From Subordinate Sect To God-Level Sect

Chapter 259: So You Choose To Resist? 【6/10, Please Order In Full】

The person in his hand who looked like a dead dog was the naked man who went out not long ago.

His body suffered severe injuries, his breath was weak, his divine energy was weak, and the Spirit Power in his body was exhausted.

Lin Fan knew that Lin Yi, his own clone, used Devouring Heaven and Earth to directly swallow the Spirit Power in his body.

This is not difficult to do.

Feedback based on the clone's memory.

Lin Fan already knows what happened.

During the time they were having the banquet.

Lin Yi and the naked man went to the star battlefield. As soon as the battle began, Lin Yi used the God-killing Formation to trap him.

Then he used the Heavenly Dao divine thunder to force him to resist with all his strength, and severely injured him.

Because Lin Fan gave an order not to hurt his life.

So Lin Yi used Devouring Heaven and Earth again, grinding him for a while, drying up the divine fire, divine energy, and Spirit Power in his body, and finally caught him, leaving him no time to recover.

This is what a naked man looks like.

The King of the Tiger Star Realm was directly beaten like this by Lin Yi.

Lin Yi threw the big man in front of Lin Fan and said: "Sect Leader, it has been solved."

The Thirteen God Emperors on the Great Hall could no longer remain calm, and their breathing was a little short.

Lin Fan didn't know who this person was in front of him.

Don't they know it yet?

The King of the Tiger Star Realm, the Tiger Power God Emperor, the Second Stage middle stage of the God Emperor Realm, is the most powerful God Emperor among them.

The God Emperor who was the most proficient in fighting, the Tiger Power God Emperor would come to fight with them from time to time.

He is the God Emperor who fights the most fiercely among them. This time he also volunteered to test the depth of this Canglan Sect.

They have arranged everything.

From the moment Lin Fan entered the Celestial Star Realm, everything was planned jointly by them.

Ten god emperors were also invited to assist in the battle.

As a result, the God Emperor, the most proficient in fighting among them, was beaten like this. Can they not be nervous?

This is how to do?

Thirteen even panicked as the God Emperor.

The three God Emperors who had just followed him saw that the Huli God Emperor was beaten violently, and they did not dare to stop him at all.

In the end, I just ran away, regardless of any promises.

Because they know that they are no match for Lin Sect Leader.

Although the three god emperors appeared out of nowhere, they didn't dare to mess with them as long as they were strong.

And if three people come, does it have to be three?

Who knows.

They couldn't afford to offend him at all, so they just ran away.

Regardless of the emperor's promise, he ran away.

When the emperor of the Celestial Dynasty saw this, cold sweat broke out on his forehead. How should he practice?

I deeply regret it.

Wasn’t my attitude too tough just now? If you still pretend to be cool when you don’t have the strength, you’re not courting death!

He felt quite panicked.

He quickly said: "Lin Sect Leader, I agree with your terms. Your Canglan Sect can establish a Sect station on any star in our Celestial Star Realm. Eighty percent of the resources our Celestial Dynasty controls are willing to hand over to Canglan Sect." Lan Zong.

I am also willing to be the honorary Elder of Canglan Sect.

I was a little presumptuous just now, but I hope Lin Sect Leader will understand. "


Lin Fan was shocked, such a front-and-back attitude, a 720-degree Thomas rotation.

Damn it, where was your strength just now?

This f*ck chameleon!

Lin Fan smiled and said: "Okay! Old man, it's not impossible for you to join our Canglan Sect. Well, let's do that!

Give me some of your collection of ingredients and good wine, and you can just hand over three million low-grade divine sources to me, Canglan Sect, every year.

how do you feel?"

"I..., there is no problem with the delicious ingredients of Lin Sect Leader. I can take out all the fine wine and jade dew from my collection, but this divine source is not too much. Our God King in the Celestial Dynasty only has five hundred. The Divine Sovereign Realm only has two thousand, even if they condense the Divine Source every day, how can they hand over three million low-grade Divine Sources in a year.

You are making things too difficult for me!"

Lin Fan knew that each of their star realms had rich heritage, so how could they not exploit them?

So he spoke domineeringly: "This is your business, there is no room for negotiation. If you can't take it out, then don't blame me for being rude. If I want to destroy your dynasty, do you have the strength to resist?

As soon as these words came out, the old man, the emperor of the Celestial Dynasty, felt much older for a moment. He said with a depressed breath: "Lin Sect Leader, please calm down and I will pay."

See the cowardice of the emperor of heaven.

The other twelve God-Emperors all looked down upon him with great disdain, but this was understandable [they knew the situation of Emperor Weichao.

His current strength is that of the God Emperor, but due to hidden injuries in his body, his strength is not as good as before...

Ten Thousand Years was the incident.

The old emperor of China was the most seriously injured.

Lin Fan nodded, glanced at the others, and asked: "What about you, surrender or resist? It's up to you.

0·Please give me flowers………………

I have always been an open-minded person, and I am the enemy.

You should choose carefully and don't regret it.

He just finished speaking.

At this time, not far in front of Lin Fan, the dying Tiger Power God Emperor on the ground said: "I surrender to the Tiger Star Realm and am willing to offer sacrifices to the Canglan Sect.

Huli thinks that he is not invincible among the dozens of star realms around him, but he is definitely in the top five.

But now he was beaten like this.

Since we no longer have fighting power, how can we not surrender?

If you don't surrender, you will die. There is no coward in the Tiger Star Realm, if it was before.

Now he has to be a coward, there is no way... He wants to live.

Lin Fan ignored him.

But say something coldly.

"It just so happens that I haven't eaten enough yet. I'll give you a cup of tea. Surrender or resist. After a cup of tea, I need answers.



Not making a choice is considered resistance. "

As he spoke, Lin Fan continued to eat Bazhen Phoenix.

This is so delicious.

Absolutely delicious.

He also wants to raise Bazhen Phoenix, which tastes amazing.

Take a sip, this wine is not bad.

I'm still thinking mentally, I'll try to make a dragon and a pot of dragon and phoenix that day.

The twelve god emperors who had not expressed their opinions at this time were sitting on the carpet like needles.

Where is the appetite?

The Twelve God Emperors no longer dare to communicate with each other.

Afraid of angering this Lin Sect Leader.

Sometimes it was Lin Yi next to him who actually beat the Tiger Power God Emperor to such a degree that he could absolutely torture them.

However, they didn't know that Lin Yi and Lin Er were both Lin Fan's clones.

There was a message exchange between them, but Lin Fan didn't care at all.

However, the Emperor of Heaven and Emperor Huli were not involved.

Because they have surrendered.

The time for a cup of tea passed quickly.

It's almost time.

Lin Fan asked: "How are you considering it?"

As soon as these words came out, the three god emperors immediately laughed and said cupped fist.

"Lin Sect Leader, I choose to obey."

"Lin Sect Leader, I choose to be the honorary Elder of Canglan Sect."

"Lin Sect Leader, I am willing to surrender."

Except for these three people, the other nine people did not laugh.

Lin Fan frowned slightly.

"So you choose to resist the zombies?"

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