From Subordinate Sect To God-Level Sect

Chapter 115 Promotion To Sixth Rank Sect [First Update]

Canglan Sect

Level: Seventh Grade Sect.

Number of people: 1.38 million.

Financial resources: 940 million Spirit Stones (Poor Sect)

Tibetan Scripture Pavilion:

Cultivation Technique:

Emperor Grade: "Red Dragon Jue", "Taiyi Guiyuan Jue", "Purple Flame Gong"... "Marrow Cleansing Sutra"

Heaven level: "Six Yin Xuan Zhen Gong", "Four Yang Fire Condensation Technique", "Hunyuan Gong"

Martial Skills:

Emperor Grade "Blood Devil Body", "Earth Demon Claw", "Immortal Shadow Technique", "Nine Styles of Tyrant Sword", "Tenghuang Slash", "Xuanbing Legs", "Mesmerizing Dance~", "Beast King Ghost Spear"

Heaven level "Dragon Yang Body", "Lihuo Armor", "Broken Jade Slash", "Thirteen Crazy Breath Slashes", "Ba Xuan Body" (Incomplete)

Secret Technique: "Second Stage Qi Jin", "Thousand Faces Technique", "Dantian Sealing Technique"

pill recipe, how to control beasts...

Enable ability:

1: Talent increase: All Canglan Sect disciples’ talents will increase by 60% through practice. (effective permanently)

Two: The power of the entire sect: Bind the Sect Leader, extract one-tenth of the Cultivation Base that all disciples practice every moment, and pour it into the bound person. [Three binding positions] (Sect Leader has the power to change the binding object, and Cultivation Base infusion has no side effects.)

Three: Comprehension increase: The comprehension of all Canglan Sect disciples will increase by 60% through Martial Skill training. (effective permanently)

Four: Martial Skill inheritance: As long as the Martial Skill is included in the Sutra Pavilion, the Martial Skill inheritance can be initiated to any disciple of Sect. [Skill three times] (There is a cooldown, which depends on the level of Martial Skill and the degree of inheritance. It changes with the level growth of Sect.)

Five: Blessing of destiny: All Canglan Sect disciples’ luck will increase by 5% (permanent effect)

Sect warehouse: (top quality Spirit Stones × 120,000, blood Lingzhi Mushrooms × 1, elixir………………

There are many kinds of Emperor Grade Cultivation Technique, Emperor Grade Martial Skill.

I also got a Dantian sealing technique, which can seal the strength of others for a long time...

He became rich in a few days and his financial resources reached 940 million Spirit Stones.

They were all brought from the fifth rank sect of the nearby dynasty. He visited all the fifth rank sect's scripture collection pavilions and resource treasure houses.

Now Canglan Sect no longer has to worry about Spirit Stones. He has 120,000 top-quality Spirit Stones.

After returning to the Canglan Sect's headquarters in Dongning City.

Lin Fan asked Huang Xianyi and the others to live in secret, just in case.

Killing the fourth rank Sect man and kidnapping the daughter of the fourth rank Sect Leader still made him a little worried. .

Then he quickly contacted Long Yi and the others and asked if anything special had happened in the Zhou Dynasty recently.

As a result, Long Yi told them that they had killed the Sect Leaders of Dazen Temple and Evil Demon Sect, and also eliminated many disciples of these two sects.

But it's a pity that there are only three of them, and many disciples ran away after all...

The two Sects, Daizen Temple and Evil Demon Sect, were forced to announce their dissolution. Just like the Jieyou Tavern, the Sect Leaders are dead. What else can they do if they don't disband?

After provoking the strong men of Celestial Realm, they will not disband but will only perish.

Wolf King and the others also grabbed a lot of resources...

It seems that nothing special happened in the Great Zhou Dynasty, and they did not hear anything about Piaomiao Pavilion...

However, the disappearance of the Great Zen Temple and the Evil Demon Sect attracted the attention of the fourth rank Sect Shangqing Sect. The Great Zhou Dynasty was one of the dynasties under the jurisdiction of the Shangqing Sect, and the Shangqing Sect sent people to investigate.

