From Subordinate Sect To God-Level Sect

Chapter 198: Heavenly God Realm【5/10】

Bai Susu was excited when she heard this. She couldn't help but leaned towards Lin Fan and grabbed Lin Fan's arm.

Lin Fan looked at the undeveloped little girl in front of her. She was just an ordinary little Loli. How did she know that Bai Susu was Nine tailed Fox?

Looking at the old man next to her, Lin Fan's eyes narrowed slightly. She didn't expect that this girl actually had a bodyguard from the True God Realm.

There is something, and it must have a lot of background.

Lin Fan said coldly: "I won't sell it,"

As he spoke, he patted Bai Susu's shoulder to indicate that she was okay.

Hearing this, the little girl still said unyieldingly: "Brother Dage is easy to discuss, just think about it.

Lin Fan frowned. The girl in front of him is already in the Good Fortune Realm. No matter how talented she is, it is impossible for her not to be a hundred years old. Call her Brother Dage?

But she hasn't grown up even after hundreds of years. Is she sick or stunted?

If she knew what Lin Fan was thinking at this moment, she would probably go crazy...

Lin Fan refused again: "She is my friend, and it is impossible for me to sell my friends."

Hearing this, the little girl wanted to say something, but the old man next to her stopped her and said: "Lan Ling girl, don't cause trouble, or I will take you back.

The girl named Lan Ling gave Lin Fan a look and said, "Wait for me."

Not to be outdone, Lin Fan lowered his gaze and shook his head involuntarily.

Lan Ling asked: "You are also here to participate in the Lingshan Demon Slaying, right?"

Lingshan slays demons?


Lin Fan asked: "Why should I tell you?"

With that said, he pulled Bai Susu away.

He only heard Lan Ling whispering behind him: "Don't let me meet you in Lingshan Demon Slaying."

Lin Fan didn't pay attention. He didn't know what Lingshan Demon Slayer was.

After Lin Fan walked away, the old man next to the little girl said: "Girl Lan Ling, don't be ridiculous, I can't even see through this person's strength.'

Hearing this, Lan Ling was shocked and said: "Grandpa Xu, how is this possible?"

"Maybe he has some secret technique to cover up the Cultivation Base!"

Lan Ling said: "Grandpa Xu, the Demonic Beasts next to him is the legendary Nine tailed Fox. I want it.

The old man said in a deep voice: "Girl Lan Ling, we still have things to do right now. Don't cause trouble and embarrass your father."

Nanning could only say aggrievedly.

"Okay, after the demon slaying in Lingshan, I will find a chance to ask you questions."

"Well, Grandpa Xu, you are the best."

...Of course Lin Fan couldn't hear their conversation.

The first inn in Buddha City is already full, filled with experts from all over the main road.

Lin Fan can only settle for the next best thing.

After asking around, I found out what Lingshan Demon Slaughter is...

The Demon Slaughter in Lingshan is a grand event held in Lingshan every three thousand years.

Because the people in Lingshan are all monks, they are compassionate and never kill.

Therefore, within the scope of the Western Desert, Lingshan only imprisoned those who captured the most treacherous and evil people, and the same was true for capturing the Demonic Beasts who killed wantonly.

Every three Thousand Years they accumulate a certain number of people or Magical Beasts they imprison.

At this time, Lingshan invited the powerful men from all forces on the square continent to come to Lingshan to slay the demons.

Also known as the Demon Slaying Conference.

Moreover, Lingshan will distribute rewards after each demon-killing conference.

In fact, it is not easy to kill these imprisoned people, because these imprisoned people are not subject to any restraints. "Song was captured by the monks of Mount Tai and imprisoned in a small secret realm.

There is a Minor World in the secret realm, and those who do evil things are thrown into this small secret realm.

The so-called demon slaying means that strong men gathered from all directions enter this small secret realm and kill all the evil people or Magical Beasts in it.

The more you kill, the richer the reward.

Since it was a grand event, Lin Fan naturally wanted to go and have fun, so he asked Bai Susu to rest in the paradise of cave heaven.

Then he concentrated all the power of the sect on himself, because he was about to break through...

When facing Lingshan, he felt that it would be safer to break through the realm of gods and then join Lingshan to slay demons.

Anyway, he is about to break through, and it only takes half a day to concentrate the power of the whole sect.

The Lingshan Demon Slaughter will take place in three days.

In the evening, Lin Fan broke through to the realm of gods.

Lin Fan

Age: 20 years old

Identity: Canglan Sect Sect Leader.

Sub-professions: Emperor-level pill refining master, Emperor-level weapon refiner.

Martial Dao Realm:First Stage early stage

Cultivation Technique: Great Wilderness Good Fortune

Laws of Comprehension: Six Hundred and Ninety-Four

Martial Skill: Locking the Holy Tower (returning to the original nature) Ancestral Dragon Armor (returning to the original nature) Taixu Mie Jiguang (returning to the original nature) Taiyi Qingmuling (returning to the original nature) Star Kill (returning to the original nature) Nine Sky Blood Lotus Kill (returning to the original nature)

Secret Technique: Second Stage Qi Jin (Return to Original Nature) Thousand Faces Technique (Return to Original Nature) Dantian Sealing Technique (Return to Original Nature) Barrier-breaking Eye Technique (Return to Original Nature)

Illusion God Technique (Return to Original Nature) Transform Three Purities in One Qi (Return to Original Nature) Ultimate Killing Saint Technique (Return to Original Nature) Time Reverse Flow (Return to Original Nature (Manuo Zhao) Return to True Nature)

Methods to control beasts: Control Nine Heavens (return to nature) Heavenly Dao contract (return to nature) Hearts Demon (return to nature) Master-servant contract (return to nature) Control magic (return to nature) Pill Gu contract (return to nature) Slave contract (return to nature)

Formation: Shocking God Formation (Return to Original Nature) Soul Seizing Formation (Return to Original Nature) Fan Cage Formation (Return to Original Nature) Enchanting Formation (Return to Original Nature) Demon Locking Formation (Return to Original Nature) Great Universe Sword Formation (Return to Original Nature) Ghost Killing Formation (Return to Original Nature) Spirit Swallowing Formation (Return to Original Nature)

After the breakthrough, he entered the Time Tower and began to improve the strength of the two clones.

This time he came out with two clones and some Sect experts, but they were all staying in the Time Tower and there was no need for them for the time being.

Three days later, Lin Fan came to Lingshan with Ren Chao...

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