From Subordinate Sect To God-Level Sect

Chapter 331: Cast The Net Across The Board To Capture The Genius [5/10]

Recruiting top talent is not easy.

Geniuses of all races within the jurisdiction of each Grand Sect in the Star Temple will generally be recruited by the Grand Sect.

Asking him to travel around the various star realms to discover geniuses and pick up big Sect leaks is too inefficient and is tantamount to finding a needle in a haystack.

Moreover, their Sect can only recruit human geniuses, and only human geniuses can serve as his tools, which increases the difficulty of recruiting disciples.

He had no choice but to think of some extreme measures.

There are many top geniuses in existence…………

Basically everything is in the hands of the big Sect.

Every strong man in the Star Temple has power and genius under his command.

There are ready-made geniuses in these big sectors. If you want geniuses, you can only pay attention to these sectors...

He has tried it...

The threshold for Time Avenue is too high.

Even including the Sect Talent bonus, it is not something that ordinary geniuses can practice.

At least it must be a disciple that a strong person in the Indistinguishable Dao realm likes...

The powerful people in the Indistinguishable Dao realm have good vision. Except for special circumstances, their disciples basically meet the standards.

A strong person in the Indistinguishable Dao realm has a long lifespan, and generally recruits many disciples. It is normal for an Indistinguishable Dao realm to have thousands of disciples. Old antiques who have lived for a long time [their disciples even exceed 10,000].

Many of these geniuses have reached the ultimate level they can reach, that is, the peak of the Fusion Dao Realm.

No surprise, they can't make progress...

However, their understanding should still be there. As long as they join the Canglan Sect, Lin Fan can use the Martial Skill inheritance to let them understand the Avenue of Time, and then let them progress confidently. This will also speed up Lin Fan's understanding of the Avenue of Time.

The best thing is to find geniuses who practice the path of time, but there are very few...

There are very few people who are strong in the Time Dao Fusion Realm, and the Time Dao Fusion Realm is invincible.

But no one has broken through to the Indistinguishable Dao realm, and basically Transcend Tribulation has been killed by Heavenly Tribulation.

The peak of Fusion Dao Realm is the end of cultivating the Dao of Time......

Although same rank is invincible, it takes too long and few people choose to practice the Avenue of Time.

There are several strong men in the Star Temple who have cultivated to the peak of Fusion Dao Realm through the Way of Time, and each one of them is an antique.

Each of them is as stable as an old dog, and basically has a history of being rough...

Now they are also very stable. They basically don't accept dangerous tasks. They all choose to minor in cultivation, Formation Dao, Alchemy, Qi Dao, and other avenues to survive in the Star Temple.

Rarely takes action…………

He doesn't even accept many apprentices.

They only wait for the deadline to come before they will make a desperate attempt to attack the Indistinguishable Dao realm.

There are very few practitioners of the Avenue of is not easy to find practitioners of the Avenue of Time.

But catching talent is easy.

The problem is that we need to know the whereabouts of these geniuses. We can't just have Lin Fan knock on their door and ask for their geniuses!

His strength has not reached this level yet......

It is too slow to grasp efficiency alone...

So that’s all.

Lin Fan asked a clone to serve as the leader and dispatched some Sect disciples from the Time Tower.

An intelligence organization was established.

Let them infiltrate major Sects to collect information.

These disciples Lin Fan have used the power of the whole sect to help them improve their strength. The disciples who have been improved by the power of his whole sect can easily be favored by these big Sects.

Because they have realized many great ways...

Moreover, Lin Fan can completely control their strength. After a moment of Fusion Dao Realm, he can control them at will.

At what age and what strength he wants, he can create a genius...

It's easy to arrange for them to go in. Just control some people and send them in...

He doesn't need to do these things himself, he can do them by his avatar.

The intelligence organization Canglan Sect was named "Celestial" by Lin Fan

Lin Fan used another clone to set up a hunting organization, and after getting the news, he went to capture him.

The memories of Lin Fan and his avatar can communicate with each other. This is the secret of transforming the three pure beings into one thing. He himself is the information dissemination channel of the two intelligence organizations.

There is also a clone, Lin Fan sent him to the territory of the Tianmeng to capture the human geniuses in the Tianmeng...

If you catch them, teach them Martial Skill. Lin Fan can let them understand the avenue of time through the inheritance of Martial Skill.

After catching a certain number, send them to him and let them enter the Time Tower, so that they can play their greatest role.

The only way to transform the Three Pure Ones into one thing is to have Brother Rang's clone, otherwise he would definitely go back to the Pagoda of Pagoda, the Hall of Judgment and other other four major forces' territories to have a look...

This is all we can do for the time being.

Cast a wide net to catch geniuses.

It won’t work if we don’t catch geniuses.

Based on his current progress in Time Dao cultivation, it would take Thousand Years to reach the peak of Fusion Dao Realm...

Mainly because they have too few top geniuses in Canglan Sect...

He himself is not idle, he also has a place to go (with good money).

Maybe you can improve your strength if you go there.

This place is very special...

How special!

This place is independent of the Tianmeng and the five major forces, and is controlled by a first-class avenue master...

Moreover, the way the Lord of the Avenue exists is very strange, and he cannot move freely.

Because he was jointly sealed by the five major forces of the Tianmeng Alliance...

According to legend, the Lord of the Avenue is a big demon. According to ancient books, after he became the Lord of the Avenue, if he wanted to further improve his strength, he needed to improve his strength through a bloody method, and he had to sacrifice billions of creatures...

In the end, he was jointly sealed by hundreds of avenue lords, just because he was too terrifying and couldn't be killed... he could only be sealed.

The place where the Devil Emperor seals is:.

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