From Sidekick to Bigshot

Chapter 1215: She has to find a way to make the chief dean realize her ability

But at the same time, there is also good news. Without Jian Yiling as a competitor, Fei Qing thinks she is definitely better than other colleagues in the hospital in terms of expertise.

The assessment results came out early the next morning. The hospital did not announce everyone's results, but only announced the promotion results. The position of the surgical director was replaced by the original deputy director.

Fei Qing failed to pass the assessment and returned to the position of the director of surgery.

Even the vacant position of deputy director of surgery did not fall to her.

Fei Qing was not reconciled.


If she is not capable enough, it's fine.

Obviously her ability far exceeds the others in the hospital.

Fei Qing is determined to defeat Jian Yiling, and she wants to change this situation.

Fei Qing knew that if she wanted to defeat Jian Yiling, she couldn't set the pattern in front of her.

As long as in this Beijing branch, Jian Yiling has an absolute advantage.

She wanted to find a way to get in touch with the people of the general hospital and the dean. Only by further contacting the general hospital and contacting the dean of the general hospital can she obtain a more favorable position and situation than Jian Yiling.

But the dean of the Luohaisen General Hospital has always been a mystery to the outside world.

At present, only the members of the Luohaisen General Hospital know the identity of their president.

It is impossible to find the dean directly in real life. If he could find it, people outside would have found it long ago.

Fei Qing has only one way to get in touch with the dean, and that is to use her identity as an employee of the Luohaisen Branch to send an email to the dean.

Each of their members has a mailbox on the day they formally join the company, and they can only send emails between internal members.

There are also the dean, but few people will send a message to the principal, because so far there is no need for them to contact the principal.

And when there is nothing wrong, everyone will not send an e-mail to the President to harass him for no reason.

Fei Qing decided to send a message to this mailbox.

Of course, you can't send ordinary greeting messages. She wants to send messages that can make the president notice her, that is, her medical research, medical papers, and various things that can show her abilities.

She wants to prove that the last operation was only an exception, and she has a stronger ability than Jian Yiling.

After making up his mind, Fei Qing began to work hard, writing essays and reports.

She will show her abilities to the Dean, including but not limited to surgical skills.

The next day, Jian Yiling received an email with a large number of attachments in his work mailbox.

Jian Yiling carefully checked the contents of these attachments and gave a reply.

I have to admit that Fei Qing's professionalism is sufficient, although it may not be as good as Jian Yiling, but in the Beijing branch of Haisen, Fei Qing's level is definitely one of the best.

The attachments she sent to Jian Yiling are also very illustrative.

After Fei Qing sent a message to the President, she waited nervously for a reply.

She believes that a person who can build a great hospital like Luo Haisen is definitely a capable person who can recognize talents with insight.

I checked my mailbox no less than twenty times in the morning.

Finally at noon, she saw the reply while having lunch in the cafeteria.

The Dean's reply was not perfunctory at all.

Carefully analyzed and evaluated all the papers and reports she sent in the past.

For good work, the dean gave a compliment;

If there are still shortcomings, the president proposed amendments;

Each item convinced Fei Qing.

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