From Prisoner to Si Chen

Chapter 99 Honor 6

The moment Gillan throws the exorcism pot.

The purification team in the room quickly noticed it.

They were not weak. When they realized the danger was coming, they immediately lay down and tried their best to hide behind wooden beds, wooden tables, cabinets and other bunkers. They curled up and opened the wrist shield of their left arm for defense.

But the subsequent continuous shooting from the window was quite fatal!

Under the powerful firepower of the revolver, half of the six bullets penetrated the wooden bed and the table, one was bounced off the wrist shield, and only two hit the chest of a purification team member.

The next second.

There was a loud bang.

The exorcism pot exploded, the impact sending up dust and shattering the boards.

Countless silver-plated iron pieces and iron nails were scattered around the room, clanking, accompanied by some screams of pain.

Bang! !

The wooden window on the second floor was shattered.

The tall and muscular figure jumped out angrily and kicked Jilan's arm, but the latter was on guard and deployed his wrist shield in advance.

Pong! !

Guillen was kicked away by captain Bellomo with hatred.

He flipped backwards in mid-air, his windbreaker making a rustling sound.

Immediately, there was a snap, and it landed firmly on the ground, and the stone slabs were stepped on and cracked.

Wood chips and stones were scattered on the top of his head, and the brawny man with a flat head followed closely behind, hitting the street heavily. However, his body was covered in blood and he had obviously been injured by shrapnel from the exorcism pot.

"Damn secret society bastard, you dare to come to die!!"

Bellomo's forehead showed veins.

There were several scratches on his cheek, which was bleeding, and his face was hideous.


The strong man took out two injections, one blue and one green, and pierced his thigh at the same time. He then held the Zhihu knife behind his back and rushed to Ji Lan in the blink of an eye.

Whoosh whoosh! !

The captain is fierce and can swing several knives in succession.

The knife is deadly and moves very fast, leaving an afterimage.

When the sound broke through the air, Jilan's reaction was also not slow. He tilted his head left and right, retreated, and dodged it by just a hair.

Both of them are fighting masters, and when they fight, they are full of murderous intent.

The captain quickly replaced his jab with a fist, pointing at the tiger and roaring, and went straight to Ji Lan's door. The next second, it collided with the latter's wrist shield, making a dull crisp sound.

Bang! !

Compared to his opponent, Ji Lan's physique was actually even worse. Although his body shook, he remained as still as a mountain.

At the same time, he took advantage of every opportunity and suddenly kicked him out.

This kick uses the "Bone Crushing" secret technique!

A scream sounded, and the captain's expression changed.

He quickly unfolded his wrist shield and blocked the door facing him.

Pong! !

A strong man with a crew cut weighing over 200 pounds coughed up blood and flew backwards!

He was kicked several meters away!

After he landed, he took a few steps back and finally sat down on the ground.

Looking down, his pupils shrank sharply.

The "wrist shield" secretly developed by the department, an indestructible personal defense weapon, turned out to be dented and wrinkled. Even his left arm was bent at 90 degrees and drooping. The bones must have been shattered into pieces!

Fortunately, the "stimulant" and "hemostatic agent" administered in advance took effect at this moment. The pain Bellomo felt was very subtle, but he felt full of energy and fighting spirit.

"Bastard!" he shouted angrily.

His whole body suddenly rose up, he draped his broken arm, held the Zhihu knife tightly in one hand and rushed forward again.

Jilan's eyes were fierce, he put his right hand into his arms, and magically pulled out a meter-long axe.

Just chop off the head of the strong man with a flat head!

Clang! !

The tiger knife and the ax blade hit each other, causing sparks to fly.

There was a sharp friction, and the two of them bounced away.

But in the next second, they stepped forward with a tacit understanding, fighting quickly and fiercely, with every move to the death.

Ding-ding-ding-ding! !

The murderous weapon pierced the air and screamed endlessly.

Dazzling sparks flew everywhere, and both of them became angry.

The effect of the medicine in Bellomo's body became more and more intense. His whole face was red and blood seemed to be oozing out. His eyes were bloodshot and full of excitement.

The Zhihu Dao was swung by him like a large net of cold light, and Jilan could not find a chance to counterattack for a while.

