From Subordinate Sect To God-Level Sect

Chapter 111 Traveling With Beauty [First Update]

The purpose of their coming is probably related to Jiang Linglong.

I probably came here for Jiang Linglong... After all, I came here for Jiang Linglong last time.

Lin Fan was very confused as to why they were so interested in Jiang Linglong. Can a Human Cauldron physique really have such a big impact?

Sending out nine Zen masters, that is, using nine peak Yin-Yang Realm experts to kill her, would be too much!

Lin Fan felt a little baffled.

He didn't ask the old man Zangjian in detail. Tianjian Sect could inform him of the news. Lin Fan thought it was enough. "Some things are better to ask Dazen Temple directly..."

Things would be easier to handle if he knew they were coming. He could take precautions in advance, otherwise it would be too late to realize it after they hurt the disciples of the Canglan Sect...

The Yin-Yang Realm of the Evil Sect massacred hundreds of disciples of the Canglan Sect, which had a great influence on the Canglan Sect. At first, only a few thousand people quit the sect. It must be that the people who quit the sect spread the news out of fear of retaliation.

It caused a chain reaction, and all the Canglan Sect disciples in various cities had to withdraw from the sect "847". More than 150,000 Canglan Sect disciples have withdrawn from the sect...

Canglan Sect

Level: Seventh Grade Sect.

Number of people: 1.14 million.

Financial resources: 12.42 million Spirit Stones (Poor Sect)

Tibetan Scripture Pavilion:

Cultivation Technique:

Heaven level: "Six Yin Xuan Zhen Gong", "Four Yang Fire Condensation Technique", "Hunyuan Gong"

Spirit level "Tianyuan Gong", "Qingyang Gong" and "Bingling Gong".

Martial Skills:

Heaven-level "Dragon Yang Body", "Lihuo Armor", "Broken Jade Slash", "Thirteen Crazy Breath Slashes", "Ba Xuan Body" (incomplete)

Spirit level "Red Cloud Wandering Body Step", "Yuanwu Stick Technique", "Fire Sun Palm", "Sword Control Technique" and "Mountain Shaking Fist".

Secret Techniques: "Second Stage Qi Jin" and "Thousand Faces Technique"

pill recipe, how to control beasts...

Enable ability:

1: Talent increase: All Canglan Sect disciples’ talents will increase by 60% through practice. (effective permanently)

Two: The power of the entire sect: Bind the Sect Leader, extract one-tenth of the Cultivation Base that all disciples practice every moment, and pour it into the bound person. [Three binding positions] (Sect Leader has the power to change the binding object, and Cultivation Base infusion has no side effects.)

Three: Comprehension increase: All Canglan Sect disciples, Martial Skill practice will increase their comprehension by 6% (permanent effect)

Four: Martial Skill inheritance: As long as the Martial Skill is included in the Sutra Pavilion, the Martial Skill inheritance can be initiated to any disciple of Sect. [Skill three times] (There is a cooldown, which depends on the level of Martial Skill and the degree of inheritance. It changes with the level growth of Sect.)

Five: Blessing of destiny: All Canglan Sect disciples’ luck will increase by 5% (permanent effect)

Sect warehouse: (Jinyuanguo×82, pill recipe………………………….)

Originally there were 1.31 million people, but the number shrank to 1.14 million.

There are still a large number of disciples who want to withdraw from the sect. Lin Fan asked Wang Qizong and others not to interfere. As long as there are disciples who want to withdraw from the sect, they are not allowed to stop them.

Disciples who have withdrawn from the sect are recorded in the register, and they can be prevented from joining in the future...

Whether they retreat or not, Lin Fan feels it doesn't matter now. After all, he is now in the Celestial Realm and has been promoted to the seventh level Sect disciple to practice. With Talent's blessing, the power of the whole sect has not weakened...

At this time, it would be good to eliminate some disciples who act according to the circumstances...

He wanted to see how many people wanted to retreat.

The Great Zhou Dynasty is very large, and it is easy to recruit people. Especially after Canglan Sect has Spirit Stones, it is even easier to bite people.

The Canglan Sect is not short of money now, so if you want to recruit disciples, just give them money.

Lin Fan has been in charge of Dongning City today.

It wasn't until the afternoon that I noticed that a strong man from Yin-Yang Realm was coming.

It is indeed the Zen master of the Great Zen Temple. Sleep, Vajra, Youdao, etc. who appeared in the Canglan Sect last time are all here, and there are four more Yin-Yang Realm powerhouses.

They are all bald monks. Zhu Liuqi did not say that they were not monks in the Great Zen Temple...

After they came to Dongning City, they did not go directly to Canglan Sect to cause trouble. Instead, they found an inn to stay.

