From Subordinate Sect To God-Level Sect

Chapter 114 The King Of Thieves - Mr. Fan [Second Update]

Unexpectedly, what she practiced was the top-grade Emperor Grade Cultivation Technique. Perhaps this is the most precious thing in her body!

Lin Fan looked at her and said playfully: "Do you think you are qualified to negotiate terms?"

As he spoke, Lin Fan leaned towards Tao Yuexi...

Tao Yuexi's body trembled and she said, "If you don't agree, I won't give it to you even if I die."

Lin Fan threatened with a smile: "Do you think you can handle my many tricks? You look so beautiful, what would happen if I stabbed you in the face? Do you want to try it?" 1

Upon hearing this, Tao Yuexi immediately compromised: "No, I'll give it to you."

Sure enough, the thing that women can’t let go of most is their beauty…………

Soon Tao Yuexi readily recited the Cultivation Technique she had learned.

Lin Fan wrote it down with a pen and threw it into the Sect warehouse.

Top grade Emperor Grade Cultivation Technique "Taiyi Guiyuan Jue" (cannot be practiced if it is incomplete)

What Tao Yuexi gave him was actually a mutilated version... The mutilated Cultivation Technique could not be practiced, so it was of no use, but the mutilated Martial Skill could still be practiced at least.

Lin Fan looked into her eyes and asked, "Are you sure it's gone? Didn't you miss anything?"

Tao Yuexi hesitated for a moment, then nodded quickly and said, "No more."

Hearing this, Lin Fan used Spirit Power to control Tao Yuexi and directly took off Tao Yuexi's shoes.

"What are you going to do? You bastard, let me drive the 717..."

Looking at her shining white feet, Fan's hands have an extra feather.

Then came the sound in the room.

"Hahaha, hahaha, you bastard..."

“Is there anything missing from Cultivation Technique?”


After about ten minutes, Tao Yuexi completed all the remaining Cultivation Techniques. Lin Fan got the complete "Taiyi Guiyuan Jue" and then let Tao Yuexi go.

Soon, Lin Fan memorized this Cultivation Technique and tried this operation.

Lin Fan

Age: 19 years old

Identity: Canglan Sect Sect Leader.

Martial Dao Realm: Celestial Realm Eighth Stage.

Cultivation Technique: Taiyi Guiyuan Jue

Martial Skill: Immortal Shadow Technique (Return to Original Nature) Longyang Body (Return to Original Nature) Lihuo War Armor (Return to Original Nature), Broken Jade Slash (Return to Original Nature)... Thirteen Crazy Breath Slashes (Return to Original Nature), Fierce Sun Palm (Return to Original Nature), Shaking Mountain Fist (returning to nature), swordsmanship (not entering the flow), breath gathering technique (not entering the flow)

Secret Technique: Second Stage Qi Jin (Return to Nature) Thousand Faces Technique (Return to Nature)

The method of controlling beasts: The art of controlling beasts with demon species (returning to nature)

It felt pretty good, thinking about Lin Fan suddenly disappearing into the room.

Then he appeared in Jiang Linglong's room out of thin air...

Early the next morning.

Lin Fan came to the room and found Tao Yuexi still sitting there, seemingly up all night.

Lin Fan threw the menu over and said, "Order whatever you want."

Hearing Lin Fan's voice, Tao Yuexi cursed without even looking: "Shameless person, I will cut you to death with a thousand knives."

Hearing this, Lin Fan walked over and used Spirit Power to control her?

Lifting her delicate chin, she said: "If you dare to scold me again, before you cut me to pieces, I will show you what it means to be a shameless person."

Before he finished speaking, he saw tears streaming down Tao Yuexi's eyes.

Lin Fan removed the control of Spirit Power and said: "Don't cause trouble, I will keep you safe."

Immediately, Lin Fan said again: "Let's order! It's okay if you don't want to eat. I can't care if you starve to death."

Tao Yuexi wiped her tears and ordered a table of dishes...

