From Subordinate Sect To God-Level Sect

Chapter 336: Magical Order【10/10】

This voice echoed through the entire Devil World, and every creature could hear it clearly.

The sound source comes from the Devil World Center.

That was the Devil Emperor's territory, and no living being dared to set foot in that area.

Mainly because the name Devil Emperor is too scary......

Although the Devil Emperor once escaped, his strength was mostly weakened.

Only half of Devil Dao's first-class avenue remains.

But his strength is still very tyrannical, not inferior to ordinary first-class avenue masters.

Otherwise, the outside Tianmeng and the five major forces would have eradicated the Devil World, and there would be no agreement with the Devil Emperor.

It didn't take long before the Devil Emperor's voice came to mind.

I saw that the Hearts Demon Qi in the sealed Devil World had converged, and the entire Devilish Qi in the sealed Devil World had also converged...

Everything is back to normal.

This seems to be intentional by the Devil Emperor.

Then there was another voice.

"I haven't eaten meat for a long time,"

Hearing such a sentence, all the creatures in the Devil's World shuddered.

It's over, it's over, I don't know who is going to be unlucky again and become the food of the Devil Emperor.

"Hey, why is the delicious food I just smelled gone?"

A tall creature flew out from the center of Devil World.

He has a human body, all crimson, but has a pair of wings and a unicorn horn on his head. He is the legendary Devil Emperor.

In an instant, he arrived at the place where Lin Fan disappeared.

Devil Emperor murmured to himself: "Why did he just disappear from here? He has a lot of Taoist aura about him. He must be a genius and absolutely delicious. How could he disappear?||?"

Fortunately, Lin Fan hid in the Paradise of Cave...

The sword that bound him to Cave Heaven Paradise has been transferred by his clone, otherwise he might collide directly with the Devil Emperor when he comes out again.

After he entered the Cave Heaven Paradise, he was not in a hurry to come out.

However, a few clones were released to find out the news...

He was cursed by fifteen Indistinguishable Dao. I believe that it won't be long before they fight to death.

Because this is Devil World, it is a fighting paradise in itself.

Being cursed by the undead, they will definitely be unable to bear it...

The territory of the Devil World is too small, and it is probably all under the control of the Devil Emperor. Lin Fan does not dare to go out and mess around.

He hid in the Paradise of Cave and waited for their undead curse to strike. Once the path of life and death was over, he could come out and seize the avenue...

The Devil World has Indistinguishable Dao and he can seize the avenue immediately.

Forces outside the sealed Devil World should not dare to break in...

Because they have an agreement with the Devil Emperor not to set foot on each other's territory.

If there is a breach of contract, unless they kill the Devil Emperor, all living beings in the entire Evil God Ancient World will live in fear of the Devil Emperor.

So sealing Devil World is a good place for him to improve his strength.

He has to seize this opportunity…………

The next day, dozens of Avenue Lords gathered in the center of Devil World.

"Congratulations to welcome the Devil Emperor out of seclusion."

"Congratulations to welcome the Devil Emperor out of seclusion.

"Congratulations to the Devil Emperor for coming out of seclusion.

"Congratulations to welcome the Devil Emperor out of seclusion.

"Congratulations to the Devil Emperor for coming out of seclusion.

"Congratulations to welcome the Devil Emperor out of seclusion."

The Lords of the Avenue under the Devil Emperor came to greet him one after another.

There are also many Indistinguishable Dao who came to the Devil World after the Devil Emperor Closed Door Training came to pay their respects.

No matter how chaotic the Devil World is, the master is the Devil Emperor after all.

As long as they seal the Devil World, they are all considered the Devil Emperor's subordinates.

Any creature in the Devil World is contaminated by the curse of the Lord of Curses, and they all belong to the demon clan.

They are all existences that cannot be tolerated by the outside world.

You can only move around in the Devil World, so how can you not come to please the Devil Emperor?

As a result, Devil World became a refuge for demons.

If there are any extremely sinful creatures in the outside world, they will seal the Devil World when they are desperate. .

There is. After the heinous creatures are caught, the most cruel punishment for them is to destroy them and then throw them into the sealed Devil World...

The Devil Emperor has been sleeping for a long time. He did not expect that there would be so many Indistinguishable Dao realm experts in the sealed Devil World.

However, what they didn't expect was that the first words the Devil Emperor said were.

"`Have you ever seen a human being with multiple powers?"

"Never seen it."

"Never seen it.

"Never seen before,"

"never heard of that,

"Lord Devil Emperor, are you talking about an Indistinguishable Dao human being who came from the outside world yesterday?"

Devil Emperor said excitedly: "Yes, that's him. Do you know where he is?"

"Lord Devil Emperor, I fought with him. He was very cunning, so I chased him. He may be good at concealing his aura, but I captured a clone of him. I don't know if it will be of any use. "

As he spoke, he took out a Spirit Power clone that looked like Lin Fan.

Devil Emperor took a look, nodded and said: "It is indeed the aura on his body, yes, the clone belongs to me, this emperor will give you a magic order.

No matter who you are, you can become my follower as long as you hold the magic order. As long as you have talent for Devil Dao, you can become Devil Dao Indistinguishable Dao. ’

"Thank you, Devil Emperor." The Indistinguishable Dao who got the magic order felt grateful.

Little did he know that he had been targeted by many strong men.

After getting Lin Fan's clone, Devil Emperor said calmly: "Please help me find him, Lord of Prophecy."

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