From Subordinate Sect To God-Level Sect

Chapter 244: I Can’T Hold Back [1/10]

His barrier-breaking pupil technique can see through the entire cave barrier.

He just had the mentality of giving it a try, but he didn't expect that the curse of the undead would ignore the barrier.

He directly passed through the barrier and hit a strong man from the Fifth Stage of God King Realm.

This must be scary for him!

Ignore all defenses.

But this is understandable, after all, the curse of the undead is a secret technique.

Moreover, this secret technique has no price or restrictions. It seems that Lin Fan can release it infinitely.

But this undead curse also has a fatal flaw, and he can't lift it himself.

In other words, after being cursed by the undead, you will definitely die.

If you accidentally hurt one of your own, you'll be in trouble.

No matter how strong you are, there is nothing you can do.

Of course, the Curse of the Undead has its disadvantages, that is, it is not easy to hit people.

It was okay for them to be in the God King realm, but it was because of their negligence that they fell into the trap.

Curse of the Undead is different from Holy Killing Technique in that it is not locked to Martial Skill.

There are many ways to get rid of it, for example, just grab any creature to block it.

The Curse of the Undead will take effect when it encounters living beings, and a Curse of the Undead will only work once.

If you remain in the void for a long time, the undead curse will gradually dissipate.

Lin Fan released several undead curses in succession, floating out of the barrier and hitting several God King realms.

But it's a pity that two people were recruited.

The other four people were on guard and fled one after another.

The undead curse released by Lin Fan flew in the void for a while and then dissipated on its own.

Several God King realms discussed

"What kind of Martial Skill is this guy releasing? It doesn't look lethal, but I always have a strange feeling.

"Yes, that strange spell makes my heart palpitate after looking at it for a long time, as if it contains something terrifying."

"And this spell can actually penetrate our six-realm prison, and it can also penetrate armor and ignore defensive shields,"

"It seems that this man has a lot of good things in him!"

"Stop talking. The two of us have just accidentally been hit by this strange curse mark. Although we didn't find anything unusual, we still feel uneasy. Let's work together to pry open his mouth first!"

"Yes, the top priority is to figure out what the curse seal is for. I feel very strange now. I feel inexplicably excited about torturing him, and I don't know why?"

Then they took action.

It’s the same set of attacks just now.

However, Lin Fan's Devouring Heaven and Earth is exactly the nemesis for them to launch these attacks.

Under the Realm that swallows the world, these attacks are swallowed up.

They couldn't hurt Lin Fan at all.

It didn't take long for them to naturally discover something unusual.

"Why do I feel that the Spirit Power is consumed very quickly, and the person's aura is still very stable."

"How is this possible? He just entered the God King realm for the first time. He was trapped by us in the God King realm Sixth Stage. Now he has to shed his skin even if he doesn't die!"

"Does he have some defensive secret treasure? Didn't the phantom god's method confuse him?"

"What should we do now?"

"What else can we do to increase our efforts!"

"Oh! Wait what happened to you two? You are transmitting Spirit Power like this, destroying the balance of the fruit prison!"

"Stop talking nonsense, you four should also increase the transmission! I don't believe he doesn't beg for mercy.

.....They are increasing their attack power, and now Lin Fan can only be beaten passively.

Devouring Heaven and Earth couldn't swallow their attacks immediately.

Fortunately, Lin Fan has a strong physique and releases the Heavenly Dao divine thunder from time to time to annihilate their attacks.

0.Please give me flowers……..

They couldn't hurt him either.

In fact, he still has a way to avoid the attack. He only needs to enter the Cave Heaven Paradise, and there will be nothing they can do to him.

But he doesn’t think it’s necessary…………

Because he used the barrier-breaking pupil technique to observe that the two people cursed by the undead were almost out of control.

The undead curse has taken effect.

It can be seen from the sudden increase in Spirit Power transmission just now.

as expected

There was a noise outside.

"What's going on with you two? This will kill him."

"If that doesn't work, let's take him back to the sect and imprison him for questioning slowly!"

"You can't survive in this six-realm prison."

"That's right! Don't kill them. Everyone, stop and take them back to Zong!"

"Wu Ming, Wang Xiao, what's wrong with you? Why don't you stop?"

"I don't know what's going on, I can't bite my hand anymore!"

"Me too, my body seems to be out of control..."

While they were arguing, Lin Fan in the Six Realms Prison saw a flaw.

Thousand Buddha's Hands hit the barrier with one blow. The barrier was already unbalanced and in a state of collapse.

Lin Fan this strike attacks the weak point,

The balance was broken, and the entire Dongtian barrier cracked. It was too late for several God King realms of the Hunyuan Sect to save it.

The barrier shattered, and the majestic energy formed a terrifying explosion. The aftermath of the explosion pushed the Death Star horizontally in the surrounding starry sky for a certain distance.

After Lin Fan came out of the barrier, he struck a God King Fifth Stage body with a Heavenly Dao thunderbolt.

He was beaten until he was completely destroyed.

Upon seeing this, the other God King Realms quickly fled away.

Too careless!

Why is this person so strong?

And Lin Fan would naturally not let them go so easily...Xi.

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