From Sidekick to Bigshot

Chapter 1216: Uncle, let's make a deal

She truly deserves to be the chief director of Luo Haisen, regardless of her ability, her attitude towards her subordinates and work, she is extremely respected.

Fei Qing seemed to have been inspired, and hurried back to the office after lunch, and began to prepare a reply to the president.

She must make good use of this opportunity to let the Chief Dean truly realize her ability.


Zhai Yunsheng's physical condition has recovered extremely quickly. I don't know whether it is because of his extraordinary talent or the effect of old man Sun's kung fu for strengthening the body.

Zhai Yunsheng is now alive and well.

Zhai Erye looked at his recovered nephew, with tears in his always cold and majestic eyes.

"Second Uncle, you have worked hard for the past two years."

Zhai Yunsheng knew that in the two years since he was down, the burden of the family was picked up by his second uncle alone.

For him, the second uncle did not worry less.

"Whatever you say, as long as you can do well, what the second uncle does is worth it. Nothing is more important than the family’s life." Zhai Erye said to Zhai Yunsheng, "In the past two years, I will pay for the Zhai family. Most careers have turned from bright to dark."

Therefore, in the past two years, the outsiders judged that the Zhai family was weak.

It was the result of Zhai Erye's intention.

Zhai Erye didn't want the Zhai family to make too many enemies, and didn't want his family to encounter unnecessary danger anymore.

Zhai Erye has nothing to fear in the shopping mall, except for his father and nephew.

"Well, the second uncle will arrange it."

"When you come back, the Zhai family's business is still entrusted to you to manage. After that, you can formulate a policy as you want, and you don't need to follow the steps of your second uncle."

Zhai Erye gave Zhai Yunsheng full trust.

Zhai Erye has his own Tianxing Group to take care of, and Zhai Yunsheng still manages the enterprises uploaded by Zhai Jiazu.

Even Zhai Erye wanted Zhai Yunsheng to inherit the Tianxing Group he founded.

In Zhai Erye's heart, everything in the Zhai family is going to fall into Zhai Yunsheng's hands.

"Second Uncle, now my father's death has been ascertained and it was not you who caused it. It was designed by Mu Ruhai to divert his attention. You don't need to feel guilty anymore. You should also consider your lifelong events."

"Why are you talking about me? Take care of your own affairs. Now that your health is better, you should be preparing for your marriage with Xiao Ling."

"Second uncle, let's make a deal."

"You want to make a deal with your second uncle?"

Zhai Erye looked at Zhai Yunsheng with interest.

Although Zhai Yunsheng was shrewd, he was still a child in front of his second uncle.

"Yes, when you find yourself a partner, Xiao Ling and I will give birth to a child."

"Why do you make such a request to your second uncle..."

"This is a very fair request. We each completed the task of opening up the branches and leaves for the Zhai family."

In a way, this is very fair.

"You and Xiaoling love each other sincerely. It is only natural for you to get married and have children. What are you doing to drag your second uncle into the water?"

"Nephews are going to get married, and it is only natural for your second uncle to get married." Zhai Yunsheng has good reasons.

Zhai Erye was helpless by his nephew.

If it were for someone else, with Erye Zhai's temper, he would have kicked someone out.

The uncles and nephews were talking, the assistant knocked on the door, "Second Master, Master Sheng, Grandma is here."

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