From Prisoner to Si Chen

Chapter 95 Remarks on the launch

First of all, I would like to thank every book friend who has provided support and encouragement.

This book came to Sanjiang as expected.

Here, I would like to introduce my thanks to Carrot.

Everyone's love convinced Luobo that this story was not without merit. Although it is niche, some people still like it.

Thanks to the editor-in-chief, Ms. Bacon, for being serious, responsible, patient and kind. At the beginning, when I sent the text of the first six chapters, she said that this book had a threshold and was difficult to write, but she still encouraged me and thought it had great potential.

At her suggestion, the first two chapters (the interrogation process) were deleted to make the opening chapter more rapid and eye-catching.

When the book's performance was not good, she also cheered for Carrot, saying that even when "The Secret" came out, it was still not favored before it was put on the shelves. This kind of innovative world view and system requires a certain amount of space to pave the way and expand it before it can exert its charm.

Carrot was very moved.

How can we be so virtuous?

Thanks to the editor-in-chief, Brother Beihe, for helping me read the beginning and making many suggestions.

I would also like to thank the operating officer, Your Four Seasons, for his hard work on both books. Thank you very much.




Next, let’s introduce Carrot to talk about something off-topic.

Beauties who are familiar with Luo Bao should also know that Luo Bao likes to share some of his creative journey and has a strong desire for expression.

Old readers who have followed "The King of Villains" should have a deep understanding that the introduction, the end of the volume, and even the completion of the book are all long short essays.

Here, I also want to say sorry.

The main reason is that I have accumulated too many words, which can only be said in specific chapters, which seems long and smelly. I took this opportunity to chat with you all.

In May 2022, Mengxin Luobo wrote his first book on Qidian, which was also the first online article in his life. He was groping and creating on the bumpy road.

Fortunately, I finally finished it in full, even though I went through many pitfalls, hit many walls, and left many flaws in the process.

But it also gave Luobo the experience of telling long stories.

I gained the confidence to create this book.

In July 2023, "The King of Villains" will officially end.

This is the first successful conclusion of my writing career.

In fact, the concept of the book "Si Chen" (originally known as "Elepsy Dream") had a vague outline as early as halfway through the writing of "The Villain".

That period happened to be a bottleneck.

The collision between game NPC and mystery is interesting, but it also makes it difficult to coordinate the tone.


Carrot came up with the idea of ​​writing a flavor correction, using mysticism as the main theme, classical art and emerging art (movies and video games) as the form of expression, and using a paranoid as the perspective to tell a story about a hymn to mankind.

The second half of "Villain" can be regarded as an attempt.

When formally conceiving "Si Chen", Luo Bao decided that perhaps it should abandon the system, fun, comedy and light-hearted elements that are more popular in the current mainstream market, and write a grand narrative that is slower and more serious than the version.

It is a challenge that exceeds one's capabilities.

Regardless of success or failure, the result will inevitably greatly improve Luo Luo and lay a more solid foundation for future creative paths.

Otherwise, sooner or later, everyone will be lost.

At that time, after a month's rest (actually half a month), Luobo began to prepare for the new book in August.

Including but not limited to plot outline, characters, world view, world history, world map, currency system, superiors, countries, different economic and political cultures, power systems, secret societies, film world, etc.

From the "Dust Age" before Dawn BC, and even the earlier "Untraceable Initial Secret History", to the "Bright Age", "Age of Anxiety" and "Twilight Age" after Dawn AD.

Until the arrival of the protagonist Guillain Iros on June 19, 1926.

From the Bremen Empire in the middle, to the Stuttgart Empire in the west, and the Owena Federation in the east, to the far north and the Mediterranean in the south.

From the four great Si Sui, to the Twelve Si Chen, and then to dozens of apostles.

It can be as big as a country, as small as a secret society, or as small as a daily necessities.

From a rough name to a detailed biography.

Luobo consulted a lot of information for this purpose (reference book titles will be released at the end), and also used games, videos, movies, dramas, etc. as materials (reference works will be released at the end).

