From Prisoner to Si Chen

Chapter 97 Honor 4

But when Captain Bellomo came to the alley.

In addition to the corpses of the two team members, there was no figure of the man in the mask and trench coat. There were only traces of blood and fishy smell in the empty alley.

"Damn it!" The brawny man with a flat head yelled angrily.

He tightened his finger on the tiger knife, but did not pursue it again.

As the leader of the purification team, he did not let anger get to his head. The overall situation and rationality told him that if he pursued rashly, he would only give the other party an opportunity to take advantage of him.

Bellomo was not fooled, and turned back to the battlefield with a cold face.

With him as the backbone, the team quickly relied on their personal strength and sophisticated equipment to kill all the incoming wolf-faced hunters.

However, because of this, more than half of the team members have consumed the stimulants they were equipped with.

"Clean up the battlefield and make records."

Bellomo looked around and ordered his team members with a livid face.

On the ground, two team members were shot in the chest, and their necks and faces were stabbed several times by the "wolf-faced hunter". They were too dead to die.

The movie viewing has just begun, and the team has lost four members!

This made Bellomo quite annoyed, and he said in a deep voice:

"Find a place to stay first and discuss the next step."

"Yes, Captain."

The other six team members answered in unison.

Immediately, their division of labor was clear. Someone examined the bodies of the thugs and the wolf-faced hunter in detail and wrote something with pen and paper.

Then, we left together toward the other end of the street.

Until I found a hotel and stayed in it.

The hotel owner is a middle-aged bald man, his wife serves as a cook, and his daughter does chores... However, due to the outbreak of the plague, the hotel is closed and guests are not allowed to stay.

But the purification team didn't care so much. Captain Bellomo gave an order, and the team members directly killed the three members of the family with finger-tiger knives and forcibly occupied the hotel.

What they didn't notice was that at the corner of the street, the head of a white owl suddenly retracted from the wall.




Gilan secretly followed the purification team, determined their destination, and then turned around and left.

Because of the touch of gnosis, he guessed that the current movie story was probably being monitored by people from the "Purification Department" in real life.

Every move of both parties can be clearly seen by people outside!

Therefore, he did not dare to putrefy the corpse rashly to avoid exposing its "beauty".

Ji Lan secretly thought it was a pity and quickened his pace.

He searched for the location of the church along the way. After a while, he found a small church in the center of the town based on the impression in his dream.

Its whole body is made of stone and wood, with a triangular sloping roof. It is not big, but it has a sense of solemnity. At the door, you can also see a simple cross made of wooden planks and nails, declaring that this is the Dawn Church of "Omer".

Push the door open and enter.

Ji Lan saw the four people waiting here for the recording session.

Seeing him come in, Mr. Stork and others who were sitting on the wooden bench suddenly stood up.

"Mr. Snow Owl! Are you okay?!"

Miss Sparrow came over quickly and asked with concern.

Gillan shook his head.

He saw that several people had not taken off their masks, and he immediately realized that Mr. Stork must have guessed that someone was watching outside the movie, so it was necessary to use masks to cover up their faces to avoid revealing their true identity in reality.

"I found these on two of the decontamination team members."

Gillan reached into his trench coat pocket and took out two ivory pistols and handed them to Mr. Stork.

This kind of pistol looks like it is specially made by the official government. It fires 7.62mm round-nose bullets and has a magazine capacity of 12 rounds.

The advantage is that it is light weight and has a fast rate of fire, making it suitable for use in movies and for fire suppression. But the shortcomings are also obvious. The accuracy, lethality and effective range are not ideal.

Compared with these, Gillan still prefers the short-barreled revolver on his body.

"You can use these two guns," he said.

When everyone heard this, they didn't know that Mr. Snow Owl had killed two purification team members and got the trophies from them.

Mr. Stork took the light and exquisite ivory pistol and seemed to know something about this weapon, so he smiled and handed it to the two ladies.

