From Prisoner to Si Chen

Chapter 96 Honor 3

With the light behind his back, Jilan just picked up the ax without saying a word.


The woman's scalp suddenly became numb.

But she was a heraldry-level fighter. Although she received an elbow and suffered internal injuries, her reaction was not slow. She endured the severe pain in her chest and abdomen and quickly raised her hands to block.

The dark gray wristband on her left arm popped out with an iron cube, folded in the middle and unfolded into a curved round shield the size of a plate, which resisted Gillan's axe.

when! !

Sparks flew up and loud noises were heard.

Although the woman escaped the fatal blow, she could not withstand the huge force of the axe, and was knocked to the ground.

She gritted her teeth and blood flowed from the corners of her mouth.

Ji Lan let out a sigh.

It seemed that he was surprised because the other party blocked his axe.

But he didn't ask questions, but picked up the ax again and started chopping again.

Duh! !

This time, the good-looking woman with short hair was unable to resist. Before she could speak, her head was chopped off by the axe.

Gilan kicked the opponent's beautiful face, kicked the body away, and pulled out the stuck ax.

The ax brought out a handful of blood, which dropped to the ground. The smell of blood mixed with the stench of feces spread around.

Gilan knelt down, took off the strange buckler from the opponent's hand, and took a closer look.

The shield received a violent blow from me, leaving only a shallow gash, which showed how hard it was.

He fumbled to find the raised button under the wristband and tried to press it.


Following the deformation, the shiny small buckler retracted, leaving only a palm-sized iron wrist guard in the blink of an eye.

"Interesting." Ji Lan raised his eyebrows. "It's one level more defensive than the triangular shield, and it's also lighter. It's just that the defensive area is much smaller."

He simply put the wristband on his left hand.

Immediately, two white carved pistols, an iron wrist guard, two finger-tiger knives and two flat iron boxes the size of cigarette boxes were found from the bodies of the men and women.

The two iron boxes are in the same condition.

After opening, there are three grooves as thick as a little finger inside.

One of the slots labeled "Anti-miasma medicine" is empty, but the remaining blue "stimulant" and green "hemostatic agent" are still there.

Jilan checked the Zhihu Knife again and found that there was nothing special about the weapon except that it was sharp and tough, so he simply threw it away.

He only put the pistol, wristband and iron box into the "alchemy pocket".

After doing this, he turned around and walked back.

Back at the alley, Gilan was thinking about how to deal with the remaining members of the purification team, but suddenly he saw a group of thugs jumping out of nowhere and surrounding them.

The thugs were visually estimated to be twenty or thirty people. They were in ragged clothes, with hideous faces, and were dirty. They were armed with wooden sticks, kitchen knives or iron rakes.

Although they had a numerical advantage, facing nine men and women in white uniforms, they were slaughtered as easily as pigs and dogs.

I saw that each member of the purification team was holding a finger tiger knife and equipped with a wrist shield, and they were very efficient in killing people. Often a thug can be killed with one knife or one punch.

Especially the brawny man with a flat head at the head.

With a wave of his arm as thick as a log, he could even chop off the heads of three thugs instantly with the tiger knife in his hand!

Bloody and brutal.

‘All members are heraldry-level fighters, and the leader should be the master. ’

Ji Lan's eyes narrowed.

Among the opponents, only the brawny man with a flat head could pose a threat to him.

He gave up the idea of ​​taking a cold shot because it made no sense.

The thugs could not threaten this well-trained team with strong individual combat capabilities. Instead, they would be exposed if they fired rashly.

'Why don't we go back and put the bodies of those five thugs to decay first...'

Gillan thought.

However, at this moment, he suddenly felt like he was being watched.

It was very much like the feeling of being targeted by the devil in the Lewis family that night.

He closed his eyes and "looked inside", and on the isolated island deep in his soul, the Kingdom's mark, the Cross Sword bonfire, swayed slightly.

This made him even more sure that someone was watching him.

‘The gnosis was touched, who is it...’

Ji Lan opened his eyes and frowned slightly.

He suddenly thought of something, turned his head suddenly, and looked at the sky behind him.




On the huge curtain, in the movie screen.

The man in a trench coat wearing a white owl mask turned back without warning and looked at the camera.

He looked into the eyes of a young man wearing a short-brimmed beret and a white uniform with a green label.


The young man couldn't help but be surprised.

But he quickly came to his senses and quickly started writing with a pen on the notepad in his hand.

I saw that many entries have been recorded in the notebook, and the one currently being written is:

"The man in the white owl mask is suspected to be a member of the "Recording Club" of the society, codenamed "Snow Owl", a master of fighting, good at using axes... He killed two purification team members in just one encounter."

"Preliminary estimates indicate that his physical skills are excellent and his shooting skills are excellent."

"In addition, the target should have storage of mysterious items and a hidden axe."

The young observer stopped his pen.

He turned his head and looked to one side. Eleven members of the Morphine Team were sitting on a row of chairs facing the curtain.

One of them, a man and a woman, already had their heads hunched, lowered, and breathless.

It was as if they were the two people whose heads were chopped off by Gillan in the movie.

But observers were impassive.

Just when he was about to evaluate the danger level of the man in the snow owl mask on his notepad, he glanced at the curtain out of the corner of his eye and couldn't help but be startled.

I saw the guy hiding in the alley, leaning out half of his body, and firing violently at the decontamination team with a short-barreled revolver.

Bang bang bang! !





Yellow bullet casings were scattered.

Gillan pressed the speed loader into the revolver's magazine, lifted it, swung the revolver, cocked the hammer, raised his hand and fired another round at the decontamination team.

Bang bang! Bang bang bang bang! !

Two male team members were distracted and fell to the ground after being shot.

The rest of the team members were shocked and angry, and frequently looked towards the entrance of the alley.

Ji Lan sneered, quickly retracted his body, and hid in the alley.

The reason why he suddenly changed his mind and took a cold shot at the purification team was that the situation on the field had suddenly changed.

Maybe the pollution team just made too much noise, which actually attracted the "wolf-faced hunter". Therefore, after they slaughtered the thugs, they faced a dozen tall sword-wielding cultists.

This group of "wolf-faced hunters" have extremely strong fighting abilities. Their skills may not be as good as those of heraldry-level fighters, but their physiques are far superior.

So much so that the purification team fell into a short hard battle.

And this also gave Gilan an excellent opportunity.

Those two fallen players were the result.

"Damn community rats!"

The brawny man with a flat head cursed angrily.

His eyes were cold, and the small buckler of his left arm blocked the straight sword of a wolf-faced hunter. With a clang, he punched out with the tiger knife on his right hand.

A loud bang shattered the head of another wolf-faced hunter.

Immediately, the brawny man with a flat head jumped up, knocked the enemy in front of him away with his knee, and then stepped on the opponent's chest with his kick.

He bent down and stabbed the dead wolf through the hood on the spot!

In a few breaths, Bellomo, as captain, kills two wolf-faced hunters. The next second, he rushed towards the alley like a sharp arrow that was taken off its string.

"Don't even think about running away!"

Bellomo shouted angrily towards the entrance of the alley where Guillen was.

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