The strength of the person who came was so terrifying that they had to show up to take him down. Finally, Langya showed up and explained the reason. The reason was very simple. The Evil Sect of the Great Zen Temple wanted to destroy their Canglan Sect, but they were defeated by them.

After knowing the reason, Shangqing Sect did not hold any responsibility, and they had no control over the competition between Sec.

However, the Shangqing Sect said that there must be a limit to competition. They cannot kill everyone and make them jump over the wall. The main reason is not to let the Cultivation Technique above the spiritual level fall into the hands of ordinary people.

The matter in the Sect world was settled in the Sect world, and the people from the Shangqing Sect left after giving instructions.

There is no need to care about the life and death of the disciples of Daizen Temple and Demon Sect Sect.

The Great Zen Temple and the Evil Demon Sect occupy 40% of the territory of the Great Zhou Dynasty and are directly owned by their Canglan Sect.

Tianjian Sect and Zijindong are not blind, they know that the Sect Leader of Dazen Temple and Evil Demon Sect was killed.

After knowing that it was the work of Canglan Sect, how could they dare to compete with Canglan Sect for territory.

Their strength is about the same as that of Dazen Temple. If someone from the Canglan Sect can kill the Sect Leader of Dazen Temple, they can kill their Sect Leader.

Tianjian Sect and Zijindong Feifan did not dare to touch the territory left by the Great Zen Temple and the Evil Demon Sect. Instead, they surrendered to Zhang Canglan Sect and actively requested to pay tribute to them every year.

They did not reject this Wolf King, and they did not refuse the gifts that came to their door. After all, this is the rule, the big fist is the father...

Their Canglan Sect is now the boss of the Great Zhou Dynasty.

All fifth rank Sect must be submitted to their Canglan Sect.

What is a little embarrassing is that their Canglan Sect is still sixth rank Sect...

The promotion of fifth rank Sect is a bit troublesome, because the promotion of fifth rank Sect requires the recommendation of a top-level Sect, which is reported to the Shangqing Sect and evaluated by the Shangqing Sect.

In fact, the Shangqing Sect is just going through the motions and collecting some Spirit Stones…………

The recommendation of this top Sect is very important. Jiang Haoran, the Sect Leader of Burning Heaven Sect, gave his daughter as a gift to the top Sect just for this recommendation.

This is also the reason why the four top Sects can all promise that they can help the Burning Sky Sect defeat the Sects.

Because as long as the Burning Heaven Sect has the Yin-Yang Realm peak power through recommendation, they can be promoted to fifth rank Sect.

But now it is easy for Canglan Sect to get this recommendation, because both Tianjian Sect and Zijindong have bowed to them...

But they still have to make a trip, because the Canglan Sect is still in the sixth rank Sect, and they are not qualified to go to the Shangqing Sect at all...

The people sent by the Shangqing Sect to investigate knew that Langya and the others were from the Celestial Realm, and they also had no good looks, so they had to play by other people's rules.

What should be done should be done.

You have to ask Tianjian Sect or Zijin Cave to help recommend them.

If not, the Canglan Sect themselves would probably send someone to apply for promotion but they would probably be beaten back...

However, Tianjian Sect has already agreed to this, and is just waiting for news from Lin Fan.

Lin Fan, who came back, was a little hesitant... to apply or not to apply.

Damn, I caught someone's Sect Leader's daughter, and now I have someone send someone over to do an assessment, if Fang Shi is discovered.

Didn't that explode?

After thinking about it, Lin Fan thought it would be better to take it slow.

After understanding the situation.

Lin Fan went to see the Great Elder Wang Qi Zong because the sixth rank Sect token had been delivered three days ago.

Go to Wang Qizong to get the sixth rank Sect token.

"Congratulations to Host Binding Sect for being promoted to sixth rank Sect.

Ability advancement.

1: Talent increase: increase the Talent increase by 30% based on the previous level of training in Sect.

Two: The power of the whole sect: Add another binding position. To use or not to use, as well as the four binding positions, the Cultivation Base perfusion ratio is customized by the Sect Leader.

