From Subordinate Sect To God-Level Sect

Chapter 302 Ten Trillion Sect Disciples [7/10, Please Subscribe]

Canglan Sect

Level: God Level Sect

Number of people: 10.18 trillion people

Financial resources: 32 trillion divine source

Tibetan Scripture Pavilion:

Cultivation Technique:

Avenue level: "Ten Thousand Ways Return to Self", "Time", "Space"

Chaos level: "Nine Cycles Chaos Art", "Original Ancient Scripture", "Reverse Chaos Heavenly Book"...

Tao level: "Sutra of Nothingness", "Sacrifice and Refining All Things", "Nirvana Sutra of Heavenly Phoenix"

Martial Skills:

Avenue level: "Wheel of Ten Thousand Tribulations", "Samsara Fist", "Chaos God and Demon Body"

Chaos Level: "Heavenly Dao Divine Thunder", "Thousand Buddha Hands", "Swallowing Heaven and Earth"

Tao level: "Later Heavenly Dao Body", "Heavenly Moving Technique", "Void Moving Technique"

Secret Techniques: "Second Stage Qi Jin", "Thousand Faces Technique", "Dantian Sealing Technique", "Obstruction Breaking Eye Technique", "Illusion God Technique", "One Qi Transformation into Three Purities", "Extreme Killing Saint Technique", "Reverse the Universe", "Reverse Flow of Time" 》《Resurrection of All Souls》《Seal of Immortality》《Curse of the Dead》《Samsara》

pill recipe, how to control beasts……………………

Enable ability:

1: Talent increase: All Canglan Sect disciples’ talents will increase by 740% through practice. (effective permanently)

Two: The power of the entire sect: Bind the Sect Leader, extract one-tenth of the Cultivation Base that all disciples 013 practice every moment, and pour it into the bound person. [Thirteen binding positions] (Sect Leader has the power to change the binding object, and Cultivation Base infusion has no side effects.)

Three: Comprehension increase: The comprehension of all Canglan Sect disciples who practice Martial Skill increases by 740%. (effective permanently)

Four: Martial Skill inheritance: As long as the Martial Skill is included in the Sutra Pavilion, the Martial Skill inheritance can be initiated to any disciple of Sect. [Skill Thirteen] (There is a cooldown, which depends on the level of Martial Skill and the degree of inheritance. It changes with the level growth of Sect.)

Five: Blessing of destiny: All Canglan Sect disciples will have their luck increased by 280% (effective permanently)

Sect warehouse:(....)

Cave Heaven Paradise:(....)

Time Tower: one hundred floors.

Taichu Divine Realm: (...)

Star image (view larger image)

The number of disciples of Canglan Sect (abfh) exceeded 10 trillion.

Most of them are practicing the Cultivation Technique.

Lin Fan’s charming path, Cultivation Base, is making rapid progress.

He has surpassed other avenues and reached the Seventh Stage of Fusion Dao Realm. In half a day, he will reach the peak of Fu Charming Dao.

You can break through the Indistinguishable Dao realm at any time…………

However, Phantom God King and the others seem to be ready to take action...

He invited nine Indistinguishable Dao realm experts to come, and after some arrangements, he decided to surround and kill the Black Li ancestor.

And now Lin Fan's main body has just risen from the Fanlong Star Realm.

Come to Gu Yunxing......

If he wants to break through Realm, he must come to Guyun Star Realm by himself.

As long as Patriarch Heili dies, the avenue he controls will become an ownerless avenue.

Lin Fan can try to break through and seize the avenue to become an Indistinguishable Dao...

As long as he becomes Indistinguishable Dao, he will have no fear of the God King...

Not only that, with more disciples, his other avenues of cultivation will also improve, right?

According to the current progress, he can reach the peak of the fourth-level Dao Realm within two months...

These are not important, what is important is how he makes a profit.

He hid in his avatar and stared at Phantom God King and their every move.

The main body arrives at the Guyun Star Realm, ready to break through at any time...

But this breakthrough still comes with risks.

The main reason is that there are now ten Indistinguishable Dao realms in the Ancient Cloud Star Realm.

Indistinguishable Dao is not something to be trifled with......

Indistinguishable Dao environment fear Heavenly Tribulation?

Lin Fan doesn't know...

What if he breaks through the illusion and the God King comes to kill him?

So he has to prepare in advance…………

Lin Fan found a place and arranged ten thousand arrays and ten thousand artifacts.

The Indistinguishable Dao environment should be able to block it for a moment...

There is also a clone guardian.

The other two clones were staring at Huan God King and the others, one in the light and the other in the dark.

Pay attention to their movements at all times.

You must seize the opportunity and make a breakthrough...

The Phantom God King and his ten Indistinguishable Dao gathered their breath and silently surrounded the Death Star.

Ambush from all sides, come up with tricks.

Just waiting for the order from the Phantom God King.

Then they can take action...

But at this moment something suddenly happened.

Quietly came to the nearby Death Star Realm.

Two of them are good at the Dao which is also the Dao of Charm.

And each one is Indistinguishable.

Lin Fan was shocked…………

Damn it, he quickly used all kinds of avenues to cover up his own aura.

Is this an attempt to snatch food from the tiger's mouth?

Or what?

At the same time, the Fantasy God King signaled to take action.

The newly arrived Indistinguishable Dao and the previous Indistinguishable Dao all took action...

This Death Star realm was surrounded by fifteen Indistinguishable Dao realms.

The eight Indistinguishable Dao realms that just arrived seem to be in the same group as the Fantasy God King...

Fifteen Indistinguishable Dao realms used the power of the Dao to form a barrier, sealing the Death Star realm.

This powerful avenue barrier is much stronger than the one that trapped Lin Fan's clone that day, and even the Indistinguishable Dao realm can't even think of escaping.

The Fantasy God King and two other powerful people from the Indistinguishable Dao realm entered the barrier.

Lin Fan's clone is outside the barrier...

Then there was a loud shout from within the Death Star world.

"Fantasy God King, you three have bullied others too much..."

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