Gillan's eyes suddenly opened.

The sky outside the window was bright and it was already the morning of the next day.

Tick ​​tock, tick tock.

The clock on the wall on the left chimed softly and read six past five.

The bedside lamp on the right had been turned on all night, still emitting a faint glow.


Ji Lan lifted the quilt and sat up, rubbing his cheeks.

He exhaled and began to recall the revelations given by the "Apocalypse Dream".

'The main dangers in "The Great Plague # 2" originate from three parties, the "Wolf Face Hunter", the "Healing Knights" and the "Windmill Cat"...'

Gillan thought about it and interpreted it slowly.

‘These three parties seem to be at odds with each other for unknown reasons. ’

'The first thing that can be determined is that the "Wolf Faced Hunter" is a member of the "Heavenly Evil Order" and his stance is confusing. They massacred the residents of the city wantonly, and it was difficult for the guards to resist, so the city lord paid for mercenaries from the "Persian Alliance" in the north to come and help. ’

'And the "Windmill Cat" is very mysterious, and it seems a bit like a traveling merchant. You can trade with the corpses of strong men... but it is also very dangerous and needs to be paid attention to. ’

‘As for the “Healing Knights”. ’

Ji Lan frowned, a little unsure.

'Their position must be hostile to the city of "Leia", and their strength is overwhelming... So after breaking through the city gate, they paraded in the streets to demonstrate. ’

'But according to the predictions of the Apocalypse Dream, I seem to be able to gain the favor of the deputy captain Agni with a little manipulation. ’

'If you can join their team, you may get unexpected gains...'




12:40 noon.

The five people in the recording meeting had lunch and gathered in the utility room again.

Different from the past, this time, several people did not have the eagerness to try. Instead, they were in low spirits and looked sad.

"Cheer up, everyone."

Mr. Stork sighed secretly and smiled.

"Even if the collective is about to disband, it will only be temporary. We will have the opportunity to get together again in the future."

The injuries on his body were almost healed under the influence of the alchemy medicine. Holding the newly acquired silver cane, he walked to the sofa and stood facing everyone.

Then, he said in a deep voice:

"This is the last time for everyone to watch the movie together. I hope no one will be injured inside. So please cheer up. It can also be regarded as a successful ending for our team for the time being."

"Yeah, I know, Mr. Stork."

Miss Sparrow took a deep breath, forced a smile and nodded.

Mr. Oystercatcher clenched his fists. He was always talkative, but now he seemed unusually silent. As for Miss Seagull, she just smiled and nodded towards Mr. Stork.

"Check your weapons and belongings, the movie viewing is about to begin!"

Mr. Stork said solemnly.

Gillan sat at the end of the right side of the sofa. He first checked the short-barreled revolver in the holster on his waist to see that it was fully loaded, and then touched the bulge in the outer pocket of his windbreaker.

There is an "alchemy bag" inside.

In the pocket were two pieces of "bitter throat medicine", two rolls of "magic gauze", an iron box of unused 9mm bullets, and two boxes of 12-caliber shotguns purchased by Mr. Stork.

As for the "colorful" dimensional space, things are more complicated, but they are all more important weapons and items.

A double-barreled shotgun, an exorcism pot, a demon-hunting axe, a triangular shield, a staff of justice, and two alchemical recipes.

After everyone told Mr. Stork that the inspection was completed.

Mr. Stork then strode to the projector behind the sofa, took out the black film reel, placed it on it, and inserted the mercury battery.

Immediately, he shouldered Ms. Wood Pigeon's bolt-action rifle... This time, when watching "The Great Plague # 2", the restricted weight of personal items was increased, enough for Mr. Stork to carry it at the same time. Pistols, canes and rifles.

This shows how dangerous the film is.

"In the film, the city of Leia is plagued by plague. Please wear the gas masks I distributed."

Mr. Stork said finally.

Everyone nodded and each put on a bird mask.

These bird-face styles all correspond to their code names, and several of them look like they are going to a grand masquerade party.

"The movie viewing begins."

Mr. Stork flipped the switch and immediately nodded to Old Jerry.


The room lights went out and the projector light box cast a beam of light.

On the curtain, after a brief black screen, a scene of a street slowly appeared...

Everyone was stunned and their eyes changed.

In my ears, vague coughs, whines and prayers suddenly sounded.

"Cough cough, cough cough..."

"Ho, ho..."

"God, please have mercy on me, may you forgive..."

Everyone looked around and found that they were on a medieval street.

The ground was dirty and full of feces. Even with the fragrance filter of the mask filter, you could still smell a stench.

The sky was gloomy, the surrounding masonry and log buildings were all yellow and black, and the entire sight was filled with a sense of despair and depression.

As soon as Gillan entered the film, the first thing he did was rub the sapphire ring on his middle finger with his thumb.

However, there was no response.

‘It seems that Weiwei cannot be brought directly into the film. ’

Ji Lan secretly thought.

Although I had expected it, I was still a little disappointed.

"Our current identity is that the city lord hired mercenaries from the Northern Merchant Alliance 'Bosi Alliance'."

Mr. Stork's voice came from under the red mouth mask.

He pointed forward with his silver cane and said:

"First walk along the street, find Leia's local guards, and report to them."

Everyone nodded.

Immediately, the group of people took steps forward.

The two ladies felt the greasy excrement under their feet and felt a chill.

On weekdays, they love cleanliness very much, and even have some mysophobia. Faced with such a dirty and messy environment, it will be difficult for them to accept it for a while.

"Everyone, please be careful and don't get too close to the buildings on both sides."

Mr. Stork reminded him in a loud voice as he walked.

"There may be local residents dumping waste water from upstairs."


The two ladies were suddenly startled.

They quickly changed positions and walked to the middle of the road.

It was exactly as Mr. Stork said. Before everyone had gone far, they saw a wooden window suddenly opened on the second floor of a stone and wood house not far ahead on the right.

An old woman wearing a headscarf was holding a wooden basin and pouring it out.

Black and yellow excrement splashed all over the street, and the water splashed one meter high.

Everyone in the community stopped quickly.

The two ladies felt horrified.

They couldn't even imagine how terrible it would be if they were rained on by that pot of stuff.

This is definitely much scarier than a monster!

Everyone continued to move forward, but seemed more cautious.

The narrow streets were originally empty, but suddenly three or five men wearing dirty linen shirts and cloth hats emerged from the alleys.

They were sallow and skinny with disgusting expressions. They came straight to the gathering with wooden sticks or rusty hatchets in their hands.

"It's a foreigner!"

"If you are dressed so cleanly, you must have money and food!"

"Kill the men and take away the women!"

Several thugs rushed over, shouting wildly and baring their teeth.

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