From Prisoner to Si Chen

Chapter 94 Honor 2

Seeing the mob attacking, Gillan and Mr. Stork reacted fastest.

The two of them took out their guns almost at the same time, and shot separately with great tacit understanding.

One on the left and one on the right, each fired.

boom! !

Gillan brushed the hammer with his left hand, and fired three shots from the revolver, instantly killing the three people on the right, and immediately holstered the gun.

The whole process seemed to have been rehearsed thousands of times, smooth, natural and fast.

The two ladies couldn't help but look at Mr. Snow Owl's shooting skills.

boom! boom!

Mr. Stork fired two shots, killing the remaining two people.

The gunfire rang out suddenly in the quiet street. The surrounding residents must have heard it, but no one dared to come out to watch the excitement.

But everyone in the recording meeting could feel that from the stone and wooden houses on both sides, there were many prying eyes through the gaps in the wooden windows.

"These thugs are infected with the plague."

Mr. Stork stepped forward and used his stick to lift off the dirty clothes of a corpse.

I saw that the man who had been shot in the head had an unknown mass in his armpit, the size of an egg, and his skin was covered with dense black spots.

"This is a symptom of the plague, the Black Death."

Mr. Oystercatcher came over to take a look and judged.

"Yersinia pestis is transmitted through flea bites, causing inflammation and swelling of human lymph nodes until it spreads to the lymphatic system throughout the body, and then enters the blood system to cause hemorrhage, ecchymosis, cyanosis and even necrosis, and most corpses are purple-black."

"These thugs are already short-lived and will definitely die within three days."

As he spoke, he looked at the other members and reminded:

"Although we wear masks, it is best to avoid close contact with local people as much as possible... If any of them are infected with the plague in their lungs, the blood droplets they cough up will also contain the germs."

"Yeah." Everyone nodded.

Although this is just a movie, after being infected with the plague, the real body will probably have negative effects. This is similar to how injuries work.

Mr. Stork lowered his head to observe the corpse, but added in a deep voice:

"It's not just the plague... these people are also contaminated by mysterious powers and miasma, so be careful."

Gillan glanced at the body.

He wanted to try corruption, but now was obviously not a good time.

Several people left the five corpses alone and continued to move forward.

Not long after, they encountered a group of eight patrol guards.

"You guys! Stop!"

The first man, who looked like a squad leader, drew out his dagger from his waist and led the team in stride.

This man wore an ear-covering leather hat with a metal disc helmet on his head. His face was wrapped in a triangular scarf, revealing only a pair of evil eyes. The leather armor on his body was somewhat tattered, and he was wearing a pair of high-top pointed leather boots, tied with hemp ropes.

"Stranger? Doctor Bird's Beak? Where are you from?"

The squad leader opened his mouth with a series of questions.

"North." Mr. Stork replied calmly. "We are mercenaries of the 'Percy Alliance'."

The squad leader looked at several people with his eyes, then smiled:

"With your fancy clothes and women, you don't look like mercenaries, but more like thieves who have sneaked into Leia... Show me your appearance, and then check if there is anything suspicious on you."

As he spoke, he strode towards the two ladies, Sparrow and Seagull, and held out his hand.

Obviously he has no good intentions.


Mr. Stork turned his cane and placed the end firmly on the squad leader's chest.

"Ha! What do you mean?!"

The squad leader laughed, his voice rising.

The seven soldiers behind him drew their short swords with a clang and surrounded several people.

Ji Lan's face was expressionless, his hands quietly inserted into his windbreaker, and he was about to take out his gun and kill all these blind guards.

But at this moment, a group of men and women wearing white and green-labeled uniforms walked slowly from the other end of the street, led by a tall and muscular man with a crew cut.

"Huh? A foreigner again?!"

The team leader turned around and looked surprised.

"It's really strange. Why are there so many foreigners coming in all at once?"

There are eleven people in the team that the crew-cut man belongs to. They all have cold faces, no one speaks, and they are extremely disciplined.

They stood twenty meters apart from the record meeting and did not get closer.

In the middle is the local guard.

"Damn, how could I be so unlucky..."

Mr. Stork suddenly cursed in a low voice, his tone unprecedentedly solemn.

