From Sidekick to Bigshot

Chapter 966: The boss thinks who will win

The accidental death of Qin Hongzhi caused a lot of trouble throughout the capital.

The Internet is full of gossip, and netizens who don't know the truth are curious about the bizarre death of this top rich man.

The Qin family had previously concealed the news of Qin Hongzhi's illness, so to the outside world, Qin Hongzhi's death was very sudden and weird.

Since the media also wrote articles to analyze this matter:

[The top rich man suddenly died suddenly, is it a family struggle or an opponent's conspiracy? 】

【shock! The bizarre death of the billionaire is natural death or murder? The police are investigating! 】

[Billionaire died, the cause of death is a mystery. Was the murderer the Zhai young lady? 】

Many of them are headline parties, and the person who wrote the article is not clear about the ins and outs of the matter. He just made some gossip and posted it to form an article that closely followed the hot spots.

The focus of discussions within the circle is whether the Zhai family will hand over Jian Yiling, and what kind of bad situation the future young lady of the Zhai family will face.

There are speculations that the Zhai family will give up Jian Yiling, and there are speculations that a **** storm will soon be set off in Beijing.

In front of Jian Yubo, his assistant was reporting the information to him.

"Boss, this is what happened so far. Does the boss think the Zhai family will give up Miss?"

"will not."

"Then the contest between the Qin family and the Zhai family...Who does the boss think will win?"

Jian Yubo's eyes were on the chess game in front of him.

As always, there was no expression on his face, indifferent, alienated, as if there was no intersection with this world.

"If it was the former Zhai family, the former Qin family would be equal." Jian Yubo commented.

"What about the current Zhai family and the current Qin family?" the assistant asked.

Jian Yubo did not answer the assistant's question head-on. He picked up a white piece and placed it on the chess board to eat a large piece of black piece.

The outcome of the chess game has been determined.

Jian Yubo got up, picked up the coat on the hanger and put it on.

"Where is the boss going?" the assistant asked puzzledly.

"Go and meet an old friend."

The assistant froze, old friend? Which old friend is the boss talking about?

After a pause, the assistant suddenly remembered something.

Could it be that... the boss wanted to see...


Today, the technology company Qin Chuan founded in the university will hold a general meeting of shareholders.

In the office, Qin Chuan was wearing a black suit with a solemn expression, and his face seemed to be filled with unresolved sadness. I don't know if it was the reason why Qin Hongzhi had just passed away.

The few of his capable subordinates in front of him wore dark suits like him, with the same solemn expressions.

Qin Chuan could see what was on the table.

So that the assistant next to him called him three times before he heard it.

Qin Chuan glanced at his watch, got up mechanically, and headed to the conference hall.

The conference hall is full of people.

The company’s general meeting of shareholders will be held every once in a while.

The company's largest shareholder, Weiyin Venture Capital, used to send their agents.

This has been the case for the past three years, so everyone is used to it.

Qin Chuan entered the meeting room, and the shareholders were already at odds and ends.

Shareholders looked at Qin Chuan worriedly.

Everyone knows about the Qin family and the Zhai family. Qin Chuan is now the head of the Qin family. This is a good thing for their company, but the Qin family is going to cause a **** storm with the Zhai family. This is not good. news.

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