Miss Sparrow and Miss Seagull were startled and looked down at their weapons.

"Thank you, Mr. Snowy Owl."

They played with the exquisite firearms and thanked Gilan.

Next, everyone sat back on the bench and discussed their next move.

Because the sudden arrival of the purification team disrupted their original plan, adjustments had to be made.

"I have just explained to them the reason why the purification team will appear in the film at the same time as us... Here, I will explain it to you again by the way."

Mr. Stork turned towards Gillan.

"In real film, the same movie does not only have one 'master tape', but also a 'sub-tape'... But this situation is rare, and most of them only appear in large-scale movies, especially series of movies. For example, I watched "The Great Plague # 2" this time."

"If two people hold two 'sub-tapes' of the same movie and watch the movie at a close time, they may appear in the movie at the same time."

"Even though these two people are thousands of miles apart in reality."

Mr. Stork explained the principle in a deep voice.

Gillan then understood why the Purge Team was also in the movie.

He nodded, thoughtfully.

Mr. Stork said again:

"In view of the high degree of danger in this film, and now there is a decontamination team, I plan to wake up the two ladies, Sparrow and Seagull, first. This will ensure their safety, and at the same time, they will monitor the movie screen outside. It can also wake us up better and more timely.”

Gillan glanced at the others, and Mr. Oystercatcher nodded at him.

Although the two ladies, Sparrow and Seagull, were reluctant to abandon their teammates, they also understood the seriousness of the matter and both nodded in agreement.

"Mr. Stork, what are you going to do?"

Gillan asked.

Mr. Stork shook his cane and sighed.

"We can only ask the two ladies to endure the pain for a while, otherwise old Jerry will not be able to judge the timing of awakening."

"It's okay, please do it."

Miss Sparrow said fearlessly.

Miss Seagull also nodded. She is not a little woman who is afraid of pain.

Whoosh—pop! !

Miss Seagull screamed.

Mr. Stork's silver cane hit her calf with just the right amount of force, only damaging the muscles but not breaking the bones.

In this way, the negative impact on the body in reality will be much smaller.

"You... are cruel!"

Miss Seagull said tremblingly with tears in her eyes.

Mr. Stork took off his hat apologetically.

Just as Miss Sparrow was preparing to receive the blow from the stick, she heard:

"After Miss Seagull wakes up, be sure to wake up Miss Sparrow as soon as possible."

"Ah?" Miss Seagull was startled. "Am I the only one who gets beaten?"

The next second.

Her figure began to flicker, with noise and vertical spots appearing.

He immediately disappeared into the original chair.

Soon, Miss Sparrow heard Miss Seagull's call, and she followed closely, disappearing from the chair and leaving the movie.

"Now, there are only three of us gentlemen left."

Mr. Stork turned to look at Gillan.

"Mr. Snow Owl, do you have any action suggestions?"

"According to what you said, the Purification Team, as the official elite, has zero tolerance for the existence of the secret society, so they will definitely seriously hinder our operations."

Ji Lan looked at the two men and said calmly.

"Mr. Stork, you and Mr. Oystercatcher should follow the original plan and go to other local guards to report, or go directly to the city lord to see if you can get new information or tasks..."

"Take these to save your lives."

He sat on the chair, took out the two iron boxes containing "stimulant" and "hemostatic agent" and handed them to the two of them.

Under the owl mask, there is a solemn expression.

"As for me, I am responsible for harassing the interception and purification team. If you don't create some trouble for them, it will be difficult for you to carry out operations..."


The two men, the stork and the oystercatcher, were present, the sparrow and the seagull lady outside the movie, and even the observers at the "Triumph Building" in the capital...

None of them expected that Mr. Snow Owl would dare to take the initiative to deal with the purification team!

The official observer quickly lowered his head, crossed out the original word "danger" on the notepad with a pen, and changed it to:

"Snowy Owl, danger assessment: severe danger!"

"This person has strong hostility towards the purification team and is extremely murderous!"

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