He stared at the group of men and women in white uniforms and reminded them in a deep voice:

"Everyone, get ready to run away soon! Those people are the elite team of the empire's "Purification Department", and they are all very dangerous! Moreover, they will never reason with us, and will definitely kill us!"


Everyone in the community was shocked.

Imperial "purification department"? !

Why are there other moviegoers appearing in the movie being played...

"I'll explain it to you later, after we leave here."

Mr. Stork said hastily.

When he spoke out to remind everyone, the Morphine team was also communicating in a low voice.

"Captain, those guys wearing masks don't look like plot characters."

A woman with short hair and bangs spoke up.

Bellomo, a strong man with a flat head, stared at the five people in the recording meeting and said immediately:

"Most of them are people from the Secret Society's 'Recording Society'. They like to use birds as code names... Of course, this cannot be ruled out as a coincidence."

"However, no matter which faction they are from, they have violated the 'secret law' by viewing the real film without permission. Follow my orders and prepare to take action."

"No need to worry, kill without mercy!"

"Yes, Captain!"

The team members' eyes were fixed, with murderous looks on their faces.

At this time, the local guard team leader frowned, looked around between the two parties, and finally pointed his sword at the morphine team and ordered:

“You strangers, sneaky ones, come here too!”

"Kill!" the strong man with a flat head shouted coldly.

puff! Puff puff puff puff! !

With lightning speed, ten men and women in white uniforms quickly drew their guns and shot at the people in the recording meeting.

The "ivory pistols" in their hands seemed to be fully automatic, firing at an extremely fast rate, crackling, and shooting out four or five bullets in one second.

The two sides were within each other's sight, and bullets were flying on the street twenty meters away.

The stone bricks on the ground, excrement water, wooden barrels and stone piers on the street all had bullet holes, splattered with sawdust, stone powder, and even tiny specks of excrement.

Because the local guards stood between the two sides, they were the first to bear the brunt. Under the gunfire, no one was spared. They were all shot and screamed.

The squad leader was shot more than ten times, and the leather armor on his body couldn't block the firepower. He was about to fall down as he vomited blood.

Ji Lan took a step forward, stretched out his hands, and grabbed the bodies of the squad leader and another guard, using them as two "human shields" to block the front.

Without turning his head, he said in a deep voice:


Everyone in the community didn't talk nonsense, turned around and ran away.

Instead, the two ladies looked back at him in unison, with two pairs of concerned eyes under their masks.

"We'll wait for you in the church!" Miss Sparrow shouted at last.

Ji Lan did not answer, because among the eleven people on the other side, a man and a woman suddenly appeared and came straight towards him.

They apparently exhausted their magazines, but did not load the ammunition. Instead, they planned to use close combat to deal with themselves while pursuing the four fleeing members of the society.

But how could Jilan let them get their wish.

He waved his hand and threw aside the two tattered corpses that had been beaten into a sieve.

Immediately, he turned around and ducked into the alley on the right.

As expected, the two men followed in, each with a cold face, and took out a Zhihu knife.

The man held it in front, the woman held it in reverse, and rushed from left to right.

Ji Lan stopped suddenly and kicked his feet.


Its body was like a butterfly that suddenly changed direction, its forward momentum suddenly changed to backwards, and it bumped backwards with an elbow without looking back.

There was a sharp sound.

Almost in the next second, two curved finger-tiger knives grazed both sides of Jilan's cheeks, and he even saw the shock on the faces of the man and woman.

puff! !

The shock on the woman's face instantly turned into pain, and her mouth opened wide.

After receiving a full elbow from Gillan, her ribs were broken and her internal organs were bound to rupture and bleed.

At the same time, a shiny ax crossed the crescent moon, and with a click, the male team member's head was taken off like a kite flying through the air.

The head flew up, spinning, and blood droplets sprayed in arcs.


The woman and the headless corpse fell down at the same time.

The head then landed with a thud, bounced twice, and rolled to the woman's hand.


The female team member was vomiting blood and could no longer care about her headless companion beside her. She lay on the ground and turned her head, eyes wide with fear.

The man wearing a white owl mask was already walking towards him!

The opponent was holding an ax and raising his windbreaker, like a demon in one person.

"Wait...wait!" she screamed.

Thanks to "Eel Fishing Rice" for the 500-point reward!

Thanks to virtualyi and Xie Shuiyu for the reward!

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