From Subordinate Sect To God-Level Sect

Chapter 330: The Progress Is Far From Enough [4/10]

The middle-aged man in purple robe snorted coldly: "Humph, you damn little mouse, did you escape?"

At this moment, Lin Fan used the space movement technique and had escaped very far.

After arriving at the place, he had already changed into a clone and continued to escape.

Let the clones play with them...

His avatar is also in the Indistinguishable Dao realm. Although he is not able to defeat the Lord of the Dao, escaping is not a problem.

He already has a rough idea of ​​his own strength.

Ordinary Indistinguishable Dao can have an absolute upper hand in one-on-one situations.

There is still a long way to go to stand side by side with the Lord of the Dao, unless he has reached the realm of Indistinguishable Dao...

No more dealing with them.

Therefore, his main body couldn't wait to enter the Cave Heaven Paradise.

More than 20,000 geniuses have been obtained.

He can't wait to send them to the 100th floor of the Time Tower...

This kind of top genius will definitely accelerate his understanding of the avenue of time.

Mainly, one hundred days in the Time Tower and one day in the outside world,

With time accelerating like this, more than 20,000 top geniuses from all walks of life should be able to give him some surprises.

Among them, these genius disciples are quite arrogant, and some geniuses even claim their family power to help him.

But in the end, in the face of life and death, they still compromised.

They have no choice.

You can only survive by agreeing to join the Canglan Sect and become a disciple of the Canglan Sect.

No matter what grudges they had in their hearts, Lin Fan didn't care.

When he is strong enough to stand alongside the Western Emperor, they will naturally be convinced.

Lin Fan only needs them to join the sect and be honest tools...

Being able to obtain the Cultivation Technique and Martial Skill of practicing the Path of Time is an opportunity for them.

Lin Fan can also use the Martial Skill inheritance to increase their understanding of Martial Skill and deepen their understanding of the Avenue of Time...

In the chaotic void.

Lin Fan's clone was trapped after moving into the void twice in a row.

The barrier formed by the power of the surrounding avenues cannot be broken by the clone using all its strength...

It seems that the only option is to fight hard.

The middle-aged man in purple robe had just appeared, and Lin Fan's clone rushed towards him...

Originally, the middle-aged man in purple robe wanted to pretend to be 13 and then press for the whereabouts of the human genius.

As a result, Lin Fan's clone rushed over and blew himself up.

The terrifying explosion instantly enveloped the surroundings in a chaotic void.

The middle-aged man in purple robe didn't even realize that half of his body was gone...

It’s just that the Lord of the Avenue is terrifying,

Almost instantly, the origin of the avenue re-condensed his body.

Emperor Xuan looked confused. Is it okay to lose an Indistinguishable Dao realm just to destroy the "Genius Conference of All Realms"?

This is where the clue ends.

no idea.

Unable to continue tracing.

Is this Indistinguishable Dao the mastermind behind this?

What does he want?

Where have the 20,000 human geniuses gone?

Therefore, Wudao Sect became the laughing cake of other sects.

The "Genius Conference of All Realms" has also become a joke......

"Are you going to participate in the Ten Thousand Realms Genius Conference? The kind that gets caught at the last level of the exam?"

"Haha, Wudao Sect can't even protect its disciples during the assessment. What's the use of going to this Sect?"

"Shhhhhhhh, keep your voice down, spreading nonsense will kill people..."

"Wudao Sect is really..."

"It is said that the Indistinguishable Dao Jing who caused the trouble has been killed. I don't know whether it is true or not."

"It's too much to bully others. The human race will never join the Wudao Sect."

"A rare genius in our clan Thousand Years! He died like this without even a single explanation from the Wudao Sect.

"My clan is migrating to the Changning Sect's territory."

Wudao Sect has no choice, they can't stop such rumors.

They can wipe out the mouth of one living being, but can they destroy the mouths of hundreds of millions of living beings?

I have the strength, but I can't do this.

Star Temple is not blind, they dare to do this.

Wudao Sect is not just a joke...

Some people within Wudao Sect even complained about Emperor Xuan, the master of Dao...

You can't be gentle and ask about the whereabouts of the captured human genius first! Or capture the murderer alive and publicly execute him to serve as a warning to others!

What's the point of being slapped to death?

However, only Emperor Xuan knew what was going on...

Can he say that his physical body was blown away by an Indistinguishable Dao? Can he say this?

He also spent so much of his great power to restore his body, and the more he thought about it, the more frustrated he became.

There is a saying mmp in my heart......

A strong person in the Indistinguishable Dao realm is so willing to take his own life. If he says to self-destruct, he will self-destruct. He doesn't care about martial ethics!

Maybe I blame myself for pushing too hard...

However, such things do not have a big impact on Wudao Sect, they are just some rumors.

The strength of their Wu Dao Sect is there, and there are still countless creatures who want to join.

The clone fell.

Lin Fan can feel it himself.

It doesn't matter, the clone army is suspected of practicing.

After more than 20,000 people's top geniuses began to practice, as expected, the time path progressed much faster.

The road of time is difficult to repair, and this progress is not enough.

Far from enough, progress is still too slow...

The threshold of the Great Path of Time is high, so it is useless to accept ordinary disciples.

Even with the Sect Talent bonus, Lin Fan can still use Martial Skill inheritance to help them Realm.

But if the disciple himself does not make progress, his strength will not increase.

It seems that I have come up with some extreme measures...

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