From Prisoner to Si Chen

Chapter 91 Farewell 3

Gillan and Miss Sparrow sat in Daffodil Square for a long time.

The two of them tacitly put aside the heavy topics and moved on to other aspects, chatting about everything. However, Gillan was not very talkative and mostly just acted as a listener.

Miss Sparrow was chatting happily, chirping, and her cheeks were rosy.

It wasn't until the sun was about to set that Gilan offered to take her home.

The two took the carriage again and returned to the apartment at No. 5 Fifth Street, Host. However, Miss Sparrow was not in a high mood when she said goodbye. She reluctantly waved to Gillan before opening the door and entering.

Mr. Fozzie was standing at the door even before she got off the carriage.

It's like keeping an eye on what's going on outside the apartment.

When he saw the forced smile on his daughter's face, the middle-aged man suddenly became furious. He mistakenly thought that the boy outside the hospital had bullied Aurora. He glared at her and wanted to go out with his cane to settle the score with him.

Seeing that posture, he meant it.

He really wanted to hit someone.

Fortunately, Miss Sparrow caught him in time and anxiously explained a few words, which made the old father temporarily give up the idea of ​​settling the score, but his eyes were still unkind as he stared at the young man.

Gillan once again ignored Mr. Foz's eyes, raised his hat, and saluted him from a distance.

Immediately, he nodded slightly towards Miss Sparrow, turned and left.

When we returned to Jishe Apartment, it was already five o'clock and it was dark.

After having dinner with Mr. Stork and Old Jerry, Gillan sat alone in the living room, lost in thought.

He remembered the past.

That cramped rental house contained a computer, a game console, a set of desks and chairs, and a bed.

Hundreds of game cartridges and nearly a hundred game strategy magazines.

These things are all he has.

I stayed with him for eight years after graduation and hitting a wall in finding a job.

'My name is Mo Xing, 28 years old, a game anchor with disabled legs. I have nothing but games...'

Gilan leaned back on the sofa and remembered the night before the time travel, when he was so lost in bed, looking at the ceiling and mumbling three times.

At this time, he suddenly smiled.

"Now, my name is Guilan Iros, 20 years old, a fugitive."

He chuckled and murmured.

"But I see good."

His fingers touched the sofa, and his eyes scanned everything in the living room.

He has lived here for nearly a month, which is more relaxed and comfortable than the total of twenty-eight years in his previous life.

He seemed to have experienced the so-called beauty.

If he could, he wouldn't want to leave.

‘But some debts cannot be forgotten. ’

Jilan's eyes flashed coldly.

‘The Lewis family has tried to harm me several times, they deserve to die! ’

Just as he was thinking about it, he would take action after watching "The Great Plague # 2" with his fellow members.

At this time, there was a sudden knock on the apartment door.


Ji Lan's eyes froze, he stood up, walked to the door and glanced through the cat's eyes.

Immediately he raised his eyebrows.

He opened the door with a click, and standing outside the apartment was a short-haired woman smelling of alcohol. She was wearing a purple strapless evening dress, her white collarbones clearly visible, and a pair of sterling silver cross earrings hanging under her ears, shining in the moonlight.

"What are you doing standing at the door?"

Miss Seagull, with rosy cheeks, was carrying a bottle of red wine. She rolled her eyes at Gilan charmingly, pushed him away, and staggered in.

Gillan closed the door and turned around to see Miss Seagull leaning on the sofa, raising the bottle and pouring wine into her mouth.

Dark red wine leaked from the corners of his mouth and dripped onto his collarbone.

Gilan walked over and sat down next to her.

When we got closer, we could see clearly under the light of the chandelier that there was a faint red mark from a slap on Miss Seagull's cheek.

"What are you looking at?" Miss Seagull shouted, wiping her mouth with a handkerchief, squinting her blurred eyes, and asked Gilan.

Gilan shook his head and did not answer.

Miss Seagull snorted and handed over the wine bottle politely.

"Drink some with me."

Gillan stared at her for a few seconds, then finally took it.

Then he took out a glass from under the coffee table and got himself a glass.

"Where did you buy it? Aren't you afraid of being caught?" Ji Lan asked casually.

"It was taken at the banquet. Who dares to arrest those 'big shots'? Ha..."

Miss Seagull chuckled.

Glancing at Ji Lan drinking from a cup, he frowned and said:

"What, you dislike me?"

"Well, there's your saliva on the bottle."

Jilan said calmly.

Miss Seagull stared with beautiful eyes and said angrily:

"A man who doesn't understand amorous feelings!"

Gilan ignored her and drank red wine by himself.

The quality of this wine is very high, far from being comparable to the "Miss Grape" brewed privately by the Oak Gang. It can also be seen that the so-called "Prohibition" is nothing but empty talk for the upper class.

After he finished his glass of wine, Miss Seagull spoke after a brief silence:

"At the banquet, I slapped the son of the senior father slapped me when he went out."

"Why are you telling me this?" Gillan put down the glass.

"Because there's no one to tell."

Miss Seagull leaned slumped on the sofa, her head tilted, her eyes empty, and her messy short hair casually covering her forehead.

"I don't like that guy at all, why should I marry him... I am just a tool for my father's superiority, a commodity for exchange."

"Then let's go, go far." Gillan said.

"Huh?" Miss Seagull looked puzzled.

"I'm afraid the plague in the poor areas is not simple, and the rich areas may not be safe either. Please leave Brak City as soon as possible."

Gillan spoke the words of reminder.

"Mr. Stork will temporarily dissolve the 'Recording Meeting' after a while. He and Old Jerry will leave here, and I will leave too."


Miss Seagull looked startled.

She sat up slowly, panic flashing across her face.

"Disbanded...does everyone want to leave?"

"Mr. Oystercatcher and Miss Sparrow are still thinking about it."

Gillan answered truthfully.

Miss Seagull was lost in thought.

"Take me away!" She raised her head and stared directly at Gilan.

This is the second time today that Gillan has heard similar words.

But it is impossible for him to accept a burden following him, and the unknown pursuit he will face at that time may also implicate the other party.

He didn't speak, just shook his head.

The light in Miss Seagull's eyes dimmed.

"Then...come watch a movie with me." She said softly.

Gillan glanced at Miss Seagull, but this time, she did not refuse.


Not long after.

The two entered the utility room, turned off the lights and watched a movie.

A very ordinary tragic romance film called "Butterfly on the Sea".

It tells the story of a pair of lovers who dated for life during the war, but the arrival of the call-up order forced the hero to board a ship and part ways.

Soon, news came that the male protagonist had been killed in battle, and the female protagonist was so distraught that she jumped into the sea and committed suicide. But the male protagonist returned safely and with the glory of victory, planning to marry the female protagonist, but everything was too late.

This is just a tragedy caused by the messenger's mistake in getting the name wrong.

Very old-fashioned plot.

But what impressed Gillan slightly more was the scene at the end of the film.

The male protagonist has his back to the camera, sailing alone, accompanied by a seagull.

A line:

"Seagulls are the souls of those who died for love, and they are also butterflies lost in the sea of ​​souls."

Gillan found the film boring.

He originally thought that Miss Seagull would be watching intently, but halfway, he heard a slight snore coming from his side.

Turning around, she saw that Miss Seagull had fallen asleep long ago.

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