From Sidekick to Bigshot

Chapter 933: Wen Ruo regrets too much (1)

After understanding what Mrs. Wen meant, Wen Ruo's heart suddenly fell to the bottom.

She thought that as long as she was soft and acting like a baby, her grandparents would definitely agree to her return to Wen's house.

Unexpectedly, even grandparents were afraid to let her go home because they were afraid of Sheng.

Thinking of Zhai Yunsheng, the man who changed the attitude of everyone in the Wen family with just one sentence, Wen Ruo seemed to live with thousands of ants in his heart.

Why can Jian Yiling be protected by such a person?

Why can Jian Yiling be favored by such a person?

Wen Ruozheng was talking to Mrs. Wen and saw Wen Yan coming downstairs.

Before seeing Wen Yan, Wen Ruo would still be more intimate, calling his brother, greet him, and chat with him.

But since being dismantled, Wen Ruo stopped disguising in front of Wen Yan.

She didn't need to go to rare such a handicapped.

"Ayan, did you go out and walk around today?" Old lady Wen still cared about Wen Yan as always.

This grandson was also a fate, a car accident ruined his life.

Personality has also changed from being optimistic and cheerful to being paranoid and withdrawn.

"A friend is coming home." Wen Yan's voice was so cold that he couldn't hear his emotions.

"Friend? That's okay." The old lady Wen smiled with relief on her face when she heard this.

The grandson has kept himself in the room over the years and rarely has contact with the outside world.

It is rare to hear that he has friends.

Wen Ruo whispered in his heart when he heard this, what kind of friends would Wen Yan have? Isn't he bored at home all day?

At this moment, Wen's servants came to report that someone who claimed to be a friend of Young Master Wen Yan came to visit.

Wen Yan asked his servants to invite people in.

Both Mrs. Wen and Wen Ruo are full of curiosity and want to see who Wen Yan's friends are.

After someone came in, both the old lady and Wen Ruo were dumbfounded.

This person... is not...

Both Mrs. Wen and Wen Ruo have recently followed the news of Huiling Medical Research Institute. They may not know the few people at Huiling Medical Research Institute, but they have seen them on the news.

The person in front of him is no one else, but Professor Xu from the Huiling Institute of Medicine.

Professor Xu attended the National Medical Federation as a representative of the Huiling Institute of Medicine. At that time, Wen Ruo and her mother were at the entrance of the conference. There is absolutely nothing wrong with seeing it in person.

"Ayan, are you friends with this Professor Xu?" Old lady Wen was both surprised and curious.

When did your grandson become friends with the people from the Huiling Institute?

"Hello, Mrs. Wen, Mr. Wen Yan is actually my boss." Professor Xu explained.

"Boss?" Mrs. Wen was even more surprised. How could her grandson be Professor Xu's boss?

Wen Ruo was so surprised that his eyes widened.

Wen Yan is Professor Xu’s boss?

What's happening here?

Mrs. Wen asked, "Well, isn't your boss, the director of Huiling Medical Research Institute?"

Professor Xu smiled and replied: "Yes, Mr. Wen Yan is the director of our research institute."

When these words came out, Mrs. Wen and Wen Ruo were completely stupid.

how can that be?

The one who has been staying at home, staying at home, and reticent and gentle?

Can he have such great ability?

Not to mention that Wen Ruo didn't believe it. As a grandmother, Mrs. Wen couldn't accept this amazing fact for a while.

"Ayan, is this true? Are you really the director of that research institute?" Mrs. Wen confirmed to Wen Yan.

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