From Prisoner to Si Chen

Chapter 98 Honor 5

Mr. Stork and Mr. Oystercatcher left the church first.

Gillan sat alone on a wooden bench.

He was the only one left in the entire small church of 70 to 80 square meters.

In addition to the four rows of wooden chairs on both sides, there is only a shabby old wooden notice stand directly in front. Even the stone statue of Omer on the wall is only half a meter high.

He was a thin man with long hair, regular and soft features, and only a fig leaf covering his body. He was nailed to the cross, with his head bowed and a faint smile on his face.

Gillan stood up.

He had just left the church when he stopped at the door.

Because he heard tapping footsteps and melodic whistles faintly coming from the church alley on the left.

Looking back.

I saw a suspicious figure shrouded in black robes, pacing back and forth in the alley. But soon, the man suddenly stopped again, crossed his fingers and clenched his fists, lowered his head and prayed towards the church.

At first glance, he looks like a devout believer.

After the stranger prayed, he turned his head and looked at Gilan.

Under the hood was a pair of golden vertical pupils with playful eyes.

‘Windmill cat? ! ’

Gillan couldn't help but be surprised.

In Apocalypse Meng's impression, the other party should appear under the windmill outside the city, but for some reason he came here.

He did not step forward to make contact with her, but instead withdrew his gaze and walked away quickly.

According to Tianqi Meng's guidance, Gillan roughly figured out the potential trading rules of "Windmill Cat".

First, the trading chip must be the "corpse of the strong", but if the transaction does not satisfy it, then it will eat the trader mercilessly.

Secondly, it is best to conduct the transaction only once, the first time is absolutely safe. But starting from the second time, it has a chance of directly eating the trader, and the later it goes, the greater the chance.

Gillan secretly guessed the strength of "Windmill Cat".

Originally, in Apocalypse's dream, the other party gave him an unparalleled sense of oppression. It wasn't until they actually met that Jilan realized that he had underestimated the other party.

The Windmill Cat has an elusive sense of mystery that makes its hair stand on end.

Unfathomable and dangerous.

That is definitely a powerful existence on the same level as the deputy leader of the "Healing Knights" and the "Silver Crown Knight" Agni.

The current self is definitely no match.

But when Gilan left the church a hundred meters away and walked around the corner of the street.

A figure in black robes was already leaning against the wall at some point, waiting for him here.

"Oh, my delicious friend, where are you going in such a hurry?"

The other party turned to look, and the golden-haired cat face under the hood grinned.

Ji Lan's heart trembled.

"You are?" He pretended to be confused.

"Ah, I am 'Windmill Cat', just a traveling businessman passing through here. My delicious friend, are you interested in trading with me?"

The body under the black robe was shaking with excitement for some unknown reason.

"I have many treasures here, take a look."

As he spoke, a piece of parchment flew out from under Windmill Cat's black robe and floated into Jilan's hand.

He looked down.

The list that was not tangible in the dream is now clear.

"Tin sulfur, a mysterious material, can be used as medicine, forging or rituals, etc."

"Salt crystal, a mysterious material, can be used for medicine, forging or rituals, etc."

"Secret dust, advanced mysterious material..."

"Yao eggs, mysterious materials..."

"Red mercury, mysterious material..."

"The panacea, the alchemical potion that can cure all diseases and relieve suffering."

"Bitter throat medicine, alchemical potion..."

The names of a bunch of products were densely written on the parchment, almost all of which were mysterious materials or alchemy potions, and there were also a few strange and weird things.

Most of these products were unfamiliar to Gillan.

However, there were four products among them that caught his attention.

First, it must be a "panacea."

The description is really exaggerated and it can cure all diseases.

Gillan was very interested in this potion, but at the same time, he had some doubts.

Not only because of its outrageous medicinal effects, but also because "Windmill Cat" itself is very suspicious. It was hard not to make him wonder if this mysterious cat-headed man with strange behavior was playing tricks.

The other three products are named "Tin Sulfur", "Lingmi Dust" and "furnace green" respectively.

The reason why these three things attracted Gillan's attention is that they are the main materials of "green gunpowder".

Just mash these three mysterious materials and mix them in a ratio of 16:2:3 to become Shabotai's unique alchemy "green gunpowder".

"Why don't you have a price tag on these products?"

Gillan asked the Windmill Cat while holding the parchment.

The Windmill Cat opened its mouth wide and its densely packed fangs began to wriggle. It smiled and said:

"You can exchange the corpse of a strong man with me. As for the specific price, oh, you, the delicious guest, will evaluate it. If you can satisfy me, then the deal will be concluded... This is very interesting, isn't it?"

‘That’s so funny! ’

Jilan cursed secretly.

Others may not be able to hear this guy's subtext, but how could he not know it?

If the Windmill Cat is not satisfied, it will eat the trader itself!

But then Jilan thought about it. The guys from the purification team and the corpse of the wolf-faced hunter could just be used to trade with the Windmill Cat...

Anyway, I also plan to deal with the purification team, and at the same time, I don't want to expose "Bailan" to corrupt the wolf-faced hunter.

Put this waste to use!

"I'm going to find the body now and I will satisfy you."

Gilan handed the parchment back and said solemnly.

When he heard what he said, the big golden cat head of the Windmill Cat started to shake, and it let out a scary and strange laugh:

"Ah ah ah ah, good, good! Come back quickly, my delicious friend!"

Gilan stopped communicating with him and left quickly.

The Windmill Cat leaned lazily against the wall, staring meaningfully at his back with its golden vertical pupils, watching him go away.

After a while.

Gilan quietly came downstairs to the hotel where the purification team was staying.

He looked around to make sure no one was there, then jumped up, grabbed the wooden eaves of the store door with both hands, and climbed onto the awning.

Due to his agility, the entire process was silent.

He immediately leaned against the wall and listened.

In the room on the second floor, there was some conversation through the wooden window:

"Captain, why don't you let me lead a team of four to chase down the members of the secret society and kill them...while you lead the other members to act according to the original plan?"

"The risk is too great, rejected."

"We have already reduced our number by four, and dividing our manpower further will only give the enemy the opportunity to defeat them one by one... I am certain that the member of the society wearing the white owl mask must have a master level, otherwise it would not be possible in such a short time. Kill Kemp and Yara.”

"After another five minutes of rest, we will act as a group. We will first approach the local guard's camp as 'mercenaries', and then start massacring..."

"Only by killing enough people can we attract the attention of the 'Healing Knights'. They are about to arrive, and we can use this to exchange for the favor of the Knights, so that we can find out more about the origins of this group of people and record them in the record."

"Yes, Captain."

Jilan held his breath and stared.

‘It seems that this purification department already has a lot of understanding of “The Great Plague # 2”, and plans to conquer the “Healing Knights”...'

Killing intent flashed in his eyes.

‘But how can I make you wish. ’

Jilan deliberately reached into the inside of his windbreaker, actually using the dimensional space, and took out a palm-sized brown iron pot.

It was the last Orlando Exorcism Pot.


Pressing the metal protrusion on the spout of the pot with his thumb, Ji Lan threw it into the crack of the wooden window with an expressionless face.

Immediately, he took out his revolver, pulled the trigger directly towards the direction where the voice came from, and opened up the firepower.

Bang bang bang bang bang bang! !

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