Lin Fan didn't say anything, it was just a small amount of money.

After meal.

Lin Fan inquired.

There was no fourth rank Sect in the Great Yan Dynasty, so he started thinking of recruiting disciples again...

After messing with the fourth rank Sect, we must seize the time to improve our strength.

He asked Huang Xianyi to come over and look at Tao Yuexi, Mu Qingchan and Jiang Linglong, but he did not allow them to go out.

And Lin Fan used the Thousand Faces Technique to change the face of an old man.

After wandering around this small city, I found that this city is too small and is about the same size as Cangyan City.

There is no need to recruit disciples here…………

The layout needs to be bigger, and the Canglan Sect's headquarters must be established in the capital of a dynasty.

The capital of the Dayan Dynasty was Yanyang City.

Lin Fan inquired about the news, and after getting the map, he took the four girls towards Yanyang City...

The Great Yan Dynasty and the Great Zhou Dynasty were evenly matched, and Yanyang City was probably similar to the Wushuang City of the Great Zhou Dynasty.

Bringing together the top fifth rank Sect.

After arriving in Yanyang City, Lin Fan settled down with the four girls, and then went to the top fifth rank Sect of the Great Yan Dynasty.

The strength in these Sects is no different from that of the monks of Dazen Temple.

Half step Celestial Realm is the limit, but there are quite a lot of Yin-Yang Realm.

Lin Fan used Thousand Faces Technique and wandered around in several fifth rank sections. By the way, he picked up a few Emperor Grade Martial Skills and two Emperor Grade Cultivation Techniques, which were included in the Sutra Pavilion to increase the foundation of Canglan Sect.

The whole process was not discovered…………

Lin Fan feels that he has the potential to be a thief.

So he improvised and gave himself a famous name: "King of Thieves" "Fan Ye". He stayed within the five sectors. He didn't have to take away their Martial Skill and Cultivation Technique papers. Because of his impromptu decision, he took them gone.

Since he doesn’t need to practice, it’s not bad to come out for some excitement occasionally...

Thinking of this, Lin Fan, who originally played fifth rank Sect, turned back to fifth rank and stole their treasure house...

Do it all.

Lin Fancai found more than a dozen old beggars in Yanyang City and asked them to sign Sect contracts and become Canglan Sect disciples. Then he upgraded their strength to the Heavenly Cave Realm, the highest Ninth Stage. He gave the beggar in the Divine Soul Realm a demon seed and told him to let them establish a Canglan Sect station.

Gave them some resources and asked them to secretly recruit 30,000 disciples.

Canglan Sect has not yet become the fourth rank Sect, so it is better not to be too ostentatious in other dynasties. The main reason is that he is too lazy to care. If they are bullied, he will not know...

Isn’t that a slap in the face of Canglan Sect!

So I ordered them to recruit disciples secretly and not to be too ostentatious.

After staying in Yanyang City for a long time, Lin Fan left directly with Huang Xianyi and the others.

Visit other dynasties...

Just five days later, his reputation as the King of Thieves, Yifanye, had already risen. Several dynasties, fifth rank, sect, Cultivation Technique, Martial Skill, and treasure troves of resources had been stolen one after another.

No clues were found…………

What is unbearable is that the resources they wanted to hand over to the fourth rank Sect were stolen.

So these fifth rank Sect can only be reported to fourth rank Sect.

Invite someone to arrest you......

But now Lin Fan has returned to Canglan Sect Dongning City after wandering around for a while.

In these five days, he left nine dynasties and left nine Canglan Sect secretly stationed there.

Spirit Stones have piled up in the Sect warehouse, and there are too many elixirs, weapons, and Medicine Pills to count.

I have to say that these fifth rank secs have profound foundations...

But after this time, I'm afraid they won't put their resources in the treasure house established by Sect...

Lin Fan has been traveling for a few days, and the properties of Sect have undergone earth-shaking changes...

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