From Sidekick to Bigshot

Chapter 1182: Who is No. 1 in Luo Haisen Surgery (4)

Following the female colleague, pointing to a place in the dining hall and saying, "Did you see that jade screen? It was given to Dr. Fei after a patient treated by Dr. Fei after he recovered. Dr. Fei’s office can’t put those thanks. After the ceremony, I put this big screen in the cafeteria."

"Yeah." Jian Yiling agreed, raised her head slightly, glanced at the screen that the female colleague said, and then continued to lower her head to concentrate on eating the food in her bowl.

Looking at Jian Yiling's soft look, the female colleague seemed to have no response to anything she said to her, and immediately lost the desire to continue talking.


The number of participants at the meeting was down, and the email was sent to the work mailbox of each employee.

When everyone opened the mailbox to check, Fei Qing did not appear on this list, and was replaced by Jian Yiling's name.

When Fei Qing saw this list, the corners of her mouth sank.

Why is it really Jian Yiling?

"Doctor Fei, have you seen the group mail?" The colleague ran over, looking urgent and incredulous, "What do you say about this? The leaders are really so confused, choosing Jian Yiling not to choose you."

This is not just a question of who will go to this conference.

But the leader's decision is equivalent to telling the entire branch hospital that they think Jian Yiling is the most powerful surgeon in their hospital.

Not only that, when the medical conference, people in the medical field will know that Jian Yiling is a more outstanding surgeon than Fei Qing.

During the two years when Jian Yiling was absent, Fei Qing has always been hailed as Luo Haisen's most powerful surgeon, and there are even voices in the outside world saying that she is currently the well-deserved number one among the younger generation in the medical field.

Fei Qing didn't think Jian Yiling had the ability to surpass her.

It is even more unacceptable that hospital leaders will directly announce the results without any assessment.

She does not believe that the leader will not know that this place means honor.

"Doctor Fei, shall we go to the leader and ask?" the female colleague suggested.

She also felt that this matter should not be decided so hastily.

I don't know if Jian Yiling is capable.

Even if Jian Yiling is really good at it, he should be compared with Fei Qing. If Fei Qing is really inferior to her skills, and the leader decides to let Jian Yiling go, everyone will be convinced.

This is like slapping Fei Qing silently.

Seeing Fei Qing's silence, the female colleague took her to the elevator.

"It can't be too much to ask, it's normal to ask the leader to ask clearly if you have any questions."

Indeed, last year this quota was hers, this year it was given to Jian Yiling who had just returned without warning. It is natural for her to have doubts.

The female colleague went to the top floor with Fei Qing, and was about to knock on the door, but Fei Qing regretted it again.

"Forget it, don't ask." Fei Qing took the female colleague away.

"Why don't you ask?" The female colleague was puzzled, "Except for Jian Yiling who looks better than you, is there anything else that compares to you? We are doctors and not stars, and we don't rely on our appearance. Leaders cannot because Jian Yiling has fans and popularity, so choose her?"

The words of the female colleague made Fei Qing's face a little ugly.

Why didn't she understand what her colleague said?

It's just that she didn't want to get an affirmative answer after asking the leader.

That would make her feel humiliated.

"It's no use asking." Fei Qing explained.

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