And based on this, I racked my brains and tried to create an interesting and novel worldview system and structure that was complete and consistent with the underlying logic.

Here, I would also like to give you a little reminder:

1. Not a fan.

2. Please be patient if the seemingly unreasonable parts in the text have reasonable explanations and roots.

3. Please do not apply the settings of any work or game.

This point needs further explanation. Because the setting has been sewn a lot, and it has also undergone secondary magic modification and processing, there is only a similar skin left, and the core is probably beyond recognition.

For example, the two game works that inspired Radish the most, "The Secret Cult Simulator" and "Hunger and Fear I \u0026 II".

The Twelve Si Chens and the Secret Cult Si Chen in this book are only specious, similar in appearance but not in spirit; there are no major game settings such as sexual appearance, secret transmission, woodland roads, and secret atmosphere (mainly absorbed from Mansu, Secret History, and Si Chen These three concepts); the way of ascension is completely different.

The power system in this book is based on Kabbalah's "Road of the Fire Sword" and is an original path to godhood.

Speaking of the "Path of the Fire Sword" in this book, Luobo is quite proud.

Radish is based on the Kabbalah Tree of Life, combined with the triple spiral of Western mysticism, that is, the three ancient mainstreams of "astrology", "alchemy" and "magic", and then integrates the four elements of the universe, the "Sword" and the "Holy Grail" in Tarot ", "Pentacles" and "Wands" are used to divide the paths of the stars in December.

These twelve roads have been created, modified and optimized, and have been perfected to the point where each of them conforms to its basic logic and laws.

Excluding the original level specialities of levels 1, 3 and 9, there are a total of 72 primes.

Therefore, in this book, "Si Chen" not only represents "hour", but also symbolizes "stars", because this belongs to the "body" path in the triple spiral, which is the mysterious meaning of the "astrology" school.

It also involves the relationship between the so-called "Supreme Realm", "Astral Realm", "Moon Realm" and "Material Realm" in the world view later (Kabbalah concept).

In addition, Luobo searched specifically for the biography of "A.K." (Alex Kennedy), the producer of "The Secret Cult Simulator", reviewing his growth experience and what works and cultures he was influenced by when he was young.

What Luo Bao wants to do is to trace back to the source and find the original enlightenment.

For example, when "A·K" was young, his father disappeared on the vast sea while on night duty as a member of the Royal Air Force... The shadows of the sea and night more or less influenced his performance in "The Sunless Sea" creation in.

In this way, it became clear that the main mission of "Sunless Sea", "Searching for Father's Remains", is not a random string of text.

Behind it, perhaps there are hidden scars in the creator's heart.

For another example, "A·K" was deeply influenced by Gothic literature and Romantic literature, so Carrot bought many works by Edgar Allan Poe, Lord Dunsany, Howard Philip Lovecraft, Clark Arthur, etc. Books by Shdon Smith et al.

All kinds of things like that.

Luo Bao has a general understanding of his works, but has never played them in depth. Firstly, time does not allow for it, and secondly, he is worried that his creation will be subtly affected too deeply.

(Interestingly, book friends can rely on the world view of "The Esoteric Cult" for many of the original contents in the text. Luo Bao is actually confused when he hides behind his mobile phone, because he can't understand what you are talking about! After all, Luo Luo He’s just a half-informed Zaiyun player...)

Works that reference "A·K" include:

"Echo Bazaar" (predecessor of "London Falls")

"London Falls"

"Sunless Sea"

"Secret Cult Simulator"

"The Book of Si Chen"




Reference books:

"Being a Victorian"

"A Hundred Years of Duode Dynasty"

"Dwellers of the Abyss"

The Witcher: A History of Fear

"Black Magic Notes"

"Solomon's Little Key"

"Golden Bough"

"Gold Leaf"

"People in the Shadows"

"The Great History of Religion"

How to Slay a Dragon: A Medieval Hero's Guide to Adventure

"Chicken Kabbalah"

"Red Book"

"The Inner Sky"

"A Guide to Western Occultism"

