and companion for many years would betray him. This time the other party's request for help is actually just a cover. Its real purpose is not only Shabotai's inheritance, but also the real film in his hand.

At this point, Mr. Stork knew that there was little chance of a comeback. After he was severely injured by a sneak attack, he had lost his fighting ability. However, Lin Ge had not seen each other for several years, but his strength had improved a lot, and he was not far from a fighting master.

The fledgling Mr. Snow Owl is probably no match for him.

Today, both of them are likely to die here!

"You think you're going to win, ma'am?"

A faint sound came from the edge of the bed.

"Huh?" Ms. Lin Ge looked strangely and glanced at the man.

She chuckled.

"No need to be pretentious, I'll send you on your way."

Ms. Wood Pigeon was about to pull the trigger on the man.

A small figure that she couldn't see was floating beside the experimental workbench early, smiling and blowing on the candle.


The only firelight went out, and the chamber fell into darkness.

Ms. Lin Ge was shocked, but she fired with a cold face.

Bang bang bang bang!

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