From Subordinate Sect To God-Level Sect

Chapter 301 Crazy Recruitment Of Disciples【6/10】

The black raccoons are too cunning.

Dozens of Fusion Dao realms were running around. If the location of this elixir was not locked, it would be impossible to find the Black Li clan ancestor based on them.

Lin Fan followed him into the Guyun Star Realm.

The Guyun Star Realm is very vast, but it is nothing to the Fusion Dao Realm.

The black raccoon carrying the elixir came to an Emperor Grade planet in the Ancient Cloud Star Realm and found an inn to stay.

After secretly handing over the elixir to a secret organization on the Emperor Grade planet, he relaxed and left.

His mission was accomplished, and he found no trace of his own people.

As everyone knows, Lin Fan has been staring at him.

Until he collected the elixir, Lin Fan was no longer following him.

This time his purpose was to keep an eye on the elixir and follow the clues. Find the location of the black raccoon ancestor.

This secret organization is a killer organization of the Black Beaver Clan, specializing in shady activities. It is a knife under the Black Beaver Ancestor.

After the elixir changed hands through the contact, it was handed over to the strongest killer of this killer organization.

An ignorant person who is good at shadow path.

Fortunately, Lin Fan himself is also good at Shadow Dao, otherwise it would be really difficult to follow him silently.

He took the elixir and entered a death star world.

What is the Death Star Realm?

In fact, it was the star realm where Lin Fan was originally located. The ten directions in the star realm were annihilated, and more than 99.99% of the life stars were death stars.

This kind of Death Star Realm is generally barren, and it may be possible to breed some Life Stars after hundreds of thousands of deaths. It is an area that the Star Realm's strength is unwilling to take care of.

There are no cultivation resources among them. There are many such dead star realms in every medium-sized star realm.

But I have to say it.

The hiding place of the black raccoon ancestor is really hard to find.

Not to mention he is in the Indistinguishable Dao realm, he is just a strong man in the Fusion Dao realm who really wants to hide.

Even in a small star realm, it is difficult to find.

Otherwise, the Fantasy God King would not have Lin Fan come to help him find it.

He can probably be sure that the ancestor of the black raccoon is in the Death Star Realm.

But where exactly, he didn't know.

He did not continue to follow this killer because he was only in the Tao Fusion realm.

Moreover, he has practiced the magic way, and if he gets close, he will be sensed by the Black Li Ancestor.

This is the privilege of those who control the Dao, and it is the unique means of those who are powerful in the Indistinguishable Dao realm.

In his dojo, those who are strong in the same way have no escape.

Of course, Lin Fan has many hidden avenues, so he should be able to cover himself, but he can't take risks. It would be bad if he alerted the snake and let the black raccoon ancestor escape.

Although Lin Fan didn't dare to get close...

But he's done his job.

A clone of him went to the Phantom God King and informed him of the situation.

The Fantasy God King was overjoyed when he found out.

He left immediately without caring about anything,

Not long after, Lin Fan's clone felt six more auras next to the Death Star Realm.

Each one is an Indistinguishable Dao realm expert, and they did not deliberately check.

The Fantasy God King is also among them.

So I didn't find him...

He discovered them also because he had the barrier-breaking eye technique, these six Indistinguishable Dao realms were very careful.

Like him, he doesn't dare to mess around...

Seems to be waiting for something...

Not long after, four Indistinguishable Daojing came, a total of ten Indistinguishable Daojing,

Lin Fan was shocked

Where did these Indistinguishable Dao environments come from?

If nothing else, they should be prepared to kill the ancestor of the black raccoon dog.

Help the illusory God King to seize the road...

Lin Fan is still weak now and cannot reach their level.

Lin Fan doesn't know what kind of existence the evil god is in the ancient world.

How many realms of Indistinguishable Dao are there?

Indistinguishable How are the forces above the Dao level distributed...

He didn't know any of this...

But one thing he knew very well, the death of the Black Li Ancestor was an opportunity.

He must seize this opportunity.

Therefore, before the ancestor of Heili is killed by Huan God King and the others, Lin Fan must push the Realm of the total tax leader to the peak of the first level of the district and village.

Can break through at any time...

Once the ancestor of Heili died, he would break through.

Fight with the Phantom God King to seize the avenue that was vacated after the death of the ancestor of the black fox.

Therefore, he must reach the peak of the Fusion Dao Realm in the Cultivation Base of the Charm Dao before the death of the Black Li Ancestor.

time is limited.

He left a clone in the Fanlong Star Realm, and his main body quickly took action.

There are still many humans in Fanlong Star Realm...

His Sect disciples now account for less than one ten thousandth of the people in Fanlong Star Realm. (Li Li Zhao) Now he doesn't care so much.

Canglan Sect began to recruit a large number of female disciples, and of course male disciples were also recruited.

Immediately after recruitment, he will teach you about the Cultivation Technique.

In order to improve the charm, Cultivation Base can't worry about so much.

So within one day, Canglan Sect recruited trillions of disciples.

The number of disciples of their Canglan Sect reached eight trillion disciples in one day.

He charmed the Cultivation Base and made rapid progress.

In one day, he went from the First Stage of Fusion Dao Realm to the Second Stage of Fusion Dao Realm.

But this is still not fast enough, because the Phantom God King and the others are probably about to take action.

So Canglan Sect continued to recruit people like crazy.

another day later

Canglan Sect...pretends.

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