From Sidekick to Bigshot

Chapter 1181: Who is No. 1 in Luo Haisen Surgery (3)

[By the way, who do you think is the representative meeting that our hospital will send out to participate in the medical conference this year? Will it be Doctor Fei? 】

I don't know who it is, and raised a voice about the number of places for the conference.

Last year, there is no doubt that Fei Qing participated.

Today, Hengkong killed a Jian Yiling, and things have changed a bit.

After all, they are people from the headquarters in name.

This group of Jian Yiling has not yet been added, Fei Qing is there.

Seeing the discussion among colleagues, Fei Qing only thought these people were a bit boring and gossip at first.

Knowing that Fei Qing's expression changed slightly when she saw the seats at the conference.

When the medical conference was held last year, she was undoubtedly a participant.

Participating in this conference is a recognition, a symbol of ability recognition.

Fei Qing had to admit that she still cares a little bit about this matter.

But now that the quota hasn't come out, she won't be uninterested in asking the leader, it seems that she is particularly concerned about this matter.


At lunchtime, everyone went to the hospital canteen to eat.

The dining hall of Luohaisen Beijing Branch is designed like a high-end restaurant.

Employees can enjoy various kinds of food for free here, which is one of the employee benefits of Luohaisen Branch.

Zhang Yun found Jian Yiling in the canteen, and came to Jian Yiling with the dinner plate, and sat with Jian Yiling.

Zhang Yun talked to Jian Yiling about her being in the new environment this morning.

Followed Zhang Yun to mention something my colleagues were discussing.

This morning, she heard a lot of Jian Yiling's things from her colleagues.

Some are good and some are not very friendly.

Most people’s thinking Zhang Yun can understand. First, the incident of missing for two years is really curious. Secondly, Jian Yiling became famous too early. At the age of eighteen, he was widely reported because of some things, and gained both fame and fortune. Also involved in more than one industry, it is normal to be controversial.

Jian Yiling simply smiled, without commenting, and there was nothing to care about on his face.

Zhang Yun didn't say much when she saw her like this.

Fei Qing and her colleagues also came to the cafeteria for dinner, and when they saw Jian Yiling, the colleagues next to Fei Qing walked straight over.

"Doctor Jane, don't you mind if we sit next to you?"

The questioning female doctor had a smile on her face.

"It's okay." Jian Yiling replied lightly.

The colleague took Fei Qing and sat down beside Jian Yiling and Zhang Yun.

"Dr. Jane, we heard your name before we entered Haisen. You are a variety celebrity star." The female doctor said sweetly to Jian Yiling.

"Yeah." Jian Yiling replied softly, bowing his head to eat.

"I'm very curious about how Dr. Jane entered the general hospital. After all, Dr. Jane, you spend most of your time doing shows, either participating in e-sports competitions or participating in variety shows." The female doctor said again.

Fei Qing didn't speak, she seemed to be focusing on eating, and didn't care about what the female colleague she was with was talking about.

Zhang Yun heard what a female colleague said, and felt that it did not sound very right.

Zhang Yun smiled and explained to Jian Yiling: "Doctor Jian is more comprehensive, and the entertainment industry is also somewhat involved."

The female colleague continued: “By the way, you don’t know Dr. Fei, Doctor Jane? She is the top surgical surgeon in our hospital. In the past two years, she has completed many things that the medical community considers to be impossible. The super-difficult operation of the company has saved many lives."

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