From Subordinate Sect To God-Level Sect

Chapter 112: Abducting The Fourth Rank Sect Sect Leader’S Daughter [Second Update]

At this moment, they are in Fengnian City, which can be regarded as one of the largest cities in the Zhou Dynasty.

Here's a fifth rank Sect. Name: Fengxian Sect.

It is the veteran fifth rank Sect of the Great Zhou Dynasty. It is not as strong as Tianjian Sect, but its strength is not bad...

Lin Fan took Mu Qingchan and the others to stay at the best inn in Fengnian City.

When I stayed here, I heard that there was a genius with an imperial body in Fengnian City, and he was spotted by two fourth rank sects at the same time.

The Great Zhou Dynasty does not have a fourth rank Sect, but it is under the control of the fourth rank Sect. The strongest fifth rank Sect every year has to pay a certain amount of Spirit Stones like the fourth rank Sect.

However, as long as an imperial body appears in the Zhou Dynasty and is sent to the fourth rank Sect as soon as possible, you will receive generous rewards...

This time the Imperial Body Genius was discovered by Fengxian Sect, and the reward was generous. They quickly contacted two fourth rank Sect to come.

Just as they were about to hold a martial arts competition in Fengnian City to compete for this genius with an imperial body, Lin Fan thought it was interesting and took Jiang Linglong and the others to watch the battle.

Lin Fan also wants to take a look at the fourth rank Sect...

As expected, the two fourth-rank Sects are dominated by Celestial Realm experts.

The two major fourth rank Sect are.

Shangqingzong and Piaomiao Pavilion.

The decisive battle is held by the fourth rank Sect Divine Realm disciples. It can be said to be a visual feast with endless methods.

It was the first time for Lin Fan to see such a competition.

In the end, the Shangqing Sect won... and got this Huangti disciple.

Just when Lin Fan, Jiang Linglong and others were preparing to leave.

A male disciple in blue clothes from Piaomiao Pavilion suddenly came to Lin Fan and said, "We, Elder, invite this girl to come and test her talent and bone age."

He was referring to Mu Qingchan next to Lin Fan.

At this time, Mu Qingchan, Jiang Linglong, and Huang Xianyi were all wearing bamboo hats and veils.

Because of their good looks, they can only dress like this when going out, otherwise there will be some reckless guys coming to cause trouble...

Even dressed up like this, there were people looking for trouble every day in the past two days, but Huang Xianyi easily solved them.

Lin Fan didn't expect that Mu Qingchan would be discovered.

It should be that her divine soul level strength has been detected.

Mu Qingchan turned to look at Lin Fan, as if asking him what to do?

Lin Fan said calmly: "If you don't go, who are you Elders?"

As soon as these words came out, the Piaomiao Pavilion man was stunned?

After being stunned for a second, the terrifying aura on the disciple was released. At such a young age, his strength has reached the Yin-Yang Realm First Stage. His Talent physique should also be an imperial body.

"Xiaoyi, beat him." Lin Fan said calmly.

Hearing this, Huang Xianyi took action decisively.

Draw your sword and strike.

The first move of the sword is the Jade-Shattering Slash.

In order to make things easier, Lin Fan gave Huang Xianyi the Broken Jade Slash to learn, and he secretly used the Martial Skill inheritance to let her practice the Broken Jade Slash to enter the Realm. Huang Xianyi was also complacent about this, thinking that she had a high level of understanding. ...

Huang Xianyi's strength at this moment is at the peak of Yin-Yang Realm Ninth Stage.

She struck down with her sword.

It proved that the Piaomiao Pavilion disciple's protective armor was shattered, and his whole body flew out and hit the wall of the ring hard. He vomited blood and fell to the ground without knowing whether to live or die.

Pure strength crushes.

Lin Fan said heartily: "These girls are really cruel..."

Because he felt that the disciple of Piaomiao Pavilion was already dying and was not far from death.

It's just that Huang Xianyi's sword grace made everyone around him dumbfounded.

Not daring to lie, they all retreated...

Lin Fan and the four people immediately became very conspicuous.

Piaomiao Pavilion disciples were beaten in public?

This is too exciting!

People from Shangqing Sect, Piaomiao Pavilion, and Fengxian Sect all looked over.

The two middle-aged men next to the Elder of Piaomiao Pavilion flew over. One of them checked the disciple's injury, and the other took out a long string to confront Huang Xianyi.

The middle-aged man said: "Who are you? If you dare to hurt my Piaomiao Pavilion disciples, do you know the price of hurting my Canglan Sect disciples?"

