From Sidekick to Bigshot

Chapter 965: We all believe in Xiaoling

"Cai Qinyue, you don't want to make up for yourself here. It is not your turn to intervene in our family's affairs. You and my brother are already divorced. You and the Wen family have nothing to do with you, let alone my Jian family!" He cursed back warmly.

"What are you arrogant about with me now, maybe you will go to the prison with me to visit the prison together!"

Cai Qinyue ridiculed the warmth of today's situation with an arrogant attitude.

"Whatever you say." Warmth was too lazy to bother with this woman.

Warmly turned his head and told Wen's servants: "This woman is not allowed to enter the Wen's door."

Cai Qinyue yelled angrily: "Warm, you are already married, why do you instruct Wen's servant to not let me in! I am your sister-in-law, Cai Qinyue, even if divorced, I am Ruoruo's mother!"

Warmth glanced at her, then walked away calmly.

The Wen family members naturally listened to the warmth but not to Cai Qinyue.

Cai Qin gnashing his teeth: "Warm you bitch, you wait for me, there will be the day when you cry!"


Warmth returned to Wen's house, the atmosphere at home was very solemn.

Mrs. Wen is ill and is in very bad health now. Wen Ruo's matter is not over yet, Yiling's matter has come again.

Now that the city is full of ups and downs, everyone says that something big is going to happen between the Qin family and the Zhai family, and Jian Yiling, as the most critical link in the middle, is naturally the most criticized.

Old Mrs. Wen leaned on the sofa with a pale face and a sad tone: "A Nuan, what crime has our family suffered this year? Why are these things happening one after another?"

Wen Cheng's situation is worse than that of the old lady.

After Wen Ruo's affairs, Wen Cheng stayed behind closed doors for several days. These days, he was so muddled that he hadn't recovered yet, and now his niece had something serious again.

He just lost his soul: "A Nuan, how is Xiao Ling now?"

"Dad, mom, brother, don't worry, Xiao Ling is fine now." Warmly comforted.

"I hope I can remove Xiao Ling's suspicion with emotion, find out the real culprit, and return Xiao Ling to his innocence." Old lady Wen sighed.

"Dad, Mom, we firmly believe that Xiao Ling was wronged." The warm tone was a little excited.

Jian Shu patted the back of his wife's hand, soothing her emotions, but also trying to convince herself of peace of mind.

Mr. Wen said: "We also believe that Xiao Ling is not that kind of person."

Mr. Wen is now undoubtedly standing on the side of his granddaughter.

Mr. Wen said with a long sigh: "A Nuan, this matter is not a question of whether we want to help or not, we really can't help."

"Dad, I understand."

Warmth and Jian Shuhuan are also themselves, now apart from waiting patiently for news at home, they can only expect a few sons to make a difference.

Wen Cheng has a concern: "A Nuan, will Xiao Ling be given up by the Zhai family?"

If the Zhai family chooses to abandon Jian Yiling, their Jian family and Wen family alone will not be enough to fight the Qin family.

In this way, Jian Yiling would be dangerous, and the ghost knew what the Qin family would do to Jian Yiling.

"No, Master Zhai is not that kind of person." said in a warm tone, "Although we don't spend much time with Master Zhai, he is very good to Xiaoling and Xiaoling believes in him very much."

"I hope they are not. If they really give up Xiaoling, then our Wenjian family will have to fight the Qin family." Mr. Wen felt weak and exhausted when he spoke.

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