"Strangers and Other Stories (Climbing the Wall of Dreams)"

"The Crow Never Raise"

"Book of Miracles"

"The King in Yellow"

"Fantastic Talks in Virtual Realm"

(I haven’t finished some of them, and there are a lot of them on the bookshelf that I haven’t read yet, so I won’t go into details)

Reference game:

"Secret Cult Simulator"

"Hunger and Fear" (two parts)

Alan Wake (two parts)

"The World of Horror"

"Amnesia: The Bunker"

The Evil Within (two parts)

"Dark Souls" (trilogy)


"The Circle of Eldon"

"Hollow Knight"

"Pinocchio's Lie"

"Blasphemy" (two parts)

"Shame" (Trilogy)

"Escape" (Trilogy)

"Silent Hill" (series)

"BioShock" (trilogy)

"Resident Evil" (series)

"Lord of the Fallen" (two parts)

"If it's a winter night, four travelers"

(There are dozens more that have less impact, so I won’t go into details)

Reference film and television animation:

"Legend of Sword Wind"

"File 81"

"The Witch"


"The Exorcist"

"silent Hill"

"A Midsummer Night's Terror"

"Mad God"

"Determination" \u0026 "Endless"

"The Conjuring" \u0026 "Insidious"

"X" \u0026 "Bohr"

"Jerusalem Land"

"The Kingdom of Heaven"

"Fullmetal Alchemist"


"Saint Maud"

"Guillermo del Toro's Cabinet of Curiosities"

(Too many, so I won’t go into details)




If "Go away" is Luo Luo's idol, then "The Squid Who Loves Diving" is Luo Luo's first teacher.

So here’s my tribute again.

(Why again, because the previous book paid tribute once in the form of an Easter egg in the text, but this time the method is different)

The title of each volume of this book will be based on an original "original" name of "The Path of the Fire Sword".

(The prisoner in Volume 1 refers to Gilan’s original identity and the process of breaking free from the cage and transforming from a mortal to a spiritual mystic. It does not mean that he will take the path of the "divine scepter" and become a second-level "prisoner". Do not misunderstand)

Finally, back to the topic.

This book will be on the shelves on February 14th, Valentine’s Day in the West, which is tomorrow.

Tomorrow at 12:00 noon.

There will be 5 chapters updated at that time.

In the next two days, the update time will be restored at 17:00, but we will continue to update for the leader and strive to complete 5 chapters. (If there is reward from the leader after it is put on the shelves, try to adopt this form to add more updates)

After that, it will return to normal update.

There is nothing I can do to repay you for your love. I can only try my best to update it every day in the first month, guaranteeing 2 chapters, and strive for 3 chapters.

(There are not many manuscripts saved. I can only show the code after the updates are completed)

(I have a weak brain, I have a weak hand, please forgive me, and kowtow)

at last.

Radish is here to place your first order!

What is the first order?

The number of subscribers for the first paid chapter within 24 hours after its release.

Why ask for first order?

The first order is so important. It is a key factor that affects the performance of a book. It provides data reference for operations staff to arrange resources and promotion.

It can be said that the quality of the first order determines how far the book will go.

It even determines whether the author eats dirt, shows off steamed buns, or has a crazy Thursday.

Speaking of Crazy Thursday, V Carrot will be available for first order tomorrow.

When the carrot goes crazy the day after tomorrow, I will give you a story full of sincerity.

By the way, please ask for a monthly ticket!

Thanks to everyone's support, the number of monthly votes for this book is about to enter the top ten of the new book monthly votes list!

Carrot was very excited, but he had never been treated like this before!

Thank you!

Thanks again! !

In the new year, Carrot is here. I wish every book lover and every beauty, whether a true fan of this book or a little Heizi, can be healthy, safe and academically sound in the new year. Success, smooth career, happy love, and harmonious family!

I also wish you all can find your favorite novel.

You can have a beautiful dream that forgets the worries of the world.

A little refreshment for that tiring life.

Carrot Ball February 13, 2024

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