From Prisoner to Si Chen

Chapter 86 Backstab

Suddenly, there was loud gunfire in the secret room.

In the darkness, fireworks burst out from the muzzle of the gun, and tracers streaked across.

The bullet casings thrown out by the automatic ejection clinked on the ground.

When the gunfire stopped, there was silence all around.

Ms. Lin Ge's face was gloomy. She fired so many shots, but she didn't hear the man's screams, not even the slightest sound.

She made a quick decision, held Mr. Stork hostage and backed away, intending to lean against the wall to avoid being attacked from behind.

But the next second.

She felt herself leaning against a strong chest.

Ms. Lin Ge's body stiffened and her pupils shrank sharply.


When did you get behind me? !

As a senior heraldry-level fighter, she was quite confident in her insight. In just a few seconds from the moment she fired the gun to the present, she had control over everything going on in the secret room.

However, not only was the opponent not shot, he also quietly approached him!

She couldn't help but be horrified by this.

Uh-huh! !

Ms. Linge reacted quickly, let go of her hand, kicked Mr. Stork away from her arms, and at the same time raised her left arm and struck an elbow behind her with her backhand.

The strong wind is flowing and the elbow strikes are fierce.

This full blow is enough to penetrate an iron plate!

puff! !

But heard a muffled sound.

Ms. Lin Ge only felt that her elbow fell into a big hand, as if the hit was not a palm, but an iron wall covered with leather, which did not move at all.

Her blood couldn't help but surge up, and her heart beat rapidly.

At this moment, the man codenamed "Snow Owl" seemed to be covered with a veil, which was both mysterious and dangerous, as if there was a man-eating beast hidden under the veil!

"Damn it!" Ms. Lin Ge yelled angrily.

She raised her leg and kicked back, not hoping to hurt the opponent, but just to use her strength to distance herself.

However, the man behind her seemed to have noticed her intention a long time ago, and actually pushed her legs with his knee, easily knocking her legs away.

Ms. Lin Ge missed her kick and landed on the wall!

Boom! !

There was a loud noise, the wall trembled, and countless dust sprinkled from the ceiling.

Immediately, she felt herself being pulled by a huge force, forced into the strong embrace, and her neck was held tightly by a big hand.

Then the man's indifferent voice and heat came to my ears:

"With this little ability, how dare you betray your companions?"


Ms. Wood Pigeon cried out in horror.

Feeling the hard-as-iron fingers on her neck, she didn't dare to move rashly.

From the beginning to the end, she was suppressed in several confrontations between the two sides. Her counterattacks were like children's play in the opponent's hands and were easily resolved.

This is definitely a strength that only a master fighter can have!

"But how can there be a fighting master in Brak City, and he is still so young?!"

Ms. Linge couldn’t believe it.

The next second.

She felt the other person's other hand begin to wander around her body, groping from her waist to her chest, then to her abdomen and even her private parts.

"You...what do you want to do?!" Ms. Lin Ge screamed angrily.

Regardless of her struggling and twisting in his arms, Ji Lan still strangled her neck with his right hand and said in a fierce tone:

"I hate it the most when people lie to me. Didn't you say it was hurt here?"

After saying that, he continued to explore the other person's body.

Soon, he put his hand into the woman's clothes and found a sheathed dagger stored close to her body from under her belly.

call out!

He grabbed the dagger with one hand and threw the sheath away.

Immediately, he held it with his backhand and stabbed Ms. Lin Ge's ribs with the knife.


"Ah!!" Ms. Lin Ge screamed.

Jilan said calmly:

"Since you said it was hurt here, it should be hurt."


Ms. Lin Ge was shaking in pain and said tremblingly.

Gilan squeezed hard with her right hand, and her cursing stopped abruptly, leaving her speechless.

Immediately, the familiar that only Jilan could see flew over and hovered in front of Ms. Lin Dove. Weiwei giggled, as if the woman's pain made her happy.

"Master, do you want me to invade this bad woman's mind? It must be interesting!"

Ji Lan didn't respond, just nodded.

That's exactly what he meant.

It just so happens that I can take the opportunity to intuitively experience Weiwei's abilities.

In the darkness where she couldn't even see her fingers, Weiwei lay on Ms. Lin Ge's face, hugged her tall bridge of nose, and looked into the rolled-up eyes.

In Weiwei's dark eyes, Ms. Lin Ge's memory fragments were reflected.

Not long after, Weiwei made a surprised sound:

"Wow! How interesting!"

With that said, it flew to Jilan's ear and kissed its owner on the face.


Ji Lan frowned.

But the next second, he "saw" the memory scene that Weiwei had stolen from Ms. Lin Ge's mind.

It turns out that the woman codenamed "Lin Ge" is not entirely a member of the "Recording Society". Her true identity is actually a reserve member of an organization called "White Dove Tower".

The organization's creed and motto surprised Gillan.

Which is:

"Treachery, lies above all else. Deceiving others to climb the ladder, stealing reputation to help others."

As for Ms. Lin Ge, that is, Les Kelly, her "entering the tower" mission is to lurk in the "recording meeting", act as an informant, and disguise herself for a long time. Until one day he finds an opportunity to betray the society and earn enough profits to return to the "White Dove Tower".

At that time, you will be able to become an official "white pigeon" with this resume.

And that's exactly what she did.

By watching the movie "Hammer of Justice", she confirmed that the location of the heritage was Brak City, and the "recording meeting" hosted by Mr. Stork there became an excellent target.

Lin Ge intends to kill two birds with one stone, first get the inheritance, and then take advantage of the situation to seize the real film in Mr. Stork's hand, then defect away and return to the "White Dove Tower".

But she never expected that the young man who was traveling with his old friend "Stork" would be so powerful that he could catch her in one encounter.

Lin Ge was extremely sure that this must be a master.

"Spare...spare me."

The woman in Jilan's hand spoke with difficulty, making a soft, mute voice.

She raised her head with a pained expression.

At this time, the demon Weiwei burst into laughter and kept spinning in mid-air.

It suddenly spoke:

"Master, do you need Weiwei to put a 'love spell' on her? This way, this bad woman will listen to you in the future!"

In the darkness, Jilan's cold eyes remained unmoved.

He didn't say anything, just squeezed hard with his right hand!

Click! !

Ms. Linge's neck was easily broken by him. She stared wide-eyed and hung her head before she died.

Gilan grabbed the woman's neck and tossed her away like trash.

With a thud, the body fell to the ground.

In the dead silence of the secret room, only Mr. Stork's weak and cautious breathing was left.

Clang - miso.

Gillan finally relit the candle with a lighter, and the flames illuminated the surrounding area.

Mr. Stork was sitting down on the ground, squinting.

He first glanced at Ms. Lin Ge's body, was slightly startled, and then turned to look at the blond young man.

The eyes are extremely complex.

Although he couldn't see anything in the darkness just now, he heard the sound of a fierce fight and the conversation between the two people... From this, he also deduced what probably happened.

Mr. Snow Owl easily killed the wood pigeon with his overwhelming strength!

This can't help but make Mr. Stork's heart tremble.

Thanks to "I wish I could sleep for a long time without waking up" for the 1500 point reward!

Thanks to "Book Friends 20231228140403758", "Yongrong Xianya", and "Looking Back to Hua Hua" for the 500 point reward!

Thanks to Kong Qixing for the reward!

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