From Prisoner to Si Chen

Chapter 92 Subband

Bremen Empire.

The capital city, Musiti.

Center, Triumph District.

At the end of Augustus Street, a hundred-story building stands majestically.

It is called "Triumph Building".

It was a famous building that was called an imperial wonder in that era.

On the twenty-second floor of the building, in a secret hall, a group of men and women wearing white and green-label uniforms were discussing and having a meeting with serious faces.

"Mr. Stavin, the Minister of Propaganda, sent a secret letter instructing me and other 'purification departments' to speed up the research on the real film."

The speaker is a middle-aged man sitting in the main seat. He has short light brown hair, parted in the middle, a toothbrush beard, and piercing eyes.

"Team 9."

"Report to Undersecretary Heisman."

Immediately, a tall, muscular man with a crew cut stood up and made an imperial salute with crossed arms towards the middle-aged man in charge.

"The Ninth Purification Team, codenamed 'Morphine', captain Bellomo Little."

"very good."

The deputy minister nodded and immediately ordered:

"The 'Death Row Project' is temporarily terminated...Captain Bellomo, organize a team as soon as possible to view the real film and collect the secret history. All details and developments must be recorded in the book, and even the mysterious and related things contained in it must not be let go."

"Yes, sir!"

Bellomo, a strong man with a height of 1.9 meters, lowered his head and said solemnly.

The deputy minister looked down at the document and said:

"Report on the personnel and equipment of the 'Morphine' team."

"Yes, sir. There are eleven people in the team. The ten purification team members all have heraldry-level fighter physiques. They are all excellent in military physical skills. They are all excellent in shooting. They obey the command and have strong will... Captain Bellomo, Master He has a super fighter physique, excellent physical skills, excellent shooting, and has an 89% completion rate for team A and other tasks."

Captain Bellomo spoke clearly and reported meticulously.

"The equipment is the 'Grizzly Bear Conventional Individual Combat Arms', and the 'Finger Blade', 'Wrist Shield' and 'Ivory Pistol' are all equipped."

"Very good." The deputy minister hummed and nodded.

He picked up a black dark-point pen, drew a few circles on the document, then signed and stamped it underneath.

He raised his solemn eyes and handed the document to the male clerk standing on the side.

The clerk immediately understood what the officer meant, took the document, strode to Captain Bellomo, and handed it over.

At this time, I heard the deputy minister say:

"Members of the 'Morphine' team will each add a set of 'Three Tubes of Valery'. I have approved the document."

"Yes, sir! Thank you, sir!"

Captain Bellomo took the document handed over by the clerk and said loudly.

The so-called "three tubes of medicine" are medicines with trace amounts of mysterious materials added, which are anti-miasma medicine, stimulants and hemostatic agents.

This kind of individual medicine is extremely powerful and therefore precious. It can only be equipped with the approval of superiors.

It can be seen that the deputy minister attaches great importance to this operation.

"Which real film is being prepared for viewing?"

the deputy minister asked the personal clerk.

The clerk turned to face the officer, adjusted his thick gold-rimmed glasses, and said respectfully with his excellent memory:

"Area B-Real Film No. 002, "The Great Plague # 2"."

"A series of movies..." the deputy minister frowned. "And it's also a film 'sub-tape'?"

"Captain Bellomo, you must be careful while watching the movie, and be wary of possible outside moviegoers...especially those damn secret cult and secret society members."

Deputy Secretary Heisman warned.

"If we encounter them, there is no need to negotiate. We will kill them without mercy."

"Yes, sir!"




July 19, night.

Gillan was lying in her apartment room, with only the bedside lamp beside her on.

Tomorrow is the agreed "movie viewing day", and it is also the last movie viewing before the club is disbanded. He went to Mr. Stork in advance and came into contact with the real film of "The Great Plague # 2", and planned to use the "Apocalypse Dream" tonight to predict the dangers and key clues hidden in it.

‘Beautiful, dreaming. ’

Ji Lan slowly closed her eyes and said secretly.

Dark Vision, a beam of light falling from the sky.

The outline of a black film reel flashes in colored light.

His consciousness gradually fell into sleep.

In the dream, Gilan was walking on a dirty street.

The ground was covered with feces, and fecal water accumulated in the gaps between the stone bricks. Due to trampling by pedestrians, the blackened dirt turned into a "mud carpet" and was extremely slippery to walk on.

There was a foul smell in his nose, and painful wails came from the surrounding stone and wood buildings.

The sky was overcast, and the doors and windows of every house were closed.

In the distance, sword-wielding soldiers wearing triangular turbans and studded leather armor patrolled. The environment was full of despair and depression.

Jilan followed the guidance of the dream and walked forward.

