From Subordinate Sect To God-Level Sect

Chapter 243 The Curse Of The Undead That Ignores All Defenses [10/10]

Curse of the Undead.

This is the first time he has used it since he got it.

Because there is no way to remove the undead curse, it must not be used rashly. According to its description, those who are severely cursed will definitely die.

Even the strong can only suppress and delay the occurrence of the undead curse, and the curse will become stronger and stronger.

People will eventually go to death.

After release.

A strange curse seal that seemed to be alive appeared in Lin Fan's hand.

Lin Fan could sense a terrifying aura from it.

This is an indescribable feeling, an inexplicable fear.

lock target release

The living curse seal rushed out like an evil spirit released from the cell.

Following Lin Fan's thoughts, he flew towards the strong man from the Sixth Stage of the God King.

The God King also noticed something was wrong.

Immediately release the divine fire shield to resist.

However, the undead curse released by Lin Fan seemed to have no body, and was not blocked by his Divine Fire Shield.

Directly penetrated his divine fire shield.

He didn't even have time to resist.

The curse mark hit him, but he didn't notice anything strange. It seemed that the effect had no offensive power.

The curse seal seemed to be integrated into his body.


This strange noise is definitely not something simple and should not be taken carelessly.

So this God King realm expert was so frightened that he quit the Six Realm Prison.

After exiting, he immediately looked inside his body and found nothing unusual.

Did you check your body and find nothing unusual?

Doesn't that strange curse seal have any offensive power?

This is impossible!

If not, then why was Lin Fan released?

The more the God King thought about it, the more anxious he became.

So he said: "Let's torture him! He is stubborn and refuses to say anything. I will do it myself."

"I'll just say it! If you don't let him suffer some pain when dealing with this kind of person, he (abeb) will definitely not say anything."

"Take it easy, don't kill him. He has a powerful Body Refining Martial Skill. If he can get it, the strength of our entire Law Enforcement Hall can be improved by one level [then there will be more." Sect requires hundreds of customers.

"That's right, the Body Refining Martial Skill, which is comparable to a holy weapon, is simply unbelievable."

However, while several people were talking, the God King who had just been cursed by the undead had already started to attack Lin Fan.

The Prison of Six Realms is a formation-shaped combination of Martial Skills that requires six people to release. Even if it is released by one person, it cannot achieve such an effect.

The Six Realms Prison is already one of the top methods of their law enforcement palace.

Nature is not just as simple as trapping people.

Lin Fan suddenly felt something was wrong in the Six Realm Prison.

There were traces of colorful threads all around.

The lines seemed to make him attack,

Lin Fan released his battle armor to resist and found that these colorful lines were extremely sharp and could actually cut through his armor.

This surprised him.

Fortunately, his rear body blocked this line.

But there was a slight feeling of pain in my body,

Colorful threads wrapped him one by one. If his physique was not strong enough, he might have been broken into pieces by now.

No, he needs to get medical treatment.

Did these threads hurt him over time?

Lin Fan runs Spirit Power.

Release:Thousand Buddha Hands

Bombard this barrier.

The golden ball trembled, but it quickly recovered.

The six God King realms outside all started talking.

"Don't think that because your physique is comparable to a holy weapon, there's nothing you can do about it. This colorful thread of love can decompose and penetrate everything. If you know how to tell the truth about the Martial Skill you practice, we can spare your life.

"Struggling to your heart's content! When your Spirit Power is exhausted, there will be more fun waiting for you."

"Hahaha, I'll let you have a taste of the divine fire. Let's see if you dare to say it."


Lin Fan releases the Thousand Buddha's Hand once and uses 30% of the Spirit Power in his body. It will take about a minute for the entire sect's power to be fully restored.

He must keep 70% of his Spirit Power just in case.

The Spirit Power hadn't recovered yet, and suddenly the entire space became hot.

There seemed to be endless divine fire around him.

Burning his body.

Lin Fan releases Spirit Power to resist. Divine fire can refine holy weapons, but burning him for a long time can still hurt him.

Immediately afterwards, the scene seemed to change again.

He saw Mu Qingchan and the others, as well as some important people in his memory.

It actually has a fascination effect. Fortunately, Lin Fan has the barrier-breaking pupil technique and can see through everything.

This "Six Realms Prison" is a bit interesting.

Don't know what the quality is.

A minute later, Lin Fan released Thousand Buddha Hands again.

"He still has Spirit Power?"

"It seems he is stronger than we thought!"

"Is this your first time entering the God King realm?"

Lin Fan tried swallowing the world again.


Devouring Heaven and Earth actually had an effect after being released. Whether it was divine fire or colorful love threads, everything in the prison was being devoured...

Their Spirit Power consumption should be accelerated!

"what happened?"

"What happened inside?"

"I feel like our Spirit Power is being swallowed up quickly..."

"This person actually has some tricks up his sleeve?"

...Just when they were wondering, Lin Fan suddenly thought of it.

Whose divine fire shield did the undead curse pass through just now?

Is it possible to pass through this prison?

So Lin Fan used the barrier-breaking pupil technique to target a strong man in the God King realm.

Unleash an undead curse.

Originally it was just a try.

Unexpectedly, this undead curse actually passed through the barrier.

Damn it, this is ignoring all defenses......

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