I guess I need to find out the news first......

After their whereabouts were known to Lin Fan, Lin Fan used the Thousand Faces Technique to disguise himself as the Wolf King.

Finding a random Zen master to attack, Lin Fan easily controlled him after entering the inn room. The gap between the Yin-Yang Realm and the Celestial Realm was too big, and the Zen master from the Great Zen Temple had no power to resist.

After subduing him, Lin Fan asked: "What is the purpose of your visit?"

The Zen master asked an unexpected question: "Who are you?"

Lin Fan directly disabled one of his arms and said coldly: "Answer my question."

"Hey, let's kill Jiang Linglong." The Zen master quickly replied.

"Why kill her?" Lin Fan continued to ask.

"She has a Human Cauldron physique, which allows the other three heirs of the top fifth rank Sect to hope to break through the Celestial Realm. We must kill her, otherwise any of them advancing to the fourth rank Sect will be detrimental to our Great Zen Temple. Please also ask senior "Spare my life, if I had known that senior was interested in Jiang Linglong, I would not have come even if he killed me." the monk begged.

Hearing this, Lin Fan said: "How strong is your Dazen Temple?"

"We have thousands of people in Dazen Temple Sect Leader Half step Celestial Realm, Yin-Yang Realm," said the monk of Dazen Temple.

After saying that, he left and walked peacefully.

After destroying the corpse and eliminating traces, Lin Fan went to find the next Zen master.

Solve it one by one.

After solving the nine great Zen masters of the Great Zen Temple, we will probably know the strength of a top fifth rank Sect, as well as the power distribution of the Great Zhou Dynasty.

A top fifth rank Sect is nothing more than two or three Half step Celestial Realm experts, and nearly 10,000 Yin-Yang Realm people, let alone 0 of the people below.

The main reason is that the four top Sects of the Great Zhou Dynasty controlled the seventy-two counties of the Great Zhou Dynasty. All the Sects had to pay tribute to them step by step. They could be said to be rich and powerful. 100% of the territory of the Great Zhou Dynasty was Eighty percent of the resources are divided among their four major sectors.

The Zhou Dynasty has been standing for so many years, and it has a profound foundation!

They check and balance each other, and they don't want the Celestial Realm strong person to appear in the other party. That means that 80% of the resources of the Great Zhou Dynasty will be returned to the clan.

That's why they attach so much importance to Jiang Linglong, because their Dazen Temple Cultivation Technique is special and cannot have a double break with others. To eliminate all possibilities, they must nip the crisis in the cradle...

There is also the Zhou Dynasty, which does not have a fourth rank Sect.

It's a bit difficult to be promoted to the fourth rank Sect. They didn't meet the first condition, which is to have a strong Celestial Realm player.

There are still many conditions behind...

After Lin Fan knew this, he felt relieved [He was already invincible in the Zhou Dynasty.

After killing nine Zen masters from the Great Zen Temple.

Lin Fan felt that he should visit Wushuang City. Wushuang City was the largest city in the Zhou Dynasty, so it was worthy of their Canglan Sect.

By the way, the Evil Demon Sect and Dazen Temple can be completely eliminated to prevent them from always causing trouble.

He can prepare for Canglan Sect Sect to be promoted to fourth rank.

The first step was to obtain the resources of the Zhou Dynasty.

In the afternoon, Lin Fan convened a meeting with the Sect Elder and asked Wang Qizong and others to prepare that the layout of Dongning City was too small and the Canglan Sect had to move to Wushuang City.

After giving the instructions, Lin Fan retained Wolf King, Langya, and Long Yi.

We plan to first enhance the strength of Langya, Wolf King, and Long Yi to Celestial Realm, 2.2, and then let them clean up the Dazen Temple and Evil Demon Sect in Wushuang City first. Let them handle the bloody matters.

He doesn’t like killing people very much..…………

Two days later, Lin Fan killed another Elder from the Evil Demon Sect.

Two days later, Wolf King, Langya, and Long Yi left for Wushuang City. They were all at the peak of Celestial Realm First Stage strength.

It should be enough to clean up both factions.

After the Wolf King and the others left, Lin Fan decided to take the three girls on a tour of the cities of the Zhou Dynasty. He was a restless master.

He couldn't do it by asking him to sit in Canglan Sect and wait for news.

He took Jiang Linglong, Huang Xianyi and Mu Qingchan to look at other cities.

The three women were reluctant but had no choice...

Lin Fan took them out of Tongchuan County.

Travel to other counties.

Huang Xianyi was there as a bodyguard along the way, and he would immediately beat anyone who didn't look at him to death.

Traveling with beauty is really enjoyable.

Until the unexpected happened on the third day. .

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