From Sidekick to Bigshot

Chapter 934: Wen Ruo regrets too much (2)

"Yes." Wen Yan gave an affirmative answer.

"But...but..." Mrs. Wen didn't know what to say.

At this time, there were countless doubts in Mrs. Wen's heart.

His grandson turned out to be the director of Huiling Medical Research Institute?

After a long while, Mrs. Wen asked in confusion:

"When did you get this Huiling Medical Research Institute? Why... Why didn't I hear you mention it at all?"

"The second year after I had a car accident, I want to heal myself."

Wen Yan was only seventeen years old at that time!

When everyone thought he couldn't leave the door behind, he secretly established such a medical research institute to seek the possibility of recovery!

Mrs. Wen continued to ask: "But where did you get the money?"

Huiling Medical Research Institute is not profitable, it burns money.

Not to mention that money was burnt in the early days of establishment. Even now, it is in a state of making ends meet.

Wen Yan's private money is completely impossible to support such a huge expenditure.

"I did some business."

Wen Yan's answer is rather vague, and it makes people feel that he is just doing some small business and making some small money.

I can imagine and know that it will not be small business and small money, small business and small money cannot support such a research institute.

Mrs. Wen spent a lot of time digesting this amazing news.

Wen Ruo stayed for a long time, unable to accept Wen Yan as the director of the Huiling Medical Research Institute for a long time.

"Then Xiaoling was fired from the research institute before, what's the matter?" Mrs. Wen asked again.

"That was a misunderstanding. I made some mistakes and fired Xiaoling by mistake." Wen Yan explained.

Wen Yan's words pierced Wen Ruo's heart like sharp thorns.

Wen Yan is the director of Huiling Medical Research Institute?

Is it Jane Yiling who was fired softly?


Yes, later Jian Yunmo designed to frame her and asked her to say those things in front of Wen Yan!

And now the Huiling Medical Research Institute has issued an apology letter to clarify Jian Yiling!

Wen Ruo finally knows that it turns out that Jian Yiling was fired by Huiling Medical Research Institute because Wen Yan was avenging her!

But all this was ruined by Jian Yunmo!

Wen Ruo's eyes widened, and when he looked at Wen Yan again, his expression changed.

Remorse, panic, fear, multiple emotions gush out at the same time.

Among these emotions, regret is undoubtedly the most.

Who would have thought that Wen Yan could be so capable?

Wen Yan looked at Wen Ruo's reaction at the moment, and the corners of his mouth raised, and [Jiujiu novel] showed a mocking smile.

Mrs. Wen hurriedly asked, "Is it a misunderstanding? Is the misunderstanding solved now?"

Wen Yan replied: "Yes, the misunderstanding is solved, and I know that someone with a heart deliberately interfered."

Mrs. Wen said hurriedly: "Then you remember to apologize to Xiaoling and make up for it! This is not a small matter!"

"I will." Wen Yan answered confidently.

When speaking, his icy eyes fell on Wen Ruo's body.

Wen Ruo was inexplicably "cocked" by this look.

For the first time, Wen Ruo had a trace of fear for this disabled cousin.

Under Wen Ruo's gaze, Wen Yan manipulated the button on the armrest, and the wheelchair turned and went upstairs.

Professor Xu also left with Wen Yan.

The gentleness in the living room was left behind.

If we had known that Wen Yan had this kind of identity, it would be impossible for Wen Ruo to treat him as an ordinary disabled person!

She obviously has such a good opportunity!

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