From Subordinate Sect To God-Level Sect

Chapter 337 The Realm Above The Lord Of The Avenue [1/10]

The Lord of Prophecy is the most mysterious master under the Devil Emperor.

It can be said that he is his right-hand man.

It can even be said to be his savior...

Rumor has it that without her, the Devil Emperor would probably still be sealed and would not come out.

The Lord of the Great Road who prophesies the Great Road, he is similar to the Emperor of the Heavenly Alliance.

Possessing heaven-defying means of deducing the past and the future, the reason why Guangdi can survive until now is because of him...

He is the guiding light of Devil Emperor, allowing Devil Emperor to survive for a long time.

In fact, while the Devil Emperor was sealed, the Lord of Prophecy was attracted by the Heavenly Alliance and the five major forces. He could have a better life. No matter which side he joined, he would be more prosperous than following the Devil Emperor.

But after hearing the prophecy, the Lord rejected them and hid in secret.

He lay dormant until one day the seal sealing the Devil Emperor loosened, and he came out to help the Devil Emperor escape.

At this moment, Lin Fan didn't know that he had been targeted by the Devil Emperor, and asked the Lord of Prophecy to help guess his location.

Lin Fan is drinking and eating meat in the 880 Cave Heaven Paradise. He lives a very leisurely life. He opens the entrance to the Cave Heaven Paradise every day and receives the message from his avatar.

Fifteen Indistinguishable Dao realms were planted by him with the undead curse.

One of them has begun to go crazy. He was originally young.

Looking for a strong person to challenge...

Being cursed by the undead, if you don't suppress it with all your strength, it will gradually affect your mind.

Maybe fighting now makes him feel full and happy, but soon he will cry.

Eventually he will lose his mind and fight madly to death.

The Curse of the Undead is a secret technique produced by the system, which is really spooky and terrifying.

There is no news about the other cursed people yet.

Mainly because the clones he sent out were not the condensed clones of one qi and three pure beings.

It is a clone that is condensed by cultivating the Dao of Clone. Only the Realm of Fusion Dao has limited knowledge.

He even knew that one of his clones was caught, and he saw the same scene from the clone.

He saw a red humanoid creature with horns on its head and wings. Isn't this the legendary Devil Emperor?

The Devil Emperor actually wants to capture him...

He also saw a monster that was neither human nor ghost, using his clone to make deductions.

No wonder the moment he opened the Cave Heaven Paradise, the robbery sensed something, making him feel an inexplicable crisis.

After obtaining the information conveyed by the clone, he quickly closed the entrance to the Cave Heaven Paradise.

This sense of crisis disappeared...

at the same time,

"It has been deduced that he is in the Corruption Devil World of the Lord of Corruption, but it seems that he has used something to cover his own Celestial Secrets, making it impossible for me to deduce his specific location."

As he said this, the monster, neither human nor ghost, coughed loudly and coughed up black blood.

"Lord Devil Emperor, I can't continue the deduction."

Devil Emperor did not look at her and said coldly: "I know, how far have you come? Whether the avenue devours you or you swallow the avenue, it depends on you own Good Fortune. I can only tell you, you don't want to become The nourishment of the great road, just resist!"

As soon as these words came out.

The monster beside him, neither human nor ghost, suddenly transformed into a woman who confused (abfb) thousands of people of the same race as the Devil Emperor.

She seems to be a demon too. They are the authentic demons, but they are different from the Devil Emperor.

Her body was filled with the aura of holiness.

Devil Emperor said: "Come with me to corrupt Devil World and see,"


Corrosion Devil World has been checked over and over again, and none of them have fought Lin Fan.

A few days later Lin Fan came out on a Death Star to check the message.

It was discovered that an Indistinguishable Dao who had been cursed by him had died.

He tried to occupy the avenues, only to find that half of the 8% of the vacant avenues had been taken away.

He quickly started to fight for the way, these creatures moved so fast.

Because he has a strong understanding of the avenue, he seizes it very quickly.

Of the remaining four percent, three percent fell into his hands.

..... While Lin Fan was fighting for the way, inside the Tianmeng

"My emperor, please calm down. This thief is trying to seize the Devil World. We can't sleep with him."

"Damn it! I didn't expect that the traitor would die so quickly. I didn't expect that he would cultivate a successor in such a short period of time, Damn it."

"Oh, I didn't expect him to vote for Devil World."

"Six out of ten, seven out of ten are in our hands, it doesn't matter. Next, I will order them to seize part of the road occupied by the successor of the traitor.

"Is sealing the Devil World really that terrible? How many years has it been since the Devil Emperor disappeared?"

"Wouldn't it be better if we went into the Devil World and killed the demons in it?"

"I am willing to be the vanguard to conquer Devil World."

"Oh, you don't understand. Although the Devil Emperor escaped in embarrassment, he was a blessing in disguise. He incorporated the Tao into his body and entered the legendary "Dao Ancestor Realm." Although he entered the Tao Ancestor Realm with a mutilated Devil Dao, the strength of the Devil Emperor Definitely not to be underestimated.

You must know that none of our alliance leaders have ever stepped into the Dao Ancestor Realm! Otherwise, you think why we don’t seal Devil World. "

"I see, so there is a Realm above the Lord of Avenues?"

"Yes, but there are only a handful of evil gods in the ancient world who have reached this Realm.

Devil World will be blocked after two days.

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