From Subordinate Sect To God-Level Sect

Chapter 197 Brother, Are You Selling Your Nine Tailed Fox? 【4/10】

There was anger in his voice.

Lin Fan called out.

I saw that the sound was coming from a statue, which was an incarnation of Spirit Power.

This is a special method of surveillance. For a strong person to fully activate their Realm to monitor the territory they govern, it consumes Spirit Power. Monitoring at all times will affect their own cultivation.

So a surveillance Martial Skill was created.

Use Martial Skill to condense a special Spirit Power clone and place it in the area you want to monitor. If the Spirit Power clone detects an abnormality, it will feed it back to the main body for monitoring purposes...

Lin Fan didn't pay attention just now, otherwise he wouldn't have been discovered by this incarnation of Spirit Power. Because the ability of this Spirit Power incarnation is limited, you can easily avoid it by deliberately being careful.

Unlike Lin Fan01's clone, which is almost omnipotent, his clone can basically do it all.

Lin Fan destroyed the incarnation of Spirit Power with a wave of his hand, hid his figure, and found a large city to land at random.

Prepare to inquire about the situation in this new continent first.

Lin Fan found out after making inquiries.

It turns out that the Tianling Continent where he is located is just a barren island.

This planet is called Jupiter.

The ocean occupies 60% and the land occupies 40%. Tianling Continent is just one of the extremely small islands.

The current boundary where Lin Fan is located is Fangxing Continent, Southern Desert.

This huge new land is called Fangxing Continent.

Fangxing Continent is divided into Southern Desert, Northern Wasteland, Xiling, and Dongzhou.

The Southern Desert where Ye Xuan is currently located is under the jurisdiction of Emperor Grade Sect, Lingshan.

After inquiring, Lin Fan learned that there were not many people in Lingshan, and they all seemed to be monks.

However, they are powerful. The monks in Lingshan are nothing but amazing. Every monk who is born is a figure who is famous all over the world and powerful in all directions.

Therefore, Lingshan governs all the King Grade Sect of the Southern Desert and controls the entire Southern Desert.

All the Sect people in the Southern Desert are, at best, followers of Lingshan, and at worst, dogs of Lingshan.

But here's the surprise.

Except for a few young disciples promoted by Lingshan to be famous and travel around the world, the other monks who were born were all Supernatural Power Realm and above, which was terrifying.

But this is nothing. Now Lin Fan has reached the peak of the Supernatural Power Realm and is only one step away from the Deity Realm.

What about Emperor Grade Sect?

Lin Fan still grabs their territory and will kill them without mercy if they don't surrender.

However, Lin Fan was not in a hurry. In order for Canglan Sect to advance to King Grade Sect, 80% of the entire sect's power was now bound to Sect disciples.

When they break through, Canglan Sect will be able to break through the King Grade Sect. By then, he will have no problem at all in dealing with all the strength on Mu Ling Star.

Lin Fan called Bai Susu out to hang out with him. Now Bai Susu has become human and is used to eating cooked food.

As for Mu Qingchan, Ouyang Xue, Jiang Linglong and others, Lin Fan brought them out.

However, they are all in the Cave Heaven Paradise, stabilizing their strength.

They enter the Taichu Divine Realm to fight every day to adapt to their soaring strength.

Their Realm has soared to the Great Saint realm like a rocket. Now they can't control their own strength, and Lin Fan doesn't want to bother them.

They each have their own arrogance, so it's good that they don't want to be a vase.

Bai Susu is very embarrassed, she is Magical Beasts [Lin Neibofa] to help him improve his strength.

However, she still improves her strength quickly because Lin Fan can give her resources. As long as Magical Beasts have enough resources, they can break through much faster than humans...

Lin Fan took Bai Susu to eat all the delicacies and drink all the fine wines in this big city.

However, some people still couldn't open their eyes. Bai Susu was so beautiful that she attracted wolves, and she was slapped to death by Lin Fan with her backhand.

The strength behind it, parents, family, Sect...

He was just a direct disciple of the first rank Sect. He succeeded in killing himself and also brought trouble to his own family and the Sect.

All the people who came were easily dealt with by Lin Fan.

The strongest sect of first rank sect 527 is not in the saint realm. Lin Fan can kill a saint with just one breath. It's totally boring...slapping him in the face is boring.

After that, Lin Fan left with Bai Susu and went to a big city to eat, drink and have fun.

Five days passed happily like this.

Now Canglan Sect already has one hundred virtual gods, and as long as there are nine more true gods, Canglan Sect can advance to King Grade Sect.

The strength of the entire sect is increasing every day, and Wolf King and the others will soon be able to break through to the True God Realm.

And Lin Fan has already arrived at Futu City, the largest city in the Southern Desert.

It is much more grand than the cities on Tianling Continent, it is grand, tall and spacious, and the formations in the city are complicated.

But Lin Fan was spotted when he entered Pagoda City...

The reason is still Bai Susu, she seems a little unusual.

Because as soon as Lin Fan entered the city gate, an ordinary little girl came over and asked.

"Brother, are you selling your Nine tailed Fox?"

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