There was another loud bang.

The ax blade clashed with the blade. Jilan took the opportunity to turn the ax handle, hooked the tiger knife with the sickle-shaped lower edge of the ax, and swung it hard, causing the opponent's center door to open wide.

Bellomo knew the danger was coming, and his expression suddenly changed.

His left hand was broken, his right hand was thrown away, and his chest was like a target.

Ji Lan had a cold face and kicked out.

‘Broken bones! ’

The shadow of his leg was like a spear, the black line flashed, and it was drawn straight towards the strong man's chest.

At this critical moment, Bellomo's red eyes were fierce, and he actually swung his finger-tiger knife across Jilan's neck as if he was fighting for his life!


Bang! !

The ring-shaped air explosion dispersed first.

Bellomo's eyes bulged and his chest sunken.

The whole person flew upside down again.

But this time, he tumbled around in mid-air, was knocked down hard, and rolled for several weeks due to inertia. Finally, he lay on the ground like a dead dog, vomiting blood.

"Cough, cough!!" Bellomo spat out blood and looked miserable.

Ji Lan frowned, raised his hand and touched his neck, his fingers were stained with blood.

The opponent's blow just now almost wiped his throat!

If he hadn't dodged quickly, he might have been injured by both sides, or even died.

Bellomo struggled several times and got up with difficulty. The lower half of his face was covered with feces and blood, his eyes were bloodshot and tears streaked his cheeks.

He knew that a battle of this level would be doomed from the first mistake. Moreover, the strength of the man in the owl mask is even more powerful than his own.

The defeat is not unjust.

Bellomo did not ask for mercy or negotiate terms.

He just sat upright on the ground and watched coldly as the other party came carrying an axe.

He deeply understands the mission of the purification team, and he is even more aware that while this position brings honor, it also comes with great dangers.

It's only a matter of time before he dies in the line of duty, it's just that the time has come.

Poof! !

With the light behind him and an expressionless face, Jilan fell with his axe.

The leader of the purification team was beheaded on the spot.

From the beginning to the end, this strong man with a flat head sat up straight and had a cold expression. Even though his sternum was shattered and his internal organs were smashed, he still lay on the ground unwilling to surrender.

Perhaps, between dying like a dog and dying like a human, he chose the latter.

After Gilan killed someone, he walked straight into the hotel and went straight to the second floor.

But when he pushed the door open and entered, in the messy room, there was only one corpse of a team member who had been shot in the chest and his legs were blown off.

The rest of the people have long since disappeared.

'Run away with injuries...'

Gillan sneered.

He took a few steps forward, directly picked up the legless body of the team member, went back downstairs, picked up the headless body of the captain, and strode towards the church.




outside world.

An officer led the team, and under the guidance of the observer, they quickly entered the screening hall of the purification department.

"Lieutenant Colonel Carlisle, the secret society members took the initiative to attack the 'Morphine Squad'. The matter is urgent and I cannot make the decision to wake them up."

The observer whispered grimly.

As soon as the white-faced and beardless lieutenant colonel came in, he saw six members of the purification team lying on neat chairs with their heads bowed or lying on their backs.

All was silent.

Among them, even captain Bellomo.

"Damn it!" The lieutenant colonel's expression changed and he shouted loudly. "Didn't you say that only four team members died in the line of duty? How come even Bellomo is dead now?!"

The observer turned his head and glanced, startled.

He didn't pay much attention to the incident at first. After all, it was normal for the purification team to suffer casualties while watching a movie. But later, as the man in the owl mask took action and the team began to reduce in number, he couldn't sit still.

Who would have thought that in just a few minutes, even the captain of the team, Bellomo, would be dead!

The observer suppressed his uneasiness and looked intently at the curtain.

His expression suddenly changed.

"What did you see?!" the lieutenant colonel shouted. "Report quickly!"

Including the lieutenant colonel, the gnosis of the group of people present was not enough to observe the movie screen, only the young observer could see it.

I saw his Adam's apple rolling, and he said in a trembling voice:

"The member of the secret society named 'Snow Owl' dragged all the six dead members of the 'Morphine' team to the front of the church... and was making an evil deal with an owl!"


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