0·Please give me flowers...

3: Comprehension increase: Martial Skill practice will increase your comprehension by 30%.

Four: Martial Skill inheritance: The cooling time is reduced by 40%, and a Martial Skill inheritance skill is added. The four inheritances have their own cooldowns and do not interfere with each other.

Five: Fortune Blessing: On the basis of the previous level of Fortune Blessing in Sect, luck is increased by 5%.

Sect Warehouse space increased...

Promotion rewards:

Reward: Middle Grade Emperor Grade Cultivation Technique《Tong Yang Kung》, Low Grade Emperor Grade Cultivation Technique 《木一典》, Medium Grade Emperor Grade Martial Skill 《Turtle Breathing Technique》, Low Grade Emperor Grade Martial Skill: 《Bahuang Zhi》.

Reward: Secret Technique: "Obstacle Breaking Eye Technique" can see through all things and gain insight into all secret techniques. If used forcefully, it will cause blindness. (The stronger the practitioner, the stronger the barrier-breaking eye technique, and the smaller the sequelae.)

Rewards: twenty-four pill recipes, twenty-four medical books, twelve formation books, six beast control methods, six weapon refining skills, and three low-level elixir training books.

The Sect property has undergone great changes.

Canglan Sect

Level: Seventh Grade Sect.

Number of people: 1.38 million.

Financial resources: 940 million Spirit Stones (Poor Sect)


Tibetan Scripture Pavilion:

Cultivation Technique:

Emperor Grade: "Red Dragon Jue", "Taiyi Guiyuan Jue", "Tong Yang Gong"

Heaven level: "Six Yin Xuan Zhen Gong", "Four Yang Fire Condensation Technique", "Hunyuan Gong"

Martial Skills:

Emperor Grade "Blood Devil Body", "Earth Devil Claw", "Turtle Breath Technique", "Fairy Shadow Technique"..

Heaven-level "Dragon Yang Body", "Lihuo Armor", "Broken Jade Slash"...

Secret Techniques: "Second Stage Qi Jin", "Thousand Faces Technique", "Dantian Sealing Technique", "Obstacle Breaking Eye Technique"

pill recipe, how to control beasts………………

Enable ability:

1: Talent increase: All Canglan Sect disciples’ talents will increase by 90% through practice. (effective permanently)

Two: The power of the entire sect: Bind the Sect Leader, extract one-tenth of the Cultivation Base that all disciples practice every moment, and pour it into the bound person. [Four binding positions] (Sect Leader has the power to change binding objects, and Cultivation Base infusion has no side effects.)

Three: Comprehension increase: The comprehension of all Canglan Sect disciples will increase by 90% through Martial Skill training. (effective permanently)

Four: Martial Skill inheritance: As long as the Martial Skill is included in the Sutra Pavilion, the Martial Skill inheritance can be initiated to any disciple of Sect. [Skill four times] (There is a cooldown, depending on the level four of Martial Skill and the degree of inheritance, and changes with the level growth of Sect.)

Five: Blessing of destiny: All Canglan Sect disciples’ luck will increase by 10% (effective permanently)

Sect warehouse: (top quality Spirit Stones × 120,000, blood Lingzhi Mushrooms × 1, elixir………………

Talent increased by 90%.

The number of talented people joining the Canglan Sect will be doubled...

The desolate body may not have changed much, but if the heavenly spirit body or the imperial body genius were added, the increase would be terrifying...

For example, Mu Qingchan, she has an imperial body that is unique among millions. After joining the Canglan Sect, her cultivation speed doubled based on her imperial body, which is awesome.

This talent increase is terrifying for a genius, and is equivalent to being paired with a person with a Human Cauldron constitution.

The increase in understanding is also terrifying.

There is also an increase in luck. Although I don’t know what the specific effect is, it is definitely extraordinary.

If the Sect level is further improved, it will feel awesome just thinking about it.

Just when Lin Fan was in a trance, he suddenly noticed the aura of a strong man, and this aura was quickly approaching Nai. .

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