From Subordinate Sect To God-Level Sect

Chapter 289 Crazy Arrest [5/10, Please Subscribe]

His two clones are causing trouble in the two star realms.

Before they even moved a few star realms, a powerful demon from Yingzang jumped out to stop them.

Among them there are many old antiques who are at the peak of the Rong Dao Realm.

They have basically run out of energy, and sealing themselves only reduces the flow of vitality and delays their ability to stay alive.

Any living being is afraid when facing death. If it can live for a longer period of time, it will naturally not seek death.

Self-promotion is their way of extending their lives.

They cannot break through the Fusion Dao Realm, their lifespan is limited after all, and they are doomed to die... Sealed for hundreds of years, they can come out and wander around, gathering with the strong men of the same generation.

But now they have to come out, because Lin Fan's clone has threatened to weaken his "143" race.

One by one, Lin Fan's clones were lured out...

To protect their clan's Bloodline.

These legends have jumped out of the old antiques of Death...

Quite a few.

Among them, there are twenty-three strong ones in the Fusion Dao Realm.

The Netherworld has fourteen, and the Golden-winged Great Peng has nine.

They are all scary old monsters...

They almost went crazy and attacked Lin Fan's clone, trying to kill him quickly.

He even wanted to die with him.

However, Lin Fan's clone has many tricks, how could it be that they didn't take it down...

If you want to blow yourself up and die with him, that's just a dream.

They couldn't even touch Lin Fan's clone...

How can we die together without him?

I can only watch him do things in his avatar...

Even the Golden-winged Great Peng clan, which is good at speed, has nothing he can do.

Lin Fan probably knows the background of the Pluto Monkey Star Realm...


There are approximately five or six hundred Dao Fusion Realms in the Monkey Star Realm.

Sitting on the four borders, there are powerful men from all the major demon clans entrenched in the star realm.

There are many others who blow up the old antiques who serve as the last trump card of the race.

The total number will definitely not exceed 700…………

Of course, there are also strong men who have left the Pluto Star Realm to do business. Those who are no longer in the Pluto Monkey Star Realm cannot be counted...

It has to be said that the strength of the Pluto Monkey Star Realm is still impressive.

However, compared to the Flower Spirit Star Realm, the Pluto Monkey Star Realm is much weaker...

There are more than a thousand, possibly even thousands, strong people in the Fusion Realm in the Hualing Star Realm. What Lin Fan has spied on may only be the tip of the iceberg.

There is even an Indistinguishable Dao environment,

With the help of Lin Fan, Tiancao broke through the catastrophe of Indistinguishable Dao,

But she can't be let out by Lin at this moment!

Just to imprison her, Lin Fan evacuated all the disciples who were cultivating in Dongtian Paradise...

The Pluto Monkey Star Realm and the Flower Spirit Star Realm cannot be compared.

Even if they have 700 Dao Fusion Realm.

Lin Fan is not panic now, because he is also in the first level.

His same rank is invincible.

I'm just afraid that they will attack the Fanlong Star Realm in a desperate attempt...

That would cut off his source of cultivation.

He went there and captured seventeen demon clansmen who were in Fusion Dao Realm and threw them into Dongtian Paradise.

He also killed the Sky-Swallowing Realm King and the Sky-Swallowing Toad clan, and Mo Shi walked away a lot.

Another batch is missing.

The border guards at Rongdao Realm can be ignored for the time being, they cannot leave...

Now he is left to guard all walks of life, and there are also these Fusion Dao realms that surround and kill his clones.

As long as they are solved, other Fusion Dao realms are not a concern...

Now he only has three clones.

It is still a bit difficult to deal with so many Fusion Dao realms without them falling out...

But he wants to occupy the Pluto Monkey Star Realm.

This has to be done…………

This is a chance... He has a preliminary plan, and he wants to give full play to his own advantages.

So he reunited with the two clones.

Join forces to catch the powerful man from the Fusion Dao Realm of the Pluto Monkey Star Realm...

He teamed up with two clones to form the most terrifying hunter organization.

They were attracted by the strong demon clan 0.

That would be tragic......

He and his clone came and went without a trace...

No demon clan can detect them.

It can be said that no prey they are targeting can escape...

The first prey is an old antique from The Netherworld who is at the peak of the Dao Fusion Realm?

Lin Fan and his clones were well hidden.

Approaching the dying Ancestor of the Dark Monkey, he and his clone took action at the same time...

Suppress this force in an instant......

Then he was thrown into the Cave Heaven Paradise without giving him any chance.

If he wants to blow himself up, let him go into the cave and explode again.

After entering, he would like to explode or not,

Anyway, there are demons inside…………

There is also the Tiancao of the Eldar tribe. She has Indistinguishable Dao and will not die so easily.

solve the first

It's quite exciting, so let's move on to the next goal.

The second, the third, the fourth?


Unknowingly, he and his clones had captured twenty-nine Fusion Dao Realm demon clans.

They were all sneak attacked by him and his clones, and were instantly sealed and thrown into the Cave Heaven Paradise.

Never bother with them...

They all burst out their strongest combat power by the way, without giving them any chance to escape.

Compared with killing, suppressing and arresting is much easier 3.1......

Unknowingly, fifty demon clans in the Fusion Dao Realm had been imprisoned in the Cave Heaven Paradise.

In the Daodong Heaven Paradise, they can basically be declared dead.

Because this is Lin Fan’s home court, his territory…………

In the Cave Heaven Paradise, they were unable to connect to the avenue, and the only power of the avenue left in their bodies could not threaten Lin Fan's clone.

The two star realms were trying to catch the medicine, and he went to catch the souls of the Pluto Monkey Star Realm.

They captured all the Fusion Dao Realm experts they left behind...

Grabbing it is even more instant.

And left it when he caught the sixty-sixth one.

Another thing happened to the clone.

Lin Fan never expected that...

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