Hearing this, Lin Fan said arrogantly: "If you're injured, you're injured. Even if you kill me, what can you do?"


People around him gasped.

Damn it, even Zong Er, the fourth rank, is so arrogant.

This person is too fierce!

In fact, Lin Fan doesn't want to provoke the fourth rank Sect just yet, but others are already looking for trouble, so he can't let Mu Qingchan go up and test Talent. Find out the emperor's body, and then be taken away by Piaomiao Pavilion!

Although Mu Qingchan and he were not actually husband and wife, they were known as husband and wife.

How could his woman be wronged?

Hearing Lin Fan's arrogant words, the middle-aged people in Piaomiao Pavilion fell silent.

This was an old man with black hair who suddenly appeared next to the middle-aged man. He said coldly: "May I ask which force you are from? I just want to invite this girl to come on stage to test Talent. Isn't it too much for you to do this?"

Lin Fan would not be stupid enough to report the Canglan Sect...

He said calmly: "You don't deserve to know where I come from."

Hearing this, the aura of the black-haired old man emanated from the body, and invisible oppression came. With his Celestial Realm Third Stage strength, he was invincible and had no problem with the Great Zhou Dynasty.

But in Lin Fan's eyes, he wasn't good enough.

Lin Fan provoked: "Why do you want to do something?"

Before he finished speaking, the old man's figure had disappeared, and he appeared in front of Huang Xianyi and punched him.

However, a Spirit Power shield suddenly appeared in front of Huang Xianyi, blocking his fist. Fortunately, Lin Fan was prepared.

Lin Fan chuckled and said: "You are looking for death."

His figure disappeared and he struck hard, knocking the old man away.

The body of the old man from Piaomiao Pavilion was embedded in the ring, and he couldn't die anymore.

Celestial Realm Third Stage is like a Little Brother in front of him. Not to mention cross-level challenges, he is definitely invincible in the same rank, not to mention that this guy is five realms shorter than him.

That's right, he is now a Celestial Realm Eighth Stage powerhouse.

The middle-aged people in Piaomiao Pavilion were dumbfounded when they saw this.

Their Elder was also taken down with one move?

The middle-aged man was so frightened that he quickly knelt down and said: "I, Miao Miao Pavilion, have Eyes but fail to recognize Mount Tai, please spare my life, senior."

The middle-aged man who was still checking on his disciples also knelt down and said, "Senior, please spare my life."

Bullying the weak has no moral integrity at all...

Hearing this, Lin Fan said calmly: "Go and get the Interspatial Ring from your Elder."

"Yes, yes, senior, I'll get it right away." The middle-aged man crawled on the ground and took off the Interspatial Ring from their elder's hand and handed it to Lin Fan.

The moment Lin Fan took the ring.

A middle-aged man from Piaomiao Pavilion shot an unknown object into the sky.

Immediately, a brilliant light appeared in the sky, which could probably be seen by the entire Zhou Dynasty.

Lin Fan looked at the light in the sky, frowned, and quickly killed the remaining disciples of Piaomiao Pavilion.

Then Lin Fan asked the Celestial Realm Elder of the Shangqing Sect: "What is that?"

The Elder of Shangqing Sect stiffened, and quickly cupped fist and said: "This is a kind of crisis message from Piaomiao Pavilion. The masters of the Divine River Realm from Piaomiao Pavilion should come over soon when they see the message.

Divine river realm?

What is Realm, a master above Celestial Realm?


Lin Fan asked calmly: "How far is Piaomiao Pavilion from here, and how long does it take to get here?"

Hearing this, the Elder of Shangqing Sect said: "Piaomiao Pavilion is three dynasties away from the Great Zhou Dynasty, but according to the speed of the Divine River Realm, I estimate that we should be able to arrive in less than half an hour."


Lin Fan looked at the Elder of Shangqing Sect, raised his hand and grabbed a masked woman in green from Shangqing Sect. Lin Fan then sent a message and said: "When the people from Piaomiao Pavilion come over, just say a fourth rank Sect, let them find trouble.

I guarantee that she can return to the clan safely, otherwise she will definitely die.

Seeing this, the Qingzong Elder's eyes widened, and he quickly sent a message: "Okay, I promise you, please don't hurt her, senior. She is our master."

Their Sect Leader’s daughter?

I also caught a baby...

"Then it depends on your performance. Don't chase her, otherwise I will kill her. This sect... Young Master is gone."

With that said, Lin Fan disappeared with Huang Xianyi, Mu Qingchan, Jiang Linglong, and the woman captured by the Shangqing Sect.

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