From Subordinate Sect To God-Level Sect

Chapter 288: Capturing The Demon Clan Into The Fusion Dao Realm And Entering The Cave Heaven Paradis

Just when the clone was dealing with the King of the Dark Monkey Realm and the others.

Lin Fan's main body took the other two clones and started to cause trouble in the Monkey Star Realm.

Taking advantage of now, his clone has restrained the two major realm kings of the Pluto Monkey Star Realm, as well as more than forty powerful people in the Fusion Dao Realm.

They are determined to kill Lin Fan, and they will definitely not give up halfway. The fifty Rongdao realm will definitely not leave before killing him...

At present, the King of the Dark Monkey Realm is at his weakest, and now is the best time to weaken the strength of the Dark Monkey Star Realm.

Lin Fan couldn't possibly miss this opportunity.

If he wants to preserve the Fanlong Star Realm, he must weaken the power of the Dark Monkey Realm King so that the demon clan does not dare to touch the Fanlong Star Realm...

His other two clones were sent by him to The Netherworld and the Golden-winged Great Peng respectively.

This time, I will take a step back and go directly to their home base to see how rich their background is and how much Fusion Dao realm they still have hidden...

And he himself began to clean up the strong demon clan near Fanlong Star Realm.

There were originally dozens of demon clan Fusion Dao Realm powerhouses stationed around the Fanlong Star Realm, but due to the turmoil on the border, some of them decided to leave?

Under the observation of Lin Fan's barrier-breaking pupil technique.

He found that... there were only seventeen powerful demon clan masters in the Fusion Dao Realm around Fanlong Star Realm.

There are eleven of them, whose strength does not exceed the Third Stage of Fusion Dao Realm.

Two Fusion Dao Realm Fourth Stage.

A Fifth Stage of Fusion Dao Realm.

A Sixth Stage of Fusion Dao Realm.

Two Fusion Dao Stage Seventh Stage,

Exactly seventeen powerful people in the Fusion Realm.

Lin Fan checked carefully and found that there were only so many...

There is no other Fusion Dao Realm near Fanlong Star Realm.

He is also extremely powerful in terms of exploration.

He knows many ways to search, and can even deduce the ways of Celestial Secrets...

There is no way to go wrong, there are only seventeen Fusion Dao realms.

They arranged for 17 Rongdao realm monitors to monitor the Fanlong Star Realm.

There are also many strong ones in the Yin Dao realm, about seven hundred strong ones in the Yin Dao realm, scattered around the Fanlong Star Realm, basically forming a huge encirclement.

Overtly or covertly, there are people in Fanlong Star Realm who want to leave, but they cannot escape their eyes.

It was probably set up to catch him...

This encirclement is quite sophisticated.

With seventeen strong ones in the Fusion Realm as the center of the formation, plus 720 strong ones in the Guiding Realm, there are also 3,600 strong ones in the Enlightenment Realm...

They form a complex formation.

If there is any disturbance in Fanlong Star Realm, they will know immediately.

Not only that, they have secretly arranged manpower in Fanlong Star Realm.

They thought Lin Fan had not discovered them, but in fact Lin Fan had known about it for a long time, but he had not touched them.

After all, after clearing them out, the demon clan will definitely arrange for other demon clans to come over. There is no need to do that.

Because they couldn't find any information, everything was under Lin Fan's control.

He wants to touch them easily...

The large formation outside the Fanlong Star Realm looks like a dragnet. If anyone else in the Fanlong Star Realm goes out, they will definitely be discovered...

But for him, everything is in vain.

He can do as he pleases, come in as he pleases, and leave as he pleases.

He has sent clones out many times…………

These demon clan did not notice.

Lin Fan wanted to attack them, but he couldn't kill them directly. He couldn't kill more than a dozen Dao Fusion Realm masters at once. Killing one of them would scare off the enemy.

So he can only use special methods...

So Lin Fan used the power of various avenues to hide himself perfectly.

Come to the side of Seventh Stage, one of the fusion realms.

Let’s start………………

All kinds of avenues came out to suppress him silently, causing him to fall into a short-term illusion.

Then he went to the next Fusion Dao Realm, the Seventh Stage.

The same method, except its suppression...falls into illusion.

They are still the core of the formation, and there are no abnormalities.

Won the Seventh Stage of Fusion Dao Realm.

It was not a big problem to win the other ones, Lin Fan spent some time.

Seventeen people in the Fusion Dao Realm were all appointed by him...

The main reason is that they are not strong enough and they are practicing the fourth-level Dao. They are too weak to be corroded by the power of Lin Fan's Heavenly Dao.

He captured it within minutes...

This is the difference in the power of the avenue. If they are second-class avenue fusion, it will take some time for Lin Fan to win them.


However, the demon clan sent here this time were all weak, and the avenue they practiced was too weak.

Lin Fan was among the first batch of weak Taoists to enter the Fusion Tao Realm.

So they got tricked.

Caught in Lin Fan's environment, they fell into their own world.

Just after 17 powerful people in the Fusion Realm were controlled by Lin Fan.


Lin Fan suddenly launched an attack on the powerful ones from the Seventh Stage.

He used the Frozen Avenue, and all the power of the avenue he could control exploded.

Immediately freeze this strong demon clan member......

Then he opened the entrance to the Cave Heaven Paradise and violently threw it directly into the Cave Heaven Paradise.


The next moment he appeared in front of another Seventh Stage powerhouse.

He seemed to have some emotions and was almost under Lin Fan's control.

However, Lin Fan used another avenue: the avenue of petrification, which instantly petrified the surroundings of his body and stuffed him into the Cave Heaven Paradise.

The two Fusion Dao Seventh Stages were solved by him, and the other Fusion Dao Stages had no chance.

Lin Fan quickly captured seventeen demon clan Fusion Dao Realm powerhouses and captured them as ministers of Dongtian Paradise.

Then the power of the avenue can be used...

The remaining 700 in the Dao-guiding realm and the 3,600 in the Dao-enlightening realm were not spared.

They were all caught by him…………

If you can't kill him, just arrest him.

Anyway, the Cave Heaven Paradise is the back garden of his Canglan Sect. It can be a beast control garden, a spiritual medicine garden,... or a prison cell.

At the same time, Butiancao, who has been promoted to the Indistinguishable Dao realm.

He looked at the demon clan thrown in with confusion.

She was confused, where on earth is this place?

Why can't she get out even with her strength? Even if she looks at the entrance, she doesn't have the ability to get out... Damn it.

And Lin Fan doesn't have time to take care of her yet. He doesn't need it for the time being. It's not that easy to collect the Medicine Pill materials, unless he breaks into the Hualing Star Realm to collect them...

Lin Fan will deal with the demon clan around Fanlong Star Realm.

at the same time.......

His two avatars were in The Netherworld and Golden-winged Great Peng respectively, attracting many powerful old antiques...

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