I don’t know if it’s because he stepped into the “Path of the Fire Sword” and became a first-level spiritual mystic, so this “Apocalypse Dream” became different.

The picture seems to be accelerating, and time and space seem to be flowing.

In the blink of an eye, Gilan found himself at the end of a dark alley.

Ahead, there appeared several people with extremely weird behaviors and costumes.

They wandered past the street in front of the alley, but Gillan could see them clearly. Each of these people was tall and burly, with a visual inspection of over 1.8 meters. They wore thick cotton armor underneath, and a waist-length studded leather skirt on the outside.

On his head, he wore a dead wolf hood.

In his hand, he held a dagger or scimitar that was still dripping with blood.

'The Cult of Heavenly Evil...'

Gillan immediately recognized the identities of these people and was surprised.

He quietly approached and saw those cultists breaking into a house recklessly, holding down the crying family of three to the street, and hacked them to death on the spot.

Then one of them was responsible for putting the heads in dirty sacks, while the other dragged the three headless corpses with brute force to another house.

Ji Lan's expression was grim.

He found that the Heavenly Evil cultists who appeared here were much stronger than those in "Yuezhuo Village # 1". The strength is almost the same as that of the tall cultist holding an iron spike and leather whip that Mr. Stork and the others encountered at the beach. He should belong to the elite level.

Gillan secretly named these guys "Wolf-Faced Hunters."

The screen flashed and time accelerated again.

This time, Gillan stood on the street.

The sky became darker, like dark clouds before a heavy rain.

A group of knights wearing full-coverage silver-grey shiny armor rode slowly through the streets on tall horses. Outside their armor, they were also wrapped in a set of white robes that swayed in the wind.

One of the female knights in the front holds a flag with a "white cross" surrounded by olive branches and garlands.

‘Healing Knights! ’

Ji Lan stood on the roadside, holding her breath, her heart racing.

'I didn't expect... to meet this legendary army! ’

In his sight, the faces of these knights were unclear, but each of them had extraordinary momentum.

Ji Lan only felt that each of them had the strength to threaten him. This is derived from the "White Cross Bodybuilding Technique" he practiced. It has the same origin as it and has an inexplicable intuition.

Soon, one of the leading knights raised his hand to signal, and the entire knights reined in their horses and stopped in unison.

That man's helmet was unique. The visor was in the shape of a raised cone, covered with patterns, with a cross gap in the middle, and a pair of silver wings on both sides.

Gillan can almost confirm that this person is the "Silver Crown Knight", the deputy leader of the four knights, Agni Baldwin!

The silver-crowned knight dismounted and walked straight to a young girl on the side of the road.

The girl looked very frightened, but she was still coughing violently. The skin on her body had many ecchymoses, cyanosis and even necrosis. She looked like she was suffering from the plague.

With a bang, the Silver Crown Knight drew out the cross sword from his waist.

The girl screamed in fear and fell to the ground. On one side, a boy who looked like her brother bravely stopped in front of her. The two sides faced off for several seconds, but the Silver Crown Knight laughed.

Under his full-coverage silver visor, a gentle voice came out:

"This little guy is pretty good, take him back."

Gilan watched the whole process, until this moment, thoughts flashed in his eyes.

Soon, the scene changed again.

He found himself outside the town, under a windmill.

In front of him stood a strange man in black robes.

I saw the other party slowly pulled down his hood, revealing a big cat head with golden hair!

Those golden vertical pupils stared straight at Ji Lan, and then he grinned a weird smile that spread to his ears and curved like a waning moon.

The densely packed fangs in its mouth were squirming, and it opened its mouth to make a pleasant human voice:

"Oh, my delicious friend, would you like to buy something from the Windmill Cat?"

As it spoke, it shook its robe, and a piece of parchment floated out as if it were alive and fell into Jilan's hand.

He looked down and saw that the parchment was blurry.

His instinct told him that this was a list of goods.

"You can exchange with me the corpses of strong men, especially those wrapped in iron sheets. Oh, I like their corpses, they are delicious...well, especially the juicy texture and rich flavor! Very good!"

The windmill cat chuckled strangely.

"Of course, you can also exchange it with your own body."

After saying that, it opened its mouth hugely.

At a speed that Jilan couldn't understand, his upper body was torn off in one go!

Thanks to the "Snowy Night Knife Man" for the 1,000-point reward!

Thanks to "The Ballad of Dusk" and "Wittwood" for the 500 point reward!

Thanks to Tiandao Samsara No. 3434, 丨I Still Like You丨, Twinkle Mechanism, Red LOOK, Yanjing Young Hero, Alien No. 1, Xie Shuiyu, Kawei, Kong Qixing for the rewards!

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