From Subordinate Sect To God-Level Sect

Chapter 258 This Is Too Crazy! [5/10, Please Order In Full]

Thirteen people are all powerful in the God Emperor realm.

Including the emperor of the Celestial Dynasty, it is the fourteen star realms that Lin Fan has written down.

Lin Fan was not surprised that they would join forces.

After all, a powerful person in the Divine Emperor Realm of Hunyuan Sect was killed by him, and they all knew that they had placed spies in Hunyuan Sect.

And the God King who escaped from Sirius will also tell them this news.

It is estimated that no matter which star realm Lin Fan goes to today, he will be ambushed like this.

Lin Fan thinks this is actually quite good, they all came.

It just happened to be solved at once, saving him from having to come to the door one by one, which would be very troublesome.

Lin Fan can clearly feel their strength without using the barrier-breaking pupil technique.

Because his strength is far higher than them.

He is now in the Sixth Stage of the God Emperor Realm.

Among them, the strongest one is only the Second Stage middle stage of the God Emperor.

Even Lin Fan's clone can defeat them.

Because both of his clones are in the Fourth Stage of the Divine Emperor.

In addition to these thirteen god emperors, there are ten god emperors ambushing outside.

The strength is vastly different, and no one has broken through to the Third Stage of the God Emperor.

There is no way the environment in the star realm does not allow it.

Even if they sit in a star realm and the resources of a star realm support them, they cannot break through to the Third Stage of the God Emperor.

After all, the number of gods a star realm can cultivate is limited to the God King realm.

Moreover, the lifespan of a powerful person in the God Emperor realm is not infinite. They cannot live forever. Although they can live for a long time, they will eventually die.

So they still have to train successors.

Before their end is approaching, they must train successors to the God-Emperor realm.

Otherwise, their inheritance will be cut off and the star realm will be divided up by other star realms.

Therefore, they are afraid that they will only be able to stay in the realm of the God Emperor for the rest of their lives, but there is nothing to regret.

They are already the most dazzling existence among countless creatures in the star realm.

They have already achieved it by waking up to take over the world and lying drunk on the knees of a beautiful woman.

Even tired of it....

Just like the emperor of the Celestial Dynasty, he died without any regrets.

He can cultivate stunning beauties specially for marriage, so he must not treat himself badly...

According to the data, these old antiques have lived for more than 100,000 years. The lifespan of the God-Emperor realm ranges from hundreds of thousands of years to no more than a million years. There are records in ancient books. This seems to be a rule that cannot be violated.

In the divine emperor realm, one will eventually die from exhaustion of divine energy...

Thirteen god emperors have arrived.

The Emperor of Heaven waved his hand to signal God King to go down first, and then said, "I won't be polite, we are all old acquaintances, please take a seat!"

For today’s banquet, I personally killed a Phoenix that I had raised for many years.

Lin Sect Leader: How about we talk about things directly after the banquet?"

Lin Fan smiled and said, "You're a very particular old man, so please respond."

At this time, a naked upper body man in the hall stared at Lin Fan and said coldly: "Humph, you are the one who issued a challenge to me? You escaped very quickly that day.

His eyes were full of provocation,

Lin Fan immediately asked: "So you don't want to surrender to me?"

The naked man said: "I am not a coward in the Tiger Star Realm. Let me surrender first and defeat me first."

Hearing this, Lin Fan showed a smile and immediately said with a smile: "Lin Yi, go play with him and find a place to play. Don't beat him to death, just catch him alive.

After saying that, he looked at the naked man with a clear meaning, "Do you dare to go?"

The naked man is also an uncowardly master

He stood up and said: "I'm afraid you can't do it, let's go and have fun on the Star Boundary Battlefield?"

Lin Fan glanced at the crowd and smiled: "Do you still want to stretch your muscles? You can go together."

As soon as these words came out, everyone looked at each other in shock.

Lin Fan could feel that they were communicating with each other.

But he doesn't care, he will win today's game no matter what.

This is no suspense.

Even if they have more than twenty God Emperors, they still can't change the outcome, and he is not afraid of them causing trouble...

After they discussed (abeh).

The naked man said: "I alone am enough, come to the Star Boundary Battlefield!"

As he said that, the naked man left for the star battlefield, Lin Yi followed closely behind him without saying a word.

No one left the Great Hall.

However, on the periphery of Tianchao Star, three God Emperors have left, probably to go

Lin Fan sensed it, but he didn't say anything.

Yes, God Emperor Lin Yi should be able to solve it.

He had already given an order, asking Lin Yi to deal with them. As long as they couldn't be beaten to death, he would beat them to death.

The Fourth Stage of the God Emperor Realm beats the Second Stage of the God Emperor Realm. That is not just a casual attack.

After they left…………

The banquet continues.

The main course was served quickly, and it had indeed been prepared in advance. The Emperor of China said that it had taken five days.

I have to say that the emperor of China is a man who knows how to live.

The main dish of Bazhen Phoenix is ​​delicious and delicious. There is nothing to say about the taste.

This is the most delicious dish Lin Fan has ever eaten since time travel, and it has endless aftertaste.

After Lin Fan tasted it, Lin Fan said while eating: "Old man, these Bazhen chickens taste good, can you give me a few hundred of them?

Hearing this, the emperor of the Celestial Dynasty stiffened his face and said: "Lin Sect Leader, this is really embarrassing for me. This Eight Treasures Phoenix is ​​a divine beast, and it is most fragrant when it is mature.

Bazhen Phoenix lays an egg in three Thousand Years, and it takes three Thousand Years to give birth to a baby. It takes Ten Thousand Years for the baby to reach maturity. Even if it is cultivated using the rare treasures of heaven and earth, it will still take several Ten Thousand Years before it can be eaten.

I spent a lot of effort to catch them, and now I have raised less than a hundred in total.

This is the only one in the mature stage for the time being, and it was slaughtered today. "

Hearing this, Lin Fan smiled and said: "Okay! A hundred of them will go too."

As soon as these words came out, the emperor of China was embarrassed.

Damn it, aren't you robbing me openly?

Lin Fan thinks it's really good. I have to say that this emperor of the Celestial Dynasty has great taste.

The Emperor of Heaven smiled and said: "Okay, since Leader Lin wants it, I can give it to you. But are you thinking about it, is it too much to ask us to surrender to Canglan Sect?"

Hearing this, Lin Fan said casually: "Is it too much? In fact, I can easily deal with you, but you are still not happy if I completely kill you all to your face.

If you want to die without a complete body like the Hunyuan Sect Sect Leader, I can help you.

Don't tell me whether these things are there or not. I like beauties and delicious food very much.

Sorry, that's not enough to change my mind. "

As soon as these words came out, the God Emperor who was still eating the Eight Treasures Phoenix was stunned.

This person is too crazy!

Everyone is a God-Emperor……………………

You owe it too much!

At this moment, a figure appeared in the Great Hall. It was Lin Yi who had gone out not long ago. He was still holding